Should I Take This As A Compliment?

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by scarletvixen on Friday, March 25, 2016 and has 9 replies.
The Aqua guy I've been talking to over the years has never once complimented me on the way I look (although he has no problem telling other girls that they're cute/pretty easily) but likes to stress on how much he loves my brain and how I think. I find it odd that he especially likes to stress on it whenever we have disagreements. I've also noticed that he pretty much takes on whatever suggestions that I give to him. At the risk of sounding like an insecure girl, how big of a compliment is this coming from an Aqua (with heavy Capricorn influences)? Thank you in advance!
I would take it as a compliment. He enjoys spending time with you and talking to you. He probably sees you as a friend but you never know if that will change. It seems that you like him. You need to stay in touch with him and live your life. Flirt with him once in a while. You could tell him how you feel but there is risk with that. If he sees you with another guy, as in having a boyfriend, he may begin to see you in a different light. If not, and if you enjoy spending time talking to him and being with him, there is nothing wrong with being a friend as long as you can handle just that if he offers nothing else.
Posted by scarletvixen
The Aqua guy I've been talking to over the years has never once complimented me on the way I look (although he has no problem telling other girls that they're cute/pretty easily) but likes to stress on how much he loves my brain and how I think. I find it odd that he especially likes to stress on it whenever we have disagreements. I've also noticed that he pretty much takes on whatever suggestions that I give to him. At the risk of sounding like an insecure girl, how big of a compliment is this coming from an Aqua (with heavy Capricorn influences)? Thank you in advance!

you are a virgo. you have a right to feel insecure.
Posted by Piscis_Hominis
I would take it as a compliment. He enjoys spending time with you and talking to you. He probably sees you as a friend but you never know if that will change. It seems that you like him. You need to stay in touch with him and live your life. Flirt with him once in a while. You could tell him how you feel but there is risk with that. If he sees you with another guy, as in having a boyfriend, he may begin to see you in a different light. If not, and if you enjoy spending time talking to him and being with him, there is nothing wrong with being a friend as long as you can handle just that if he offers nothing else.

maybe. you want what you can't have.
Posted by puhleeze
Posted by Piscis_Hominis
I would take it as a compliment. He enjoys spending time with you and talking to you. He probably sees you as a friend but you never know if that will change. It seems that you like him. You need to stay in touch with him and live your life. Flirt with him once in a while. You could tell him how you feel but there is risk with that. If he sees you with another guy, as in having a boyfriend, he may begin to see you in a different light. If not, and if you enjoy spending time talking to him and being with him, there is nothing wrong with being a friend as long as you can handle just that if he offers nothing else.

maybe. you want what you can't have.
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It is human nature to seek what we cannot have. It takes time and experience to recognize when we should not chase the impossible or improbable. Sometimes we need others to help us see this, but we have to be willing to listen and make tough choices.
Posted by Piscis_Hominis
Posted by puhleeze
Posted by Piscis_Hominis
I would take it as a compliment. He enjoys spending time with you and talking to you. He probably sees you as a friend but you never know if that will change. It seems that you like him. You need to stay in touch with him and live your life. Flirt with him once in a while. You could tell him how you feel but there is risk with that. If he sees you with another guy, as in having a boyfriend, he may begin to see you in a different light. If not, and if you enjoy spending time talking to him and being with him, there is nothing wrong with being a friend as long as you can handle just that if he offers nothing else.

maybe. you want what you can't have.

It is human nature to seek what we cannot have. It takes time and experience to recognize when we should not chase the impossible or improbable. Sometimes we need others to help us see this, but we have to be willing to listen and make tough choices.
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i meant it in a good way. sometimes we take people for granted and go after what we can't have, but then when the person we took for granted is not available anymore we realize what they mean to us and then want them.. hmmm.. feelings are complicated. it is true you do not see what is right in front of you until it is gone..
Agreed. Can go both ways. We chase what might not be good for us because we can't have it and we ignore what might be good for us until it is gone and it's too late.
Thank you @piscis_hominis and @puhleeze for your input! We've gotten past the confession part and where we are at right now is this limbo whereby we can't be together because we live on different continents but at the same time, we do not want to let go (because we've tried that and it made us miserable for a whole year) of the friendship that we have. I guess the best thing to do is just approach it as a friendship. Thank you again for your opinions!
when i look back and think why things didn't work out with somebody the only conclusion i can draw is maybe the feelings weren't strong, the love was not there? if two people are crazy in love, no sorry, if the guy is crazy in love with the girl, he will make it happen. he will not leave her alone. if he can leave her alone, the feelings are not that strong. not sure if this makes sense? because when in love the logic goes out of the window. as girls, we wait for the man to take the action. and he will take action only if he feels it strongly or does not want to lose you to another man.