Stranger Than Fiction

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by MellowDee on Monday, December 18, 2006 and has 6 replies.
Has anyone seen this movie? It's brilliant so go and see it. And Will Ferrell is gorge. If I come across a big poster of him I will defo purchase it for my bedroom wall like a teenager. He always plays briliantly wacky characters but as the critic described it in the paper, he "does a nuanced performance, playing the part of the uninspired auditor who starts hearing his life being narrated to him by a mysterious voice with much elan". I had to look up what elan means and it fitted very nicely.
(And whaddaya know, he's another cancer!)

I saw The Holiday over the weekend. That was a good movie, too.
The Holiday got ** from the critics. Stranger Than Fiction received *****.
the holiday...the holiday...gah, i know i've heard it but it's not coming to me. anyway i'm happy that stranger than fiction was good because i LOVE will ferrell yessum i do. even though it's good i wonder if it holds true to the previews.
I actually liked the Ballad of Ricky Bobby, too.
eerr...Talladega Nights