Posted by Undine
Don't make a mountain out of a molehill. You seem to have got into a rut, with him using "his cousin" as a way to control you. It's your weak spot, and he loves pushing it, to get an emotional reaction from you. He gets pleasure from it, and the only way to stop it is to make it UNPLEASANT for him.
Each time he brings up his cousin, tell him to STFU. Never, ever get defensive and visible upset when someone accuses you! Accuse back! "How about the women you brought home before we were exclusive? Don't they count? Hypocrite!" Bring up any detail you can remember about any of those women. Give them names...invent things, if you can't remember. Beat him at his own idiotic mind game. Eventually, he will never mention "his cousin" again.
The "loving" thing is irrelevant. Aquas do not love...they conveniently attach to someone they either use, see as a friend, or both. If you don't like it, feel free to walk out.
Posted by UndineThe "loving" thing is irrelevant. Aquas do not love...they conveniently attach to someone they either use, see as a friend, or both.
Posted by STILLPosted by UndineThe "loving" thing is irrelevant. Aquas do not love...they conveniently attach to someone they either use, see as a friend, or both.
Do you think this about Aqua women too?click to expand
Posted by aquarius09
He’s using his male privilege to guilt trip you.
1. You weren’t exclusive, so it’s fair game for both parties to sleep with other people. Men just cry when someone beats them at their own game. Men do this all the time by keeping themselves label-free. When people aren’t exclusive or in fwb arrangement, one shouldn’t expect exclusivity. Too bad for his wrongful expectation. The only thing that probably bothers him and he’s not vocalizing is that it was with HIS cousin. You shouldn’t have slept so close to home. That’s what he can’t make amends with. Aquas have high egos and his is bruised because you slept with his cousin. This stops him from completely loving you.
I’d say you stop feeling guilty about it yourself so that his words have no power over you. People can only make you feel bad about things you haven’t forgiven yourself for. Get over it yourself and then you will be able to tell him to not mention it.
Posted by STILLOh....I'm sorry to have given the impression that my experiences with Aqua men were horrible....quite the contrary! They are adorable as friends, FWB, even as fathers (to feisty and independent daughters).Posted by UndinePosted by STILLPosted by UndineThe "loving" thing is irrelevant. Aquas do not love...they conveniently attach to someone they either use, see as a friend, or both.
Do you think this about Aqua women too?
I only got to know a few Aqua women at a very superficial level, so I don't know. Unless women born on 19th of February are mislabelled Aquas...I know 3 of them quite well. They are more family orientated than Aqua men, with a clear focus on their children, not husbands...
However, I have plenty of experience with Aqua men...father, mentor, long term friend, FWB, lover, ex...
Just curious. ‘Clear focus on the children’ sounds about right.
Sorry about your horrible experiences with Aqua men.
Thanks for your to expand
Posted by nanorobotThat was your friend. Sagittarius people don’t even play the victim well, which makes me even doubt what you’re saying. I’m water dominant and don’t even play the victim, but I’m sure it can happen on an individual human basis, so I can’t discount your story altogether.Posted by Black-Mamba
you a hoe a $ $ for sleeping with his cousin
you couldn't find any other dick, you slept with someone close to him who is his family member who he'll have to interact with his whole life knowing he fucked his future wife
he must really love you because I for sure would have kicked you out of my home and my life, the stress of playing that out in my brain for life would be too much
did he sleep with your sister or family member or best friend? so you'll never have to truly interact with those women he brought home
you don't even have empathy
are all sags dumb as fuck hore sluts
Whenever a sag woman wants the dick, come hell or high water, literally nothing in the world can stop her. They are extremely open, free, and sexual entities. Tunnel minded, even. Sex sex sex
I had a friend in high school, and it was just everyone, all the time. But especially married men was her thing lol. Then she acted like the victim when the wife/pregnant girlfriend came after her. “Omg I didn’t know!!!” Umm yes you did, I know you did 🙈🙈🙈click to expand
Posted by Undine
Don't make a mountain out of a molehill. You seem to have got into a rut, with him using "his cousin" as a way to control you. It's your weak spot, and he loves pushing it, to get an emotional reaction from you. He gets pleasure from it, and the only way to stop it is to make it UNPLEASANT for him.
Each time he brings up his cousin, tell him to STFU. Never, ever get defensive and visible upset when someone accuses you! Accuse back! "How about the women you brought home before we were exclusive? Don't they count? Hypocrite!" Bring up any detail you can remember about any of those women. Give them names...invent things, if you can't remember. Beat him at his own idiotic mind game. Eventually, he will never mention "his cousin" again.
The "loving" thing is irrelevant. Aquas do not love...they conveniently attach to someone they either use, see as a friend, or both. If you don't like it, feel free to walk out.
Posted by nanorobotIf it counts for anything, I completely read him wrong. I was really under the impression that he didn't feel any way about me at all 😭😭😭 and didn't want to move "forward" with me. Aquarius are so hard to read. Again, before the whole cousin thing, we were already fwb for 3-4 months, I feel like I gave him enough time to make it exclusive but he didn't, so even though I really had feelings for him I couldn't bring myself to say it because he never did or even made me feel like I had a chance, imoPosted by dilettante
sorry but i think sleeping w/ yr FWB/housemate’s cousin is sloppy af. you claimed you loved this aqua during FWB status but were inconsiderate by sleeping w/ his family member... that he’s clearly close w/ if he’s over at the house a lot.
i’d be rubbed the wrong way by it too.
Ya it was all fine and good, until she said she was already in love with him at the time. You don’t fuck someone’s cousin if you’re in love with them.
Would have been fine if she said that she didn’t feel that way about him til way later, after the fact. Mehhhhclick to expand
Posted by nanorobotCC can do no wrong in my eyes, so I chose to ignore her words. I will be a dumb hoe everyday for her. 🥰Posted by saggurl88Posted by nanorobotPosted by Black-Mamba
you a hoe a $ $ for sleeping with his cousin
you couldn't find any other dick, you slept with someone close to him who is his family member who he'll have to interact with his whole life knowing he fucked his future wife
he must really love you because I for sure would have kicked you out of my home and my life, the stress of playing that out in my brain for life would be too much
did he sleep with your sister or family member or best friend? so you'll never have to truly interact with those women he brought home
you don't even have empathy
are all sags dumb as fuck hore sluts
Whenever a sag woman wants the dick, come hell or high water, literally nothing in the world can stop her. They are extremely open, free, and sexual entities. Tunnel minded, even. Sex sex sex
I had a friend in high school, and it was just everyone, all the time. But especially married men was her thing lol. Then she acted like the victim when the wife/pregnant girlfriend came after her. “Omg I didn’t know!!!” Umm yes you did, I know you did 🙈🙈🙈
That was your friend. Sagittarius people don’t even play the victim well, which makes me even doubt what you’re saying. I’m water dominant and don’t even play the victim, but I’m sure it can happen on an individual human basis, so I can’t discount your story altogether.
The same can be said about Gemini men and women but I would never say it because I know it’s on an individual level.
You probably haven’t ever been with a Sagittarius if you think we are so tunnel minded. Just because we can freely talk about sex and admit to having it, doesn’t make us want to sleep with every human walking.
