I am an aqua girl. I met this guy 3 years ago at a 5-day event, and we had great connections. He tried to ask me out. But because I was too young and being a typical aqua, became scared that someone could pick up who I was that well within a short period of time, I totally disappeared.
I sent him a message later asking for help for a project. He gave me a long email of instruction. A year ago, I sent him another message about an opportunity I thought would fit him and he responded, thanking me.
The thing is even though in the past 3 years we lived in different places, I still kept thinking about him and even self-sabotaged potential love interests by comparing them to him in my head.
There's this nagging feeling that he might be the love of my life (which to be honest, it's pretty tough to say that and be an aqua).
I have moon in aries, taurus rising...
Any advices? If I send another message or add him on fb after 3 years, will he respond?
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Jan 29, 2011Comments: 663 · Posts: 12440 · Topics: 2
You never dated him to understand if there is a compatibility so how are you sayin that he could be the love of your life. So let me ask you, what do you know about him to think that he could be the love of your life?
Signed Up:
Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
I know I shouldn't be, but I am so mad at you!!! Girl any time you let a man get away, you take the chance of losing him for good! Yes I know there are other fish in the sea BUT come on, it's rare to meet someone who gives you that "feeling" w/o even having to do much LOL
If he's responded to you contacting him all those other times, why wouldn't he respond now? That's just you being paranoid
I'm sure this guy felt rejected by you back then, but the fact that he's been willing to help you over the years means that he probably still likes you. Either that or he's not the kind of person that's petty, sits in the corner & pouts just b/c someone rejected him, and that's a good thing lol
If I were you, I'd re-establish the contact. Observe a little bit. Add him as a friend on Facebook. See if he has a girlfriend, wife or someone in his life that he's serious with
If your "observations" (lol) look like he's single, go for it! Don't be too aggressive, but give him slight hints that you regret not taking him up on his offer when he asked you out & let him decide whether or not his interest in you is still there
And go from there! Who knows, he might say, "Ugh finally! Come here girl!" lol
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
.....It's like the person who suddenly gets an intuition that they're in danger! If you're walking by yourself & get that "feeling," you're supposed to make a move, drive off, lock your doors, SOMETHING! If you just sit there & ignore that feeling, you can't say your intuition was wrong just b/c you got robbed! Your intuition was CORRECT, it's just that you didn't do your part! HUGE DIFFERENCE!!
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
I'm the Queen Aqua honey =P
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Dec 20, 2011Comments: 362 · Posts: 10167 · Topics: 100
If the contact you've had expands as far as you've detailed here then don't worry too much about it. I know from my perspective I wouldn't think too much on it, the what ifs and what nots. meh. He's probably glad or happy that you made contact tbh.
Anyway look at it this way you ran away the first time, if he suspects this then I suppose he would be guarded or perhaps put you on the back burner until you're ready to stay. There's a few possibilities.
Why not just hang out casually for a while and see. Resist the urge to think he's your life partner for a while.
thank you Aquasnoz, i think all i need to do right now is calm down, continue living and look at things more objectively.