Super power to 'fix' things.

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by aquasnoz on Friday, February 12, 2016 and has 27 replies.
Is it just me or do aquas have a knack to fix things...

Anything mechanical, anything IT related, relationship issues, other people's problem, whatever it is. I hate complaining because it gets me no where so I just fix the things.

Are you a problem solver or are you a complainer?
I love that about my guy. Whether it's electronics, plumbing, construction...he can fix it. And he fixes it RIGHT. The only thing he won't touch is the computer.

He actually owns his own business--high end pinball restoration.

Self taught, and it amazes me!
What's your aqua's placement?

Like this morning our espresso machine at work was apparently broken.

I had a quick look, played around with it and it was just the settings. The other time it was hissing (steam coming out) people screaming it's broken... literally just had to reconnect the pipe.... sigh

I feel like if I charge a dollar for everytime I have to fix something so simple I would be a billionare haha!
Posted by aquasnoz
What's your aqua's placement?

Like this morning our espresso machine at work was apparently broken.

I had a quick look, played around with it and it was just the settings. The other time it was hissing (steam coming out) people screaming it's broken... literally just had to reconnect the pipe.... sigh

I feel like if I charge a dollar for everytime I have to fix something so simple I would be a billionare haha!

Yeah, that's how mine got into the business...he had a couple of games that needed repairs and he sent them out to get fixed. When they came back they still didn't work right so he messed around with them and realized he could do a better job than who he paid. A business was born! :-)

His personal planets are:

Virgo rising
Aqua sun
Taurus moon
Capricorn mercury
Aries mars
Aqua venus
Interesting, I think earthy Aquas makes them quite solid. I wish I had more Sad I guess I'll just cry martyrdom
Posted by aquasnoz
Interesting, I think earthy Aquas makes them quite solid. I wish I had more Sad I guess I'll just cry martyrdom

Don't worry about it. According to Pullen, he's 49% air...

But his moon is pretty solid.
Posted by wecarealot
For me, that's Virgos rather than Aqua. The Aquas I know are more liable to fuck shit up and then scratch their heads while asking for help.

That's funny because all the virgos I know like to bitch about how shit they are when they are actually okay then just complain and not actually fix anything.
Posted by Chance_11
^^ cool! I would like to get a pinball machine for the future man cave. Either Addam's family, Simpson's, or Star Wars Big Grin Aquas can conceptualize most things so it's easier to deconstruct how things work..ideas or tangible things. It would appear to be easy and a case of following simple logic until you realize how few people are capable of it mainly due to inherent biases and stubborn refusal to update outdated modes of thinking.

That's exactly how I see it. sums of all working parts, review the error, reassemble.
Posted by feby
If you got a problem yo I'll solve it

I have a problem feby! My cat is broken!
Posted by feby
Posted by aquasnoz
Posted by feby
If you got a problem yo I'll solve it

I have a problem feby! My cat is broken!

Sad what happened?
click to expand

Got in another fight Sad I feel like I'm going have to lower his weekly food allowance as punishment
Posted by Chance_11
^^ cool! I would like to get a pinball machine for the future man cave. Either Addam's family, Simpson's, or Star Wars Big Grin Aquas can conceptualize most things so it's easier to deconstruct how things work..ideas or tangible things. It would appear to be easy and a case of following simple logic until you realize how few people are capable of it mainly due to inherent biases and stubborn refusal to update outdated modes of thinking.

He could probably hook you up. smile
Posted by SuperMercurial
Any sort of tinkering, handiness, dicking around is a virgo trait.

Maybe so, but you never get anything done, actually. You're just curious abiut what makes things tick, not actually MAKING them tick.
Posted by aquasnoz
Is it just me or do aquas have a knack to fix things...

Anything mechanical, anything IT related, relationship issues, other people's problem, whatever it is. I hate complaining because it gets me no where so I just fix the things.

Are you a problem solver or are you a complainer?

i'm a problem solver i notice....

but i'm with a virgo domnant what does that tell you??Laughing

i got numb from all the details and criticism and fixer uppers???Laughing
everytime we watch a film, he would go...i recognize him /her from somewhere!!!

then he proceeds to look them up...

"where did that come from!!?"