Typical Gemini grasping on to one sentence and running her mouth on it- well I can’t say the whole sign would do this. 🙂
You just decided to take what I said extremely personally, despite what others are saying here too, and that is your problem, not mine 😂😂
Cc literally just called sag women “dumb as fuck whore sluts”
I don’t care about your hurt feelings, like at all, it means nothing to to expand
Posted by Black-MambaYes, one of the women he brought over to the house was my best friend and yes, they did sleep together. No lie, it bothered me ALOT at the time, but we were not exclusive and my dumbass told my best friend I didn't like Aquaman (even though I did) and that he was just dick, so I couldn't get mad at him or her about it. She's a Gemini.
you a hoe a $ $ for sleeping with his cousin
you couldn't find any other dick, you slept with someone close to him who is his family member who he'll have to interact with his whole life knowing he fucked his future wife
he must really love you because I for sure would have kicked you out of my home and my life, the stress of playing that out in my brain for life would be too much
did he sleep with your sister or family member or best friend? so you'll never have to truly interact with those women he brought home
you don't even have empathy
are all sags dumb as fuck hore sluts
Posted by PhantumWho are you talking about me or CC?Posted by nanorobotPosted by saggurl88Posted by nanorobotPosted by Black-Mamba
you a hoe a $ $ for sleeping with his cousin
you couldn't find any other dick, you slept with someone close to him who is his family member who he'll have to interact with his whole life knowing he fucked his future wife
he must really love you because I for sure would have kicked you out of my home and my life, the stress of playing that out in my brain for life would be too much
did he sleep with your sister or family member or best friend? so you'll never have to truly interact with those women he brought home
you don't even have empathy
are all sags dumb as fuck hore sluts
Whenever a sag woman wants the dick, come hell or high water, literally nothing in the world can stop her. They are extremely open, free, and sexual entities. Tunnel minded, even. Sex sex sex
I had a friend in high school, and it was just everyone, all the time. But especially married men was her thing lol. Then she acted like the victim when the wife/pregnant girlfriend came after her. “Omg I didn’t know!!!” Umm yes you did, I know you did 🙈🙈🙈
That was your friend. Sagittarius people don’t even play the victim well, which makes me even doubt what you’re saying. I’m water dominant and don’t even play the victim, but I’m sure it can happen on an individual human basis, so I can’t discount your story altogether.
The same can be said about Gemini men and women but I would never say it because I know it’s on an individual level.
You probably haven’t ever been with a Sagittarius if you think we are so tunnel minded. Just because we can freely talk about sex and admit to having it, doesn’t make us want to sleep with every human walking.
Typical Gemini grasping on to one sentence and running her mouth on it- well I can’t say the whole sign would do this. 🙂
You just decided to take what I said extremely personally, despite what others are saying here too, and that is your problem, not mine 😂😂
Cc literally just called sag women “dumb as fuck whore sluts”
I don’t care about your hurt feelings, like at all, it means nothing to me.
She's still mad at me from yesterday because I called her sensitive. Clearly, she is not!click to expand
Posted by dilettanteI always thought this was a water placement thing. I’ve never come across victimization as part of being a 🔥 sign.Posted by saggurl88Posted by nanorobotPosted by Black-Mamba
you a hoe a $ $ for sleeping with his cousin
you couldn't find any other dick, you slept with someone close to him who is his family member who he'll have to interact with his whole life knowing he fucked his future wife
he must really love you because I for sure would have kicked you out of my home and my life, the stress of playing that out in my brain for life would be too much
did he sleep with your sister or family member or best friend? so you'll never have to truly interact with those women he brought home
you don't even have empathy
are all sags dumb as fuck hore sluts
Whenever a sag woman wants the dick, come hell or high water, literally nothing in the world can stop her. They are extremely open, free, and sexual entities. Tunnel minded, even. Sex sex sex
I had a friend in high school, and it was just everyone, all the time. But especially married men was her thing lol. Then she acted like the victim when the wife/pregnant girlfriend came after her. “Omg I didn’t know!!!” Umm yes you did, I know you did 🙈🙈🙈
That was your friend. Sagittarius people don’t even play the victim well, which makes me even doubt what you’re saying. I’m water dominant and don’t even play the victim, but I’m sure it can happen on an individual human basis, so I can’t discount your story altogether.
The same can be said about Gemini men and women but I would never say it because I know it’s on an individual level.
You probably haven’t ever been with a Sagittarius if you think we are so tunnel minded. Just because we can freely talk about sex and admit to having it, doesn’t make us want to sleep with every human walking.
Typical Gemini grasping on to one sentence and running her mouth on it- well I can’t say the whole sign would do this. 🙂
sowwy but every sag placement i know, victimizes TF outta to expand
Posted by PhantumIs nano not a Gemini? I said what I said and added not every Gemini 🙄 Clearly you’re having issues with reading comprehension this morning.Posted by saggurl88Posted by PhantumPosted by nanorobotPosted by saggurl88Posted by nanorobotPosted by Black-Mamba
you a hoe a $ $ for sleeping with his cousin
you couldn't find any other dick, you slept with someone close to him who is his family member who he'll have to interact with his whole life knowing he fucked his future wife
he must really love you because I for sure would have kicked you out of my home and my life, the stress of playing that out in my brain for life would be too much
did he sleep with your sister or family member or best friend? so you'll never have to truly interact with those women he brought home
you don't even have empathy
are all sags dumb as fuck hore sluts
Whenever a sag woman wants the dick, come hell or high water, literally nothing in the world can stop her. They are extremely open, free, and sexual entities. Tunnel minded, even. Sex sex sex
I had a friend in high school, and it was just everyone, all the time. But especially married men was her thing lol. Then she acted like the victim when the wife/pregnant girlfriend came after her. “Omg I didn’t know!!!” Umm yes you did, I know you did 🙈🙈🙈
That was your friend. Sagittarius people don’t even play the victim well, which makes me even doubt what you’re saying. I’m water dominant and don’t even play the victim, but I’m sure it can happen on an individual human basis, so I can’t discount your story altogether.
The same can be said about Gemini men and women but I would never say it because I know it’s on an individual level.
You probably haven’t ever been with a Sagittarius if you think we are so tunnel minded. Just because we can freely talk about sex and admit to having it, doesn’t make us want to sleep with every human walking.
Typical Gemini grasping on to one sentence and running her mouth on it- well I can’t say the whole sign would do this. 🙂
You just decided to take what I said extremely personally, despite what others are saying here too, and that is your problem, not mine 😂😂
Cc literally just called sag women “dumb as fuck whore sluts”
I don’t care about your hurt feelings, like at all, it means nothing to me.
She's still mad at me from yesterday because I called her sensitive. Clearly, she is not!
Who are you talking about me or CC?
If it’s me, you’re funny lol. I never stay “mad” at anyone. I’ve been liking your posts.
I don’t mind being called sensitive. But my feelings aren’t hurt. There’s a difference.
Riiiight. That's why you made that jab about Geminis at the end. I see to expand
Posted by dilettanteThanks, I actually don't drink at all. But when I do, I have a bad habit of overdoing it 😔😔😔 I will admit that 👺👺👺Posted by MissTaiLeePosted by nanorobotPosted by dilettante
sorry but i think sleeping w/ yr FWB/housemate’s cousin is sloppy af. you claimed you loved this aqua during FWB status but were inconsiderate by sleeping w/ his family member... that he’s clearly close w/ if he’s over at the house a lot.
i’d be rubbed the wrong way by it too.
Ya it was all fine and good, until she said she was already in love with him at the time. You don’t fuck someone’s cousin if you’re in love with them.
Would have been fine if she said that she didn’t feel that way about him til way later, after the fact. Mehhhh
If it counts for anything, I completely read him wrong. I was really under the impression that he didn't feel any way about me at all 😭😭😭 and didn't want to move "forward" with me. Aquarius are so hard to read. Again, before the whole cousin thing, we were already fwb for 3-4 months, I feel like I gave him enough time to make it exclusive but he didn't, so even though I really had feelings for him I couldn't bring myself to say it because he never did or even made me feel like I had a chance, imo
nah, you cant blame the aqua’s “lack of expressed emotion” for you fucking his cousin. that was YOUR bad, not the aqua’s.
you fucked his close family member, while you were “in love” with the aqua bc you were drunk af. regardless of it being official or not, it’s not cute.
maybe you need to quit drinking?click to expand
Posted by dilettanteOh. I guess victimizing comes in all different forms. I’m used to it being more manipulative. I never thought of throwing a fit When a person doesn’t get their way as playing the victim.Posted by saggurl88Posted by dilettantePosted by saggurl88Posted by nanorobotPosted by Black-Mamba
you a hoe a $ $ for sleeping with his cousin
you couldn't find any other dick, you slept with someone close to him who is his family member who he'll have to interact with his whole life knowing he fucked his future wife
he must really love you because I for sure would have kicked you out of my home and my life, the stress of playing that out in my brain for life would be too much
did he sleep with your sister or family member or best friend? so you'll never have to truly interact with those women he brought home
you don't even have empathy
are all sags dumb as fuck hore sluts
Whenever a sag woman wants the dick, come hell or high water, literally nothing in the world can stop her. They are extremely open, free, and sexual entities. Tunnel minded, even. Sex sex sex
I had a friend in high school, and it was just everyone, all the time. But especially married men was her thing lol. Then she acted like the victim when the wife/pregnant girlfriend came after her. “Omg I didn’t know!!!” Umm yes you did, I know you did 🙈🙈🙈
That was your friend. Sagittarius people don’t even play the victim well, which makes me even doubt what you’re saying. I’m water dominant and don’t even play the victim, but I’m sure it can happen on an individual human basis, so I can’t discount your story altogether.
