Self-Discovery in relation to Aqua,maybe maybe not

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by degenerate_ingenue on Sunday, July 26, 2015 and has 8 replies.
I posted here a while back stating how I was raised by Aqua father/Libra mother and my best relationships were w Aquas followed closely by Libra and then Gemini. I have Libra rising. (Score sun/Virgo moon in case people who never saw my post are wondering)

Anyways that is my short summary above, but I may have discovered a new POTENTIAL (not definite because I still consider myself an amateur at this) reason behind it. I could totally be wrong as well, but I redid my chart with including some astroids that have an effect on us as well. I have a Stellium in Aquarius in the 4th house. The planets/astroids included are: Saturn (main of course), Pallas and Vesta.

For those who are more well-rounded in astrology birth charts, could this be a possibility? Since they are all inside of the fourth house AND in Aquarius, this would mean that the 4th house is emphasized and Aquarius in regards to the 4th house is also emphasized?? I tried researching myself, but there are many sites with info on stellia except to say "if the stellium is all in one house then the emphasis of the astrological sign and the focus of the house collaborate to have more of an emphasis in your life than other components." That is my translation of the definition I found. Thoughts are welcome smile

I definitely want to learn more so if I sound like an idiot don't be afraid to tell me lol
hmmm I am not sure. I just looked at my chart again and 4th house is where Aquarius lies and 12th is where libra lies. 1st of course is Scorpio where I also have more than one stellium since that is my dominant (sun, merc, Venus, Pluto). but my Saturn is Aquarius, so is my Pallas and vesta where the Aqua stellium form. idk how to paste my actual chart from my phone so let me do a copy paste link version.. I apologize ahead of time LOL. I don't know if it will actually work....
I wanted to move at the end of this year but I will not be. no travel for me! but I want to move at the end of next year and go on vacation in May. smile traveling is one of my favorite things to do.

also doesn't look like the link/photo worked for my chart... I will retry when I am on my laptop

I GOT IT!!! Good lord this took me so long. Haven't used html codes in so long. I felt like an idiot. But hey, it's the end result that counts right!!
♥ thank you Big Grin Big Grin

my clumsy html attempts still receive acceptance lol. feeling the love!
smile thank you I definitely appreciate it!

Sometimes I'm not so much a fan of the Virgo moon in me, but other times I am. It at least keeps my emotions on lock but it also drives me crazy when the over self-awareness kicks in, blocking me from being myself (at times). & oh yes I remember! Sometimes I'm convinced all of my Scorp placements yet my airy elements/view on life have almost doomed me in love but seeing that your husband w the same Scorp placements has done it, I have that as a reference guide that there is hopeBig Grin. While I appear to repel earth and water signs intimately, I hope to find a fire or air who understands. Recently an Aqua friend of mine made some bold moves forward but went about it entirely wrong...he has a Cap moon so it was very out of his character, but he was inebriated...I put my foot down and told him common sense should tell him if he's that interested he can tell me when he is not inebriated and during daylight hours. He has backed off since and at first approached me uncertainly, now we are back to normal. He's a fiery/earthy one (Cap heavy- moon, Sat, Ura [could be Sag though, close to border], Nept, possibly ascendant too).

I've noticed my Aqua friends in general either are air heavy with earth, air earth and water, or earth heavy (LOTS OF CAPRICORN specifically) but there are a few with an even mixture of all 4 elements. The only Aqua with My Gem best friend is earth and air heavy, no water, but 3 major fire placements with 2 fiery asteroids. In contrast my SOLE Virgo friend has mainly earth and air. My Leo friends are either an even mix, or earth and air heavy. AIR is at LEAST 3 planets in every person I know, no matter their sun sign.
Oh you're telling me. He's a handful but after his shy spell at first meeting me we became pretty good friends. We began as coworkers. I was new, so as I learned I had three main people I asked questions: him and two others. When I'd ask him questions I got this vibe he didn't want to answer me and he chatted to everyone else all the time except me! Avoided me like the plague. My first day I blacked out (low iron) and he avoided me until my dad came to get me then he asked if I was okay without making eye contact. Well even though he gave off the vibe that he didn't want to talk to me at work I'd ask questions anyways because I wanted to learn and I was not going to let him intimidate me with his at the time what I thought was his dislike for me!

I will never forget the first time I tried joking around with him....because I was sick of him treating me like I "wasn't worthy" of his casual conversations. He asked for a pen and I said no. Obviously I was joking but he thought I was serious and he whipped his head around and gave me the most intense glare I had ever received to which I told him to calm down and that I was just joking around. He had no reply and went back to what he was doing. I was sad (rising Libra) because everyone liked me but him, and I liked how he interacted with everyone else and wanted to be his friend. I analyzed him. Little did I know he was analyzing me. When I was with customers multiple times, I could "feel" his eyes. . He watched and listened to a lot of my conversations and would bring up things I had said to others but not to him yet he remembered. I don't really remember when he decided to speak to me like a civil human being, but I do remember when he first went out of his way to say hi and ask me how I was and I was so taken aback all I did was stand there with my mouth hanging open and my entire face turned red!! LOL! From there we became pretty good friends, talking about religion, politics, humanity and where it's heading, views on relationship /all of our friends having kids and how it's too early, etc

I don't know if I want to pursue it or not...whatever it is. I am cautious. I enjoy being his friend far too much to destroy it with emotions. He's slowed down but still tries to hang out at night to which he gets the same responses: "no, ask me during the day". He'll say "tomorrow?" and tomorrow never comes. We mainly hang out in large groups, which I don't mind, but if he is pursues, I'd rather it not be at 1am
I am going with the flow for nowsmile his friendship is valued highly. I would only want him to pursue something for genuine reasons, not shallow ones that could disrupt the greatness of our friendship so I avoid the potential problem by disregarding his offers to meet up at late hours. He has told me he liked me but won't show affection to which I said I don't need, but I need honesty and not shallow manipulation to which I added.."if you want to manipulate someone, find someone who is a small-minded fool". (He was trying to hang out at 2 am again at this point).

Overall I pretty much avoid the confrontations. Or I ignore is 2 am messages. If I do reply I wait until the next morning saying 2 am is far too late to be trying to hang out and he needs to be logical and use his common sense.