"see that in the background?"

"OHHH look at that detail."

it got to the point that, if we watched something with him with faimily members....the film would be on PAUSE all the time.

so i just said, oh for gods sake!!!! *smh* TongueLaughing
Posted by aquasnoz
Is it just me or do aquas have a knack to fix things...

Anything mechanical, anything IT related, relationship issues, other people's problem, whatever it is. I hate complaining because it gets me no where so I just fix the things.

Are you a problem solver or are you a complainer?

I complain WHILE solving the problem Tongue

The aquas I know are pros at fixing crap. Thinking up ways to make something "work"
i can heal stuff...does that work? TongueLaughing
The other day at work, i troubleshooted our office network and got it back online before the IT guy showed up. Interesting thread to say the least. Would like to hear others experiences though, not just aquarians. I never studied IT btw.
Posted by aquasnoz
I hate complaining because it gets me no where so I just fix the things.

I agree with this 100% . From one aqua to another.
haha hi5!

There's definitely some mind blowing stupid things I've seen in the past. e.g. "OMG erik thank god you're here, the lights aren't turning on" *flicks switch* .... "are you serious?" mind you it was the switchboard one but process of elimination.

@JAG - might be all the saggie bits Winking

Also on a totally unrelated not @sultrykitty: I've known a Leo for some time now, quite recently - similar placement to yours from what I can see. She's also a fixer but likes complaining haha but in a fun way. She's the first Leo to embody that warmth that raidates from Leos no matter if they are complaining or not. such fuzzy and warm energy.
Posted by Fox
sag risers have a super ability to break everything and trip up at every opportunity

Like down a flight of stairs? :3

It's okay I have door issues. I just can't work them out.
Posted by aquasnoz
haha hi5!

There's definitely some mind blowing stupid things I've seen in the past. e.g. "OMG erik thank god you're here, the lights aren't turning on" *flicks switch* .... "are you serious?" mind you it was the switchboard one but process of elimination.

@JAG - might be all the saggie bits Winking

Also on a totally unrelated not @sultrykitty: I've known a Leo for some time now, quite recently - similar placement to yours from what I can see. She's also a fixer but likes complaining haha but in a fun way. She's the first Leo to embody that warmth that raidates from Leos no matter if they are complaining or not. such fuzzy and warm energy.

maybe, I do get things fixed. I am the go to girl for technical issues with the work computers, network etc... I also can almost always fix something that is broken, but again, I will bitch about having to "fix it " lolol
Posted by GreyWiz
Posted by lisabethur8
i can heal stuff...does that work? TongueLaughing

I can manifest solutions. does that work? Tongue
click to expand

i'm not kidding.

i can literally heal even wounded animals, even animals who have epilepsy or mental and health disabilities.

i've done it in the past.

but there is a flaw with me, in that im so possessive, i dont allow them to be "free" and i should.

like when i was a child, i loved this "wild" bird that came into the house, and i was soooo happy, i tried to feed the bird and cried and cried when he/she was getting sick.
i asked my mother why won't it eat?? he/she is going to die if the bird doesn't eat.

my mother said it's not good to keep wild birds inside the house. let it free!

my flaw is i'm tooooo possessive. i need to let things go and be free!!!

but i learned over time. i hold on to things TOO TIGHTLY,never letting go...almost ugh.. suffocating!! Sad
taurus dominant, 4th house dominant, 8th house. I've got issues man... and LACK air.
but if they abuse me, the other placements come in effect!!!

Posted by aquasnoz
haha hi5!

There's definitely some mind blowing stupid things I've seen in the past. e.g. "OMG erik thank god you're here, the lights aren't turning on" *flicks switch* .... "are you serious?" mind you it was the switchboard one but process of elimination.

@JAG - might be all the saggie bits Winking

Also on a totally unrelated not @sultrykitty: I've known a Leo for some time now, quite recently - similar placement to yours from what I can see. She's also a fixer but likes complaining haha but in a fun way. She's the first Leo to embody that warmth that raidates from Leos no matter if they are complaining or not. such fuzzy and warm energy.

Awww, thank you! Big Grin

Try dating. smile Best (and hardest) relationship we've ever been in. It's true love. ♡♡

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