Please help >__ young love

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by Heartstone on Friday, October 16, 2015 and has 10 replies.
Hi ,I just stubble upon here and was amaze at the kind of advice you all are giving .So I hope you could help me I'll appreciate your help thks^0^.

I'm an aries ,18 yrs old&have been seeing an Aquarius man(17yrs old)for almost a year.You may think it's puppy love butI love him for who he is even with his flaws I still grew fond of him.^-^Even when he's depressed I encourage him to open up but declines not wanting to burden me.I always try to get him to open up to me&gives him an option to back out,never pressuring him(is that good?)He recently started sending funny pics &videos of himself only to me even thought he's shy&reserved guy.Before all of this, I felt a spark but didnt approach him but he approach me first&that caused us to grew closer.
1month later,asked me out&be his girl,I refuse cause major exams but still going out/friends.Next year we're going to different sch so I ask if he could commit but he's unsure even when he says he's afraid of losing me.I love him so much that I cry when he doesn't text me but gotten used to the disappearing but is always there when I need him.I don't think I'll ever find another guy like him who is a gentleman, soft hearted,lame♡&funnyLaughing. But we're still so young,there's so much for us to explore.I'm just at a loss on what to do or maybe we should stay "friends "
Until we're old enough>\<

please help; _ ; are the things I do okay?
What approach should i take this relationship ?
PS: I'm going to prom with him ,any suggestions? Eg.dress colour?topics?
17 year old is a man?
Lol he acts like one so yeah a man,a childish manXD
I think it's cute that he sends you the videos and pics. He's letting you into his goofy side. He sounds adorable.

Just be yourself. Enjoy the relationship.
AwwW...cute story there!
Red n black will be safe choices n always work.Try lilac or sea green.Wish you the best smile
Thks ^-^ though I wore red and black for our first date ,ill try lilac thensmile
Aww how cute, young love problems.

Buck up quickly... You live and learn from your experience at a young age. Great it starts now for you two.. communication, understanding, honesty right now. And don't have sex yet. Just wait...learn each other faults right now to see if it's worth it all..

@OP- Pick a dress that no one has, think outside the box. Seriously I would. Eccentric and mild tone...what's your skin tone?
I'm Asian with a more light yellowish skin tone
And I do love eccentric kind of style and maybe more of the Victorian ,thanks for your opinion^-^

Oh thanks for your first comment I'm doing my best to make this work especially when he dissappear for quitea while and hopefully it goes wellLaughing and don't worry both of us are more of the sex after marriage so it's all goodsmile
Posted by killerwhalemoon
I just puked

Aww thanks this means my story was soo sweet that it made you puke ^-^ Thank you so very much