The same can be said about Gemini men and women but I would never say it because I know it’s on an individual level.
You probably haven’t ever been with a Sagittarius if you think we are so tunnel minded. Just because we can freely talk about sex and admit to having it, doesn’t make us want to sleep with every human walking.
Typical Gemini grasping on to one sentence and running her mouth on it- well I can’t say the whole sign would do this. 🙂
sowwy but every sag placement i know, victimizes TF outta themselves.
I always thought this was a water placement thing. I’ve never come across victimization as part of being a 🔥 sign.
self victimizing from fire signs makes total sense to me.
just watch an aries throw a fit when they dont get their way.
aries drop it after they throw the fit. sag will project their self victimizing on the other person. everything is always someone else’s fault... bc sag’s hate to expand
Posted by nanorobotI definitely was in love with him, but my mindset was that Aquaman and I were never going to happen because he was still bringing other women to the house 💁💁💁 it is what it is. And one of the ladies he brought over was my own best friend before the cousin thing even happened.Posted by dilettante
sorry but i think sleeping w/ yr FWB/housemate’s cousin is sloppy af. you claimed you loved this aqua during FWB status but were inconsiderate by sleeping w/ his family member... that he’s clearly close w/ if he’s over at the house a lot.
i’d be rubbed the wrong way by it too.
Ya it was all fine and good, until she said she was already in love with him at the time. You don’t fuck someone’s cousin if you’re in love with them.
Would have been fine if she said that she didn’t feel that way about him til way later, after the fact. Mehhhhclick to expand
Posted by nanorobotI don’t like things so organized so I didn’t read the pointers just the last line.Posted by saggurl88Posted by nanorobotPosted by saggurl88Posted by nanorobotPosted by Black-Mamba
you a hoe a $ $ for sleeping with his cousin
you couldn't find any other dick, you slept with someone close to him who is his family member who he'll have to interact with his whole life knowing he fucked his future wife
he must really love you because I for sure would have kicked you out of my home and my life, the stress of playing that out in my brain for life would be too much
did he sleep with your sister or family member or best friend? so you'll never have to truly interact with those women he brought home
you don't even have empathy
are all sags dumb as fuck hore sluts
Whenever a sag woman wants the dick, come hell or high water, literally nothing in the world can stop her. They are extremely open, free, and sexual entities. Tunnel minded, even. Sex sex sex
I had a friend in high school, and it was just everyone, all the time. But especially married men was her thing lol. Then she acted like the victim when the wife/pregnant girlfriend came after her. “Omg I didn’t know!!!” Umm yes you did, I know you did 🙈🙈🙈
That was your friend. Sagittarius people don’t even play the victim well, which makes me even doubt what you’re saying. I’m water dominant and don’t even play the victim, but I’m sure it can happen on an individual human basis, so I can’t discount your story altogether.
The same can be said about Gemini men and women but I would never say it because I know it’s on an individual level.
You probably haven’t ever been with a Sagittarius if you think we are so tunnel minded. Just because we can freely talk about sex and admit to having it, doesn’t make us want to sleep with every human walking.
Typical Gemini grasping on to one sentence and running her mouth on it- well I can’t say the whole sign would do this. 🙂
You just decided to take what I said extremely personally, despite what others are saying here too, and that is your problem, not mine 😂😂
Cc literally just called sag women “dumb as fuck whore sluts”
I don’t care about your hurt feelings, like at all, it means nothing to me.
CC can do no wrong in my eyes, so I chose to ignore her words. I will be a dumb hoe everyday for her. 🥰
Half the stuff she says is just as she’s writing and she just goes all the way with it when she’s getting her point across. I love her for it.
You didn’t hurt my feelings at all. Maybe it would hurt if it touched on something personal, but I’ve never done anything like what the OP did.
I commented on your “Whenever a Sag wants dick, it’s hell or high water- like all sag women are desperate. That’s one thing that a Sagittarius will never be.
This isn’t my problem at all. It’s the OPs.
So 1) don’t lash out at me because you choose to hold other people to different standards
And 2) don’t lash out at me for attempting (and failing) to read between the lines and placing intention behind my words without asking me. Don’t tell me what I meant when I said something - you can just ask me instead of reflexively taking it personally to the nth level.
No one ever said, not once, or even implied that sag women were “desperate”. I said they loved sex very much and were very sexual to expand
Posted by Black-MambaSome jerry springer shit huh? LolPosted by MissTaiLeePosted by Black-Mamba
you a hoe a $ $ for sleeping with his cousin
you couldn't find any other dick, you slept with someone close to him who is his family member who he'll have to interact with his whole life knowing he fucked his future wife
he must really love you because I for sure would have kicked you out of my home and my life, the stress of playing that out in my brain for life would be too much
did he sleep with your sister or family member or best friend? so you'll never have to truly interact with those women he brought home
you don't even have empathy
are all sags dumb as fuck hore sluts
Yes, one of the women he brought over to the house was my best friend and yes, they did sleep together. No lie, it bothered me ALOT at the time, but we were not exclusive and my dumbass told my best friend I didn't like Aquaman (even though I did) and that he was just dick, so I couldn't get mad at him or her about it. She's a Gemini.
And the only reason I treated us so casually is because he did, he brought 3 girls over within the 1st 2 months that I was living there. So at that point, I was like "oh he really don't care about me"
What kind of ho fuckery is this
This is beyond my limitationsclick to expand
Posted by dilettanteLol are you kidding? I guess that’s how a Scorpio would see it. Like I said, I’m water dominant. I’m all about feelings, when I show them. Sag moons are nothing like the Suns. Just like Scorpio Sun and Moons. There’s a big difference in them.Posted by saggurl88Posted by dilettantePosted by saggurl88Posted by dilettantePosted by saggurl88Posted by nanorobotPosted by Black-Mamba
you a hoe a $ $ for sleeping with his cousin
you couldn't find any other dick, you slept with someone close to him who is his family member who he'll have to interact with his whole life knowing he fucked his future wife
he must really love you because I for sure would have kicked you out of my home and my life, the stress of playing that out in my brain for life would be too much
did he sleep with your sister or family member or best friend? so you'll never have to truly interact with those women he brought home
you don't even have empathy
are all sags dumb as fuck hore sluts
Whenever a sag woman wants the dick, come hell or high water, literally nothing in the world can stop her. They are extremely open, free, and sexual entities. Tunnel minded, even. Sex sex sex
I had a friend in high school, and it was just everyone, all the time. But especially married men was her thing lol. Then she acted like the victim when the wife/pregnant girlfriend came after her. “Omg I didn’t know!!!” Umm yes you did, I know you did 🙈🙈🙈
That was your friend. Sagittarius people don’t even play the victim well, which makes me even doubt what you’re saying. I’m water dominant and don’t even play the victim, but I’m sure it can happen on an individual human basis, so I can’t discount your story altogether.
The same can be said about Gemini men and women but I would never say it because I know it’s on an individual level.
You probably haven’t ever been with a Sagittarius if you think we are so tunnel minded. Just because we can freely talk about sex and admit to having it, doesn’t make us want to sleep with every human walking.
