Please help with aqua girl. We fell in love fast.

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by jade72980 on Thursday, August 8, 2013 and has 4 replies.
Ok so I met a girl online. We talked over a month on the phone before we met. It was magical. I felt a spark like i never had before. We continued to talk and see each other and we started dating. I knew she was the one. She said she knew too. I left her come to me. She said i love you first etc. She talked about a future. About how when we make the move of moving in together she would keep my schooling in mind- where i wanted to go etc. Talked about promise rings. It continued to go smooth for months.She didn't want to date anyone else. She was very emotional towards me. Called me all the time, flirted, i love yous everyday. She had a bad injury and needed surgery. I helped her through her surgery and took care of her. While i was taking care of her ,She said i hope we move closer one day. I told her id love that. I helped cook for her , clean, etc. Then I went home after 4-5 days of taking care of her. A week later she keeps talking about moving closer to the beach. She wanted to be where her friends are etc. I kind of felt like what about me? She didn't even talk about me in the picture. We exchange a few words and broke up. Came out of nowhere. I have no idea what i did . Can you please help me with this? Then about 10 days later we talked and tried to work on things. But she wouldn't say what we are. Eventually she said we are still together but I want things to go slow. Since our break up at 10 months, it has been weird. She seems distant ( we do live about 2 hours away). I only see her about every 4-5 weeks now. We still talk every day but not long. When I did see her it felt normal she just gets weird when im not around. She has been busy lately. I am wondering if things will go back to where they were. Why would she pull back after a very serious commitment. I haven't heard the words i love you again and its been two months. Any suggestions? Do i just keep acting cool and calm, and leave her been on her "alone time ". Please offer any suggestions or why you think she is acting like this. In my opinion, I think she got scared of commitment. I think.. Thank you.
I have been giving her ,," her time". Letting her come to me. I know aquas are curious and goes off and tries to figures things out. Like how this works, or politics, etc. I am def trying to play it cool, calm, collected and confident. I know she already knows how i feel for her so I do not nag her on that. I am trying to be her friend first. I am just hoping things start up again. She is
She is worth the wait.
when i do see her, she still holds my hand, does the little things. We haven't been intimate yet. Just little kisses. def going slow. She just has her times when she doesn't talk. I have a feeling it will come back. I am trying to patient. She is worth the wait and my one. Never had feelings like this in my life.

By the way I am a LEO
we have been together almost a year now
sigh. If she is worth the wait, then do what you have to do. It sounds like pain and suffering.