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Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
Hmm, the ?Real? World ? how could such a philosophy exist among false pretense?
This arbitrary term for reality is quite the oxymoron. Why? My reasons are as follows:
1) Propaganda isn?t just a literary term but a ?way of life? for most humans. All societies are influenced by this in some way, even those who refuse to be associated with there government find themselves doing what they are told by those they choose to follow. Whether it?s liberal or conservative ? propaganda is what it is.
2) Religious fundamentalism seems to question spiritual humanity -- it?s self-explanatory
3) The Black Market is thriving more than most economies -- and it?s not just the common people keeping this way *** wink *** wink.
4) People who need to be rehabilitation are sent to prison but those who actual criminals (in a literal sense, not a irrigative sense) get rehabilitation or probation.
5) The portrait of the ?American Dream? (perfect family, ideal job etc.) went from being based on values and hard work ? to being as corrupted as the mentality of those that keep the Black Market thriving.
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Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
6) In society, most people put on a false image of who they really are.
For instance, that gangster, who mugged someone may appear aloof and unremorseful -- when in reality SHE could be mentally disturbed.
Another instance, the man who killed his two children and raped his girlfriend may appear to lost control mentality -- when in reality, he just wanted to get rid of three stress aspects in his life. He didn?t want to feel responsible anymore.
7) We live in a time where altering physical looks is just as common as going for a walk.
Breast implants, butt implants, calf implants .. You name, there just may be an implant for it.
8) Image is everything and some? If you don?t look the part, you are then labeled ?not? that part.
Men try to cover their bald spots, women spend money covering their gray hairs so they can look 20, when they are really 40. Men and women who wear suits try it evoke a persona that they are above those who choose to wear jeans and a tee shirt. People buy product after product to try and achieve the standard ?idea?.
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May 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 224 · Topics: 33
I must cappysweetie...that was some profound shit yow lol...very very deep
I would add my 5 cents, but we'd be here for days I'll just nod in agreement for now lol
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Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
"Not really. Your asessment of Osama Bin Laden is definitely a part of Qbones propaganda."
My opinions about Binny Boy were already established before OBone ... but we do understand each other and he gave me more insight.
"Humans + Nature = "real world""
Okay ... that's fine if that's what you want to believe but what I believe is in the original post. As a matter fact "nature" shouldn't be placed in the same sentence as "humans". Humans + Nature = "an oxymoron" to be exact.
Also, be don't demean capitalism because of it's suppress of cultural traditions. They question whether or not capitalism is an actual system, or an ideal -- has it really been explored in any particular economies ???
My guess is no. So this is why, it has nothing to do with the repress of different cultural identities.
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Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
Hey, you forgot #9, public bathroom toilet paper is one one grad away from writing paper, that's why it feels so bad when you use it.
10) In marketing, zero fat doesn't actually mean, zero fat.
LOL @ Primgen YEAH! Thank you for adding them, totally forgot of those two, they should definately be on the list!
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Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
"How do you define those who need rehabilitation? There are a lot of people in prison who certainly appear to be there."
Those who need rehabilitation are people with terrible additions to substance -- such as illegal drugs. Hundreds of men and women are imprisoned due to substance abuse. The fact that this happens is obscured because time prison will not help these people with their habits. Men and women who have a clear case of mental dysfunction are imprisoned as well -- it seems that the ?system? only looks after those with wealth who claimed to have physically hurt someone out of insanity. *** corruption at it's best ***
"Could you elaborate on how the American dream keeps the black market thriving?"
Have you ever watched ?Death of a Salesman?? My point above was that the fantasy of ?The American Dream?, has done more harm then good. There is no such thing as the perfect life but people believe it can be obtained .. And they try to do it by any means necessary. No the American Dream doesn't keep the black market thriving ... but the same principled corruption applies to both -- this is just the way I see it.
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Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
"The mentality is one of inferioity and fear of failure. they would whether feed on the innocent. The goal here isn't to hurt people, it is to sucessfully get someones money. It isn't as complex is mental problems, except for one of hoplessness.
There is divorce for that man. But if you commited yourself to at least the kids, it is a moral obligation to be responsible. People like this should be held in contempt. "
I agree with you Branh, and from that mentality (fear of failure) is why these people put up a false image. People they knew them (criminals) had no idea what they were doing it and why they were doing it. This goes back to wearing a mask to hide who you truly are.