Typical Gemini grasping on to one sentence and running her mouth on it- well I can’t say the whole sign would do this. 🙂
sowwy but every sag placement i know, victimizes TF outta themselves.
I always thought this was a water placement thing. I’ve never come across victimization as part of being a 🔥 sign.
self victimizing from fire signs makes total sense to me.
just watch an aries throw a fit when they dont get their way.
aries drop it after they throw the fit. sag will project their self victimizing on the other person. everything is always someone else’s fault... bc sag’s hate responsibility.
Oh. I guess victimizing comes in all different forms. I’m used to it being more manipulative. I never thought of throwing a fit When a person doesn’t get their way as playing the victim.
You’re last statement must be related to who you know. I have no problem admitting anything cause the other person isn’t gonna do anything about it anyways. There’s no need to hold back.
I thought Sag was known for being blunt and honest. Not taking responsibility, is the opposite of that.
responsibility doesnt really have much to do w/ being “blunt & honest”. taking responsibility is recognizing when you’ve acted out emotionally, over what someone said, objectively. you took something personally & acted out.
i know
5 sag moons
7 sag suns
they all self victimize & project it out onto others bc “feelings are icky so it must be your fault”.click to expand
Posted by Black-Mamba😂😂😂😂😂 yes we really are a whole mess "rotisserie chicken factory" 😭😭😭 "jerry springer" 💀💀💀💀Posted by CreativeCapPosted by Black-MambaPosted by MissTaiLeePosted by Black-Mamba
you a hoe a $ $ for sleeping with his cousin
you couldn't find any other dick, you slept with someone close to him who is his family member who he'll have to interact with his whole life knowing he fucked his future wife
he must really love you because I for sure would have kicked you out of my home and my life, the stress of playing that out in my brain for life would be too much
did he sleep with your sister or family member or best friend? so you'll never have to truly interact with those women he brought home
you don't even have empathy
are all sags dumb as fuck hore sluts
Yes, one of the women he brought over to the house was my best friend and yes, they did sleep together. No lie, it bothered me ALOT at the time, but we were not exclusive and my dumbass told my best friend I didn't like Aquaman (even though I did) and that he was just dick, so I couldn't get mad at him or her about it. She's a Gemini.
And the only reason I treated us so casually is because he did, he brought 3 girls over within the 1st 2 months that I was living there. So at that point, I was like "oh he really don't care about me"
What kind of ho fuckery is this
This is beyond my limitations
Some jerry springer shit huh? Lol
It’s like a rotisserie chicken factoryclick to expand
Posted by dilettanteThat’s the reason why I quoted her because I didn’t agree with her generalization of Sagittarius women.Posted by saggurl88Posted by PhantumPosted by saggurl88Posted by PhantumPosted by nanorobotPosted by saggurl88Posted by nanorobotPosted by Black-Mamba
you a hoe a $ $ for sleeping with his cousin
you couldn't find any other dick, you slept with someone close to him who is his family member who he'll have to interact with his whole life knowing he fucked his future wife
he must really love you because I for sure would have kicked you out of my home and my life, the stress of playing that out in my brain for life would be too much
did he sleep with your sister or family member or best friend? so you'll never have to truly interact with those women he brought home
you don't even have empathy
are all sags dumb as fuck hore sluts
Whenever a sag woman wants the dick, come hell or high water, literally nothing in the world can stop her. They are extremely open, free, and sexual entities. Tunnel minded, even. Sex sex sex
I had a friend in high school, and it was just everyone, all the time. But especially married men was her thing lol. Then she acted like the victim when the wife/pregnant girlfriend came after her. “Omg I didn’t know!!!” Umm yes you did, I know you did 🙈🙈🙈
That was your friend. Sagittarius people don’t even play the victim well, which makes me even doubt what you’re saying. I’m water dominant and don’t even play the victim, but I’m sure it can happen on an individual human basis, so I can’t discount your story altogether.
The same can be said about Gemini men and women but I would never say it because I know it’s on an individual level.
You probably haven’t ever been with a Sagittarius if you think we are so tunnel minded. Just because we can freely talk about sex and admit to having it, doesn’t make us want to sleep with every human walking.
Typical Gemini grasping on to one sentence and running her mouth on it- well I can’t say the whole sign would do this. 🙂
You just decided to take what I said extremely personally, despite what others are saying here too, and that is your problem, not mine 😂😂
Cc literally just called sag women “dumb as fuck whore sluts”
I don’t care about your hurt feelings, like at all, it means nothing to me.
She's still mad at me from yesterday because I called her sensitive. Clearly, she is not!
Who are you talking about me or CC?
If it’s me, you’re funny lol. I never stay “mad” at anyone. I’ve been liking your posts.
I don’t mind being called sensitive. But my feelings aren’t hurt. There’s a difference.
Riiiight. That's why you made that jab about Geminis at the end. I see you.
Is nano not a Gemini? I said what I said and added not every Gemini 🙄 Clearly you’re having issues with reading comprehension this morning.
We get into this every mercury retrograde- So Happy Anniversary! 💐
girl, you came for nano & threw in all the gemini jabs as a knee jerk response bc you didnt like what she said.
i am chill w/ you but, cmon, ya gotta start recognizing shit you do & stop shifting blame every time you get yr feelings to expand
Posted by PhantumSOPosted by ELIGAB
I completely stopped reading after sleeping with the cousin
yea you're friend with benefits but you could've slept with anyone but his cousin..
The first page with everyone saying it's not your fault is bullshit
They're delusional and probably have sag placements
Girl, I am not delusional. lol
He was bringing girls over to sleep with, including her best friend. Maybe she figured he brought the cousin over for her, since he was bringing so much sex.
I do see the cousin thing, though. That's gotta to expand
Posted by PhantumCome on nowPosted by ELIGABPosted by PhantumPosted by ELIGAB
I completely stopped reading after sleeping with the cousin
yea you're friend with benefits but you could've slept with anyone but his cousin..
The first page with everyone saying it's not your fault is bullshit
They're delusional and probably have sag placements
Girl, I am not delusional. lol
He was bringing girls over to sleep with, including her best friend. Maybe she figured he brought the cousin over for her, since he was bringing so much sex.
I do see the cousin thing, though. That's gotta smart.
First of all she's FWB/roommate with feelings/love all involved. Which she's aware of
You don't fuck anyone I'm acquainted with
My aqua moon is OFFENDED
TBH, I'd be livid too. lolclick to expand
Posted by nanorobotI’m just gonna copy and paste this cause I think the only people who are in their feelings is the women who are mad that I didn’t say anything to CCPosted by saggurl88Posted by nanorobotPosted by saggurl88Posted by nanorobotPosted by saggurl88Posted by nanorobotPosted by Black-Mamba
you a hoe a $ $ for sleeping with his cousin
you couldn't find any other dick, you slept with someone close to him who is his family member who he'll have to interact with his whole life knowing he fucked his future wife
he must really love you because I for sure would have kicked you out of my home and my life, the stress of playing that out in my brain for life would be too much
did he sleep with your sister or family member or best friend? so you'll never have to truly interact with those women he brought home
you don't even have empathy
are all sags dumb as fuck hore sluts
Whenever a sag woman wants the dick, come hell or high water, literally nothing in the world can stop her. They are extremely open, free, and sexual entities. Tunnel minded, even. Sex sex sex
I had a friend in high school, and it was just everyone, all the time. But especially married men was her thing lol. Then she acted like the victim when the wife/pregnant girlfriend came after her. “Omg I didn’t know!!!” Umm yes you did, I know you did 🙈🙈🙈
That was your friend. Sagittarius people don’t even play the victim well, which makes me even doubt what you’re saying. I’m water dominant and don’t even play the victim, but I’m sure it can happen on an individual human basis, so I can’t discount your story altogether.
The same can be said about Gemini men and women but I would never say it because I know it’s on an individual level.
You probably haven’t ever been with a Sagittarius if you think we are so tunnel minded. Just because we can freely talk about sex and admit to having it, doesn’t make us want to sleep with every human walking.
Typical Gemini grasping on to one sentence and running her mouth on it- well I can’t say the whole sign would do this. 🙂
You just decided to take what I said extremely personally, despite what others are saying here too, and that is your problem, not mine 😂😂
Cc literally just called sag women “dumb as fuck whore sluts”
I don’t care about your hurt feelings, like at all, it means nothing to me.
CC can do no wrong in my eyes, so I chose to ignore her words. I will be a dumb hoe everyday for her. 🥰
Half the stuff she says is just as she’s writing and she just goes all the way with it when she’s getting her point across. I love her for it.
You didn’t hurt my feelings at all. Maybe it would hurt if it touched on something personal, but I’ve never done anything like what the OP did.
I commented on your “Whenever a Sag wants dick, it’s hell or high water- like all sag women are desperate. That’s one thing that a Sagittarius will never be.
This isn’t my problem at all. It’s the OPs.
So 1) don’t lash out at me because you choose to hold other people to different standards
And 2) don’t lash out at me for attempting (and failing) to read between the lines and placing intention behind my words without asking me. Don’t tell me what I meant when I said something - you can just ask me instead of reflexively taking it personally to the nth level.
No one ever said, not once, or even implied that sag women were “desperate”. I said they loved sex very much and were very sexual entities.
I don’t like things so organized so I didn’t read the pointers just the last line.
You said sag WOMEN were hungry for dick and nothing stops them when they want it. Lol.
But both of us can pretty much say what we want to say. It’s an open forum. So I still stick with my original statements because I meant what I said when I said it.
3) don’t lash out at me, and then admit that you didn’t even fully read what I said in the post that you lashed out about.
Like..... LMAO are you joking? Take responsibility for your shit already. It’s not that hard.
Come on: “I admit I reacted emotionally and catty when it wasn’t valid”
You don’t even have to apologize if you don’t want to. That gets awkward for me, on my to expand
Posted by PhantumPosted by CreativeCap
I don’t know about leaving him. Maybe just hold off on marriage until y’all see a counselor.
All of our various opinions and infighting notwithstanding, this is some good advice. See a counselor if y'all love each to expand
Posted by PhantumTEMPTATIONSPosted by ELIGABPosted by PhantumPosted by ELIGABPosted by PhantumPosted by ELIGAB
I completely stopped reading after sleeping with the cousin
yea you're friend with benefits but you could've slept with anyone but his cousin..
The first page with everyone saying it's not your fault is bullshit
They're delusional and probably have sag placements
Girl, I am not delusional. lol
He was bringing girls over to sleep with, including her best friend. Maybe she figured he brought the cousin over for her, since he was bringing so much sex.
I do see the cousin thing, though. That's gotta smart.
First of all she's FWB/roommate with feelings/love all involved. Which she's aware of
You don't fuck anyone I'm acquainted with
My aqua moon is OFFENDED
TBH, I'd be livid too. lol
Come on now
And the Gemini is completely innocent in this situation
Sag probably came on strong and didn't know what to do
Nah, that Gemini is kinda nasty too. He knew better. SMHclick to expand
Posted by dilettanteYou guys are seriously in your feelings.Posted by saggurl88Posted by dilettantePosted by saggurl88Posted by PhantumPosted by saggurl88Posted by PhantumPosted by nanorobotPosted by saggurl88Posted by nanorobotPosted by Black-Mamba
you a hoe a $ $ for sleeping with his cousin
you couldn't find any other dick, you slept with someone close to him who is his family member who he'll have to interact with his whole life knowing he fucked his future wife
he must really love you because I for sure would have kicked you out of my home and my life, the stress of playing that out in my brain for life would be too much
did he sleep with your sister or family member or best friend? so you'll never have to truly interact with those women he brought home
you don't even have empathy
are all sags dumb as fuck hore sluts
Whenever a sag woman wants the dick, come hell or high water, literally nothing in the world can stop her. They are extremely open, free, and sexual entities. Tunnel minded, even. Sex sex sex
I had a friend in high school, and it was just everyone, all the time. But especially married men was her thing lol. Then she acted like the victim when the wife/pregnant girlfriend came after her. “Omg I didn’t know!!!” Umm yes you did, I know you did 🙈🙈🙈
That was your friend. Sagittarius people don’t even play the victim well, which makes me even doubt what you’re saying. I’m water dominant and don’t even play the victim, but I’m sure it can happen on an individual human basis, so I can’t discount your story altogether.
The same can be said about Gemini men and women but I would never say it because I know it’s on an individual level.
You probably haven’t ever been with a Sagittarius if you think we are so tunnel minded. Just because we can freely talk about sex and admit to having it, doesn’t make us want to sleep with every human walking.
Typical Gemini grasping on to one sentence and running her mouth on it- well I can’t say the whole sign would do this. 🙂
You just decided to take what I said extremely personally, despite what others are saying here too, and that is your problem, not mine 😂😂
Cc literally just called sag women “dumb as fuck whore sluts”
I don’t care about your hurt feelings, like at all, it means nothing to me.
She's still mad at me from yesterday because I called her sensitive. Clearly, she is not!
Who are you talking about me or CC?
If it’s me, you’re funny lol. I never stay “mad” at anyone. I’ve been liking your posts.
I don’t mind being called sensitive. But my feelings aren’t hurt. There’s a difference.
Riiiight. That's why you made that jab about Geminis at the end. I see you.
Is nano not a Gemini? I said what I said and added not every Gemini 🙄 Clearly you’re having issues with reading comprehension this morning.
We get into this every mercury retrograde- So Happy Anniversary! 💐
girl, you came for nano & threw in all the gemini jabs as a knee jerk response bc you didnt like what she said.
i am chill w/ you but, cmon, ya gotta start recognizing shit you do & stop shifting blame every time you get yr feelings hurt.
That’s the reason why I quoted her because I didn’t agree with her generalization of Sagittarius women.
I don’t understand what you’re saying?
There was no knee jerk response. It was a response and was fairly thought out about generalizations of my sign and hers. Which got my point across.
The fact that you guys keep saying my feeling are hurt are pretty funny. Why would my feelings be hurt about someone saying something about a whole sign and it doesn’t pertain to me, well other then the fact that I love sex.
Women can’t “project” their “feelings” into me because that’s how they would feel in a certain situation. A stranger can rarely hurt my feelings. The only ones who can are people I care about.
Like I said before. Hurt feelings and having a sensitivity to sweeping generalizations are different.
I wasn’t personally hurt, just making a statement.
I said I didn’t play the victim and that Sagittarius people aren’t tunnel minded and only think about sex.
And you all think my feelings were hurt by those 2 statements? They aren’t even emotional statements.
you can say whatever you want but your actions speak louder.
i called you out so then you started attacking scorpios.
knee jerk reactions that are projecting out to other people.
looking at things objectively might help but you lack air energy to expand
Posted by nanorobotKnowing aqua, not going to deep with details or expressing his lovePosted by ELIGABPosted by PhantumPosted by ELIGABPosted by PhantumPosted by ELIGAB
I completely stopped reading after sleeping with the cousin
yea you're friend with benefits but you could've slept with anyone but his cousin..
The first page with everyone saying it's not your fault is bullshit
They're delusional and probably have sag placements
Girl, I am not delusional. lol
He was bringing girls over to sleep with, including her best friend. Maybe she figured he brought the cousin over for her, since he was bringing so much sex.
I do see the cousin thing, though. That's gotta smart.
First of all she's FWB/roommate with feelings/love all involved. Which she's aware of
You don't fuck anyone I'm acquainted with
My aqua moon is OFFENDED
TBH, I'd be livid too. lol
Come on now
And the Gemini is completely innocent in this situation
Sag probably came on strong and didn't know what to do
I’m wondering if the gem cousin knew? On the outside, it might have looked like she was just a to expand
Posted by dilettanteK thanks for being so understanding.Posted by saggurl88
My statement was just a statement
no it wasnt but ok
whatever makes you feel better & not responsible for getting in yr “sensitivity”.click to expand
Posted by PhantumThey're not "blood" cousins. They are cousins by choice because they were close as childhood friends. And Aquaman dropped that "cousin" quick cause after Geminiman found out we were official, he had the nerve to hmu asking to "chill" and to this day, he still tries to hmuPosted by ELIGAB
I completely stopped reading after sleeping with the cousin
yea you're friend with benefits but you could've slept with anyone but his cousin..
The first page with everyone saying it's not your fault is bullshit
They're delusional and probably have sag placements
Girl, I am not delusional. lol
He was bringing girls over to sleep with, including her best friend. Maybe she figured he brought the cousin over for her, since he was bringing so much sex.
I do see the cousin thing, though. That's gotta to expand
Posted by dilettanteI actually didn’t mean it as a low key jab but your a water sign and so I said it with the emotion of a water sign seeing THAT intent like that. Fire signs don’t use emotions as a forefront for intent.Posted by saggurl88Posted by dilettantePosted by saggurl88Posted by dilettantePosted by saggurl88Posted by PhantumPosted by saggurl88Posted by PhantumPosted by nanorobotPosted by saggurl88Posted by nanorobotPosted by Black-Mamba
you a hoe a $ $ for sleeping with his cousin
you couldn't find any other dick, you slept with someone close to him who is his family member who he'll have to interact with his whole life knowing he fucked his future wife
he must really love you because I for sure would have kicked you out of my home and my life, the stress of playing that out in my brain for life would be too much
did he sleep with your sister or family member or best friend? so you'll never have to truly interact with those women he brought home
you don't even have empathy
are all sags dumb as fuck hore sluts
Whenever a sag woman wants the dick, come hell or high water, literally nothing in the world can stop her. They are extremely open, free, and sexual entities. Tunnel minded, even. Sex sex sex
I had a friend in high school, and it was just everyone, all the time. But especially married men was her thing lol. Then she acted like the victim when the wife/pregnant girlfriend came after her. “Omg I didn’t know!!!” Umm yes you did, I know you did 🙈🙈🙈
That was your friend. Sagittarius people don’t even play the victim well, which makes me even doubt what you’re saying. I’m water dominant and don’t even play the victim, but I’m sure it can happen on an individual human basis, so I can’t discount your story altogether.
The same can be said about Gemini men and women but I would never say it because I know it’s on an individual level.
You probably haven’t ever been with a Sagittarius if you think we are so tunnel minded. Just because we can freely talk about sex and admit to having it, doesn’t make us want to sleep with every human walking.
Typical Gemini grasping on to one sentence and running her mouth on it- well I can’t say the whole sign would do this. 🙂
You just decided to take what I said extremely personally, despite what others are saying here too, and that is your problem, not mine 😂😂
Cc literally just called sag women “dumb as fuck whore sluts”
I don’t care about your hurt feelings, like at all, it means nothing to me.
She's still mad at me from yesterday because I called her sensitive. Clearly, she is not!
Who are you talking about me or CC?
If it’s me, you’re funny lol. I never stay “mad” at anyone. I’ve been liking your posts.
I don’t mind being called sensitive. But my feelings aren’t hurt. There’s a difference.
Riiiight. That's why you made that jab about Geminis at the end. I see you.
Is nano not a Gemini? I said what I said and added not every Gemini 🙄 Clearly you’re having issues with reading comprehension this morning.
We get into this every mercury retrograde- So Happy Anniversary! 💐
girl, you came for nano & threw in all the gemini jabs as a knee jerk response bc you didnt like what she said.
i am chill w/ you but, cmon, ya gotta start recognizing shit you do & stop shifting blame every time you get yr feelings hurt.
That’s the reason why I quoted her because I didn’t agree with her generalization of Sagittarius women.
I don’t understand what you’re saying?
There was no knee jerk response. It was a response and was fairly thought out about generalizations of my sign and hers. Which got my point across.
The fact that you guys keep saying my feeling are hurt are pretty funny. Why would my feelings be hurt about someone saying something about a whole sign and it doesn’t pertain to me, well other then the fact that I love sex.
Women can’t “project” their “feelings” into me because that’s how they would feel in a certain situation. A stranger can rarely hurt my feelings. The only ones who can are people I care about.
Like I said before. Hurt feelings and having a sensitivity to sweeping generalizations are different.
I wasn’t personally hurt, just making a statement.
I said I didn’t play the victim and that Sagittarius people aren’t tunnel minded and only think about sex.
And you all think my feelings were hurt by those 2 statements? They aren’t even emotional statements.
you can say whatever you want but your actions speak louder.
i called you out so then you started attacking scorpios.
knee jerk reactions that are projecting out to other people.
looking at things objectively might help but you lack air energy so...
You guys are seriously in your feelings.
I said Scorpio moons aren’t like the suns. That’s not attacking.
Damn are all your periods linked up or something.
This is the craziest shit I’ve ever come across.
You guys are big mad over here in this forum.
There’s no reason to be! Have some coffeee. Lighten up a little.
you are literally the one who needs to lighten up.
and correction you said “LOL... a scorpio would see it like this”.
that is a low key jab. dont fucking play like it wasnt w/ yr passive aggressive ass moon & hurt ego mars.
i aint responding back to your stupid shit circles anymore. so dont quote me.
chase yr own god damn tail & see where it gets to expand
Posted by PhantumLMAOOPosted by MissTaiLeePosted by PhantumPosted by ELIGAB
I completely stopped reading after sleeping with the cousin
yea you're friend with benefits but you could've slept with anyone but his cousin..
The first page with everyone saying it's not your fault is bullshit
They're delusional and probably have sag placements
Girl, I am not delusional. lol
He was bringing girls over to sleep with, including her best friend. Maybe she figured he brought the cousin over for her, since he was bringing so much sex.
I do see the cousin thing, though. That's gotta smart.
They're not "blood" cousins. They are cousins by choice because they were close as childhood friends. And Aquaman dropped that "cousin" quick cause after Geminiman found out we were official, he had the nerve to hmu asking to "chill" and to this day, he still tries to hmu
And as for my bestfriend, Geminiwoman, I had to drop her because after she and Aquaman did their thing she ended up going crazy about him. She stalked him on fb, she was constantly texting me asking why he wasn't answering her calls and she would call me asking to hangout, but when she came over she wouldn't even chill with me, she would try to interact with my roomie Aquaman and would bust into his room without him giving her permission. He finally told me I can't bring her over cause she kept invading his privacy, kept using me as a connection for her to get back in touch with him when he didnt want to so it got awkward between Geminiwoman and I.
So basically, Aquaman and I dropped both of our Geminis 💀💀💀💀 I'm pretty sure they both hate us 😭😭😭😭
Sag and Aqua using horny Geminis to score points on each other. Gemini hate crime!
JK, lol
That's a mess. So, things have been calm since then but he's not over it emotionally? Or are y'all still playing with each other?click to expand
Posted by dilettante💀💀💀 this ain't it 💀💀💀 I swear 😂😂😂na, we were all drunk and just finished smoking two-three joints. And for the record, the cousin made the move 👺👺👺 such an idiot I should've never let it happen but when you're cross faded you don't really think much 💁💁💁Posted by PhantumPosted by dilettantePosted by PhantumPosted by ELIGAB
I completely stopped reading after sleeping with the cousin
yea you're friend with benefits but you could've slept with anyone but his cousin..
The first page with everyone saying it's not your fault is bullshit
They're delusional and probably have sag placements
Girl, I am not delusional. lol
He was bringing girls over to sleep with, including her best friend. Maybe she figured he brought the cousin over for her, since he was bringing so much sex.
I do see the cousin thing, though. That's gotta smart.
ya know, or maybe OP fucked the cousin out of spite? to get back at aqua for fucking her best friend?
So, I didn't want to say it, because I wanted to give the OP the benefit of the doubt, but I was thinking that somewhere in the back of her drunk mind she saw his cousin and thought, "let's find out if he really doesn't have feelings for me and likes these hoes better..."
i got $ 5 on itclick to expand
Posted by Black-MambaI actually liked this and then read the last line but I agree, we are delusional. It’s part of our optimism!Posted by ELIGAB
I completely stopped reading after sleeping with the cousin
yea you're friend with benefits but you could've slept with anyone but his cousin..
The first page with everyone saying it's not your fault is bullshit
They're delusional and probably have sag placements
😂🤣😂🤣 at last line
No mercyclick to expand
Posted by dilettanteI made it extra saucy, so you would quote me! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Posted by saggurl88Posted by dilettantePosted by saggurl88Posted by dilettantePosted by saggurl88Posted by dilettantePosted by saggurl88Posted by PhantumPosted by saggurl88Posted by PhantumPosted by nanorobotPosted by saggurl88Posted by nanorobotPosted by Black-Mamba
you a hoe a $ $ for sleeping with his cousin
you couldn't find any other dick, you slept with someone close to him who is his family member who he'll have to interact with his whole life knowing he fucked his future wife
he must really love you because I for sure would have kicked you out of my home and my life, the stress of playing that out in my brain for life would be too much
did he sleep with your sister or family member or best friend? so you'll never have to truly interact with those women he brought home
you don't even have empathy
are all sags dumb as fuck hore sluts
Whenever a sag woman wants the dick, come hell or high water, literally nothing in the world can stop her. They are extremely open, free, and sexual entities. Tunnel minded, even. Sex sex sex
I had a friend in high school, and it was just everyone, all the time. But especially married men was her thing lol. Then she acted like the victim when the wife/pregnant girlfriend came after her. “Omg I didn’t know!!!” Umm yes you did, I know you did 🙈🙈🙈
That was your friend. Sagittarius people don’t even play the victim well, which makes me even doubt what you’re saying. I’m water dominant and don’t even play the victim, but I’m sure it can happen on an individual human basis, so I can’t discount your story altogether.
The same can be said about Gemini men and women but I would never say it because I know it’s on an individual level.
You probably haven’t ever been with a Sagittarius if you think we are so tunnel minded. Just because we can freely talk about sex and admit to having it, doesn’t make us want to sleep with every human walking.
Typical Gemini grasping on to one sentence and running her mouth on it- well I can’t say the whole sign would do this. 🙂
You just decided to take what I said extremely personally, despite what others are saying here too, and that is your problem, not mine 😂😂
Cc literally just called sag women “dumb as fuck whore sluts”
I don’t care about your hurt feelings, like at all, it means nothing to me.
She's still mad at me from yesterday because I called her sensitive. Clearly, she is not!
Who are you talking about me or CC?
If it’s me, you’re funny lol. I never stay “mad” at anyone. I’ve been liking your posts.
I don’t mind being called sensitive. But my feelings aren’t hurt. There’s a difference.
Riiiight. That's why you made that jab about Geminis at the end. I see you.
Is nano not a Gemini? I said what I said and added not every Gemini 🙄 Clearly you’re having issues with reading comprehension this morning.
We get into this every mercury retrograde- So Happy Anniversary! 💐
girl, you came for nano & threw in all the gemini jabs as a knee jerk response bc you didnt like what she said.
i am chill w/ you but, cmon, ya gotta start recognizing shit you do & stop shifting blame every time you get yr feelings hurt.
That’s the reason why I quoted her because I didn’t agree with her generalization of Sagittarius women.
I don’t understand what you’re saying?
There was no knee jerk response. It was a response and was fairly thought out about generalizations of my sign and hers. Which got my point across.
The fact that you guys keep saying my feeling are hurt are pretty funny. Why would my feelings be hurt about someone saying something about a whole sign and it doesn’t pertain to me, well other then the fact that I love sex.
Women can’t “project” their “feelings” into me because that’s how they would feel in a certain situation. A stranger can rarely hurt my feelings. The only ones who can are people I care about.
Like I said before. Hurt feelings and having a sensitivity to sweeping generalizations are different.
I wasn’t personally hurt, just making a statement.
I said I didn’t play the victim and that Sagittarius people aren’t tunnel minded and only think about sex.
And you all think my feelings were hurt by those 2 statements? They aren’t even emotional statements.
you can say whatever you want but your actions speak louder.
i called you out so then you started attacking scorpios.
knee jerk reactions that are projecting out to other people.
looking at things objectively might help but you lack air energy so...
You guys are seriously in your feelings.
I said Scorpio moons aren’t like the suns. That’s not attacking.
Damn are all your periods linked up or something.
This is the craziest shit I’ve ever come across.
You guys are big mad over here in this forum.
There’s no reason to be! Have some coffeee. Lighten up a little.
you are literally the one who needs to lighten up.
and correction you said “LOL... a scorpio would see it like this”.
that is a low key jab. dont fucking play like it wasnt w/ yr passive aggressive ass moon & hurt ego mars.
i aint responding back to your stupid shit circles anymore. so dont quote me.
chase yr own god damn tail & see where it gets you.
I actually didn’t mean it as a low key jab but your a water sign and so I said it with the emotion of a water sign seeing THAT intent like that. Fire signs don’t use emotions as a forefront for intent.
I’m not being passive aggressive and my feelings aren’t hurt. I think as a fire sign mars, I would be angry first. And I’m not.
I was reading it line by line and just saw you said don’t quote me but I don’t listen well anyways when told what to do, another stubborn Sag trait- but I take FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR IT.
Are you proud of me? See! Mutables can change!
Thanks for going in circles with me this morning. It’s been fun! Have a good day, hun! 😘😘🥰🥰
GO AWAYclick to expand
Posted by nanorobotWhat drama?? Generalizations? There’s no drama in that.Posted by saggurl88Posted by dilettantePosted by saggurl88Posted by dilettantePosted by saggurl88Posted by PhantumPosted by saggurl88Posted by PhantumPosted by nanorobotPosted by saggurl88Posted by nanorobotPosted by Black-Mamba
you a hoe a $ $ for sleeping with his cousin
you couldn't find any other dick, you slept with someone close to him who is his family member who he'll have to interact with his whole life knowing he fucked his future wife
he must really love you because I for sure would have kicked you out of my home and my life, the stress of playing that out in my brain for life would be too much
did he sleep with your sister or family member or best friend? so you'll never have to truly interact with those women he brought home
you don't even have empathy
are all sags dumb as fuck hore sluts
Whenever a sag woman wants the dick, come hell or high water, literally nothing in the world can stop her. They are extremely open, free, and sexual entities. Tunnel minded, even. Sex sex sex
I had a friend in high school, and it was just everyone, all the time. But especially married men was her thing lol. Then she acted like the victim when the wife/pregnant girlfriend came after her. “Omg I didn’t know!!!” Umm yes you did, I know you did 🙈🙈🙈
That was your friend. Sagittarius people don’t even play the victim well, which makes me even doubt what you’re saying. I’m water dominant and don’t even play the victim, but I’m sure it can happen on an individual human basis, so I can’t discount your story altogether.
The same can be said about Gemini men and women but I would never say it because I know it’s on an individual level.
You probably haven’t ever been with a Sagittarius if you think we are so tunnel minded. Just because we can freely talk about sex and admit to having it, doesn’t make us want to sleep with every human walking.
Typical Gemini grasping on to one sentence and running her mouth on it- well I can’t say the whole sign would do this. 🙂
You just decided to take what I said extremely personally, despite what others are saying here too, and that is your problem, not mine 😂😂
Cc literally just called sag women “dumb as fuck whore sluts”
I don’t care about your hurt feelings, like at all, it means nothing to me.
She's still mad at me from yesterday because I called her sensitive. Clearly, she is not!
Who are you talking about me or CC?
If it’s me, you’re funny lol. I never stay “mad” at anyone. I’ve been liking your posts.
I don’t mind being called sensitive. But my feelings aren’t hurt. There’s a difference.
Riiiight. That's why you made that jab about Geminis at the end. I see you.
Is nano not a Gemini? I said what I said and added not every Gemini 🙄 Clearly you’re having issues with reading comprehension this morning.
We get into this every mercury retrograde- So Happy Anniversary! 💐
girl, you came for nano & threw in all the gemini jabs as a knee jerk response bc you didnt like what she said.
i am chill w/ you but, cmon, ya gotta start recognizing shit you do & stop shifting blame every time you get yr feelings hurt.
That’s the reason why I quoted her because I didn’t agree with her generalization of Sagittarius women.
I don’t understand what you’re saying?
There was no knee jerk response. It was a response and was fairly thought out about generalizations of my sign and hers. Which got my point across.
The fact that you guys keep saying my feeling are hurt are pretty funny. Why would my feelings be hurt about someone saying something about a whole sign and it doesn’t pertain to me, well other then the fact that I love sex.
Women can’t “project” their “feelings” into me because that’s how they would feel in a certain situation. A stranger can rarely hurt my feelings. The only ones who can are people I care about.
Like I said before. Hurt feelings and having a sensitivity to sweeping generalizations are different.
I wasn’t personally hurt, just making a statement.
I said I didn’t play the victim and that Sagittarius people aren’t tunnel minded and only think about sex.
And you all think my feelings were hurt by those 2 statements? They aren’t even emotional statements.
you can say whatever you want but your actions speak louder.
i called you out so then you started attacking scorpios.
knee jerk reactions that are projecting out to other people.
looking at things objectively might help but you lack air energy so...
You guys are seriously in your feelings.
I said Scorpio moons aren’t like the suns. That’s not attacking.
Damn are all your periods linked up or something.
This is the craziest shit I’ve ever come across.
You guys are big mad over here in this forum.
There’s no reason to be! Have some coffeee. Lighten up a little.
You are acting like a victim again. You were the one originally who was frothing at the mouth about a “generalization” and pure assumptions based on nothing, then turned around and did the same exact thing to dilettante, and now you’re trying to gaslight us and act like we are out of control and that you’ve been the chill one all along and that we are the ones in our feelings, when you are called out on your bullshit 🤣🤣
It was a nice try with the bait and switch, but that isn’t going to work here, sorry 🤷🏼♀️
Imagine starting drama and then trying to turn it around like you are the victim, and then further, saying that you’re never to expand
Posted by nanorobotChallenge Accepted! 😃Posted by saggurl88Posted by nanorobotPosted by saggurl88Posted by dilettantePosted by saggurl88Posted by dilettantePosted by saggurl88Posted by PhantumPosted by saggurl88Posted by PhantumPosted by nanorobotPosted by saggurl88Posted by nanorobotPosted by Black-Mamba
you a hoe a $ $ for sleeping with his cousin
you couldn't find any other dick, you slept with someone close to him who is his family member who he'll have to interact with his whole life knowing he fucked his future wife
he must really love you because I for sure would have kicked you out of my home and my life, the stress of playing that out in my brain for life would be too much
did he sleep with your sister or family member or best friend? so you'll never have to truly interact with those women he brought home
you don't even have empathy
are all sags dumb as fuck hore sluts
Whenever a sag woman wants the dick, come hell or high water, literally nothing in the world can stop her. They are extremely open, free, and sexual entities. Tunnel minded, even. Sex sex sex
I had a friend in high school, and it was just everyone, all the time. But especially married men was her thing lol. Then she acted like the victim when the wife/pregnant girlfriend came after her. “Omg I didn’t know!!!” Umm yes you did, I know you did 🙈🙈🙈
That was your friend. Sagittarius people don’t even play the victim well, which makes me even doubt what you’re saying. I’m water dominant and don’t even play the victim, but I’m sure it can happen on an individual human basis, so I can’t discount your story altogether.
The same can be said about Gemini men and women but I would never say it because I know it’s on an individual level.
You probably haven’t ever been with a Sagittarius if you think we are so tunnel minded. Just because we can freely talk about sex and admit to having it, doesn’t make us want to sleep with every human walking.
Typical Gemini grasping on to one sentence and running her mouth on it- well I can’t say the whole sign would do this. 🙂
You just decided to take what I said extremely personally, despite what others are saying here too, and that is your problem, not mine 😂😂
Cc literally just called sag women “dumb as fuck whore sluts”
I don’t care about your hurt feelings, like at all, it means nothing to me.
She's still mad at me from yesterday because I called her sensitive. Clearly, she is not!
Who are you talking about me or CC?
If it’s me, you’re funny lol. I never stay “mad” at anyone. I’ve been liking your posts.
I don’t mind being called sensitive. But my feelings aren’t hurt. There’s a difference.
Riiiight. That's why you made that jab about Geminis at the end. I see you.
Is nano not a Gemini? I said what I said and added not every Gemini 🙄 Clearly you’re having issues with reading comprehension this morning.
We get into this every mercury retrograde- So Happy Anniversary! 💐
girl, you came for nano & threw in all the gemini jabs as a knee jerk response bc you didnt like what she said.
i am chill w/ you but, cmon, ya gotta start recognizing shit you do & stop shifting blame every time you get yr feelings hurt.
That’s the reason why I quoted her because I didn’t agree with her generalization of Sagittarius women.
I don’t understand what you’re saying?
There was no knee jerk response. It was a response and was fairly thought out about generalizations of my sign and hers. Which got my point across.
The fact that you guys keep saying my feeling are hurt are pretty funny. Why would my feelings be hurt about someone saying something about a whole sign and it doesn’t pertain to me, well other then the fact that I love sex.
Women can’t “project” their “feelings” into me because that’s how they would feel in a certain situation. A stranger can rarely hurt my feelings. The only ones who can are people I care about.
Like I said before. Hurt feelings and having a sensitivity to sweeping generalizations are different.
I wasn’t personally hurt, just making a statement.
I said I didn’t play the victim and that Sagittarius people aren’t tunnel minded and only think about sex.
And you all think my feelings were hurt by those 2 statements? They aren’t even emotional statements.
you can say whatever you want but your actions speak louder.
i called you out so then you started attacking scorpios.
knee jerk reactions that are projecting out to other people.
looking at things objectively might help but you lack air energy so...
You guys are seriously in your feelings.
I said Scorpio moons aren’t like the suns. That’s not attacking.
Damn are all your periods linked up or something.
This is the craziest shit I’ve ever come across.
You guys are big mad over here in this forum.
There’s no reason to be! Have some coffeee. Lighten up a little.
You are acting like a victim again. You were the one originally who was frothing at the mouth about a “generalization” and pure assumptions based on nothing, then turned around and did the same exact thing to dilettante, and now you’re trying to gaslight us and act like we are out of control and that you’ve been the chill one all along and that we are the ones in our feelings, when you are called out on your bullshit 🤣🤣
It was a nice try with the bait and switch, but that isn’t going to work here, sorry 🤷🏼♀️
Imagine starting drama and then trying to turn it around like you are the victim, and then further, saying that you’re never wrong.
What drama?? Generalizations? There’s no drama in that.
iT wAs A sTatEmEnT.
The only drama that was trying to be started was the little gang up that was unsuccessful because it didn’t work and I kept my cool. Because my feelings weren’t actually hurt, like I’ve been saying from the beginning.
No one is turning anything around.
But you’ve apologized to me and I accept so
Great. I’ll be looking forward to your passive aggressive comments toward me for the next year or so, until you blow up again for no reason. 👌🏼click to expand
Posted by La_MariposaSounds like the courtesy was gone the second he fucked other women in front of her. Play stupid games win stupid prizesPosted by SagInTheSun898
This guy wanted to sleep around and have her in the wings in case he couldn't find something better. He wanted her to shut her mouth the whole time while he was doing it too. She didn't and apparently that makes her a S L U T.
( Ya right ) *eye roll*
I think he should be grateful you even considered him partner material after that and lucky you didn't slit this throat in his sleep.
The cousin was a bad idea only because that gave him a tool to abuse you with and use against you for the rest of your life. If he really loved you fully and said he forgave you he would forgive you. Not bring up over and over and be emotionally abusive.
Again no one is perfect but be kind to yourself, forgive yourself and pick the best and safest option for yourself
it’s common courtesy to not sleep with a close friend or family to expand
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