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May 01, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 116 · Topics: 12
I have come to the conclusion that The Purpose Of Astrological Signs Is Limitation.
I have observed you all and your conversations, topics, & perspectives as reflections of your ideals, views, & beliefs. I feel it is important that I share my thoughts with those of you who define yourself as the "astrological sign" you were primarily born into this world under. STOP DOING THAT TO YOURSELF. You are deceiving yourself, and limiting yourself to definition of these "signs". I say this under the Aquarius section for this reason... Curiously enough... though these astrological signs DO NOT represent who we truly are behind the flesh, they only benefit in determining which emotions/feelings the mind will subject itself to during specific events/situations effecting us in the moment of what your are experiencing. THESE ARE LIKE PRESET SYSTEMS MEANT TO CONFUSE YOU FROM YOUR TRUE SELF. Don't allow yourself to be the REAL robots who act out every emotion the mind registers. Those born under the sun sign Aquarius seem to be "preordained" (if I may use that term) to accept and or grasp [to a certain extent] different concepts without conflicting any emotional ties to other beliefs (unlike many other signs). Allowing them to become open to their truths a lot easier. So I start with you all, in hopes that with self honesty/intimacy you will begin to understand the Aquarian disposition for emotional detachment as actually the back door around the psyche complex to freedom of self expression.
Each sign possess a characteristic that surfaces within all of us, no matter what time of the year you were born, the minds emotional characteristics will display a segment of each sign. The only difference between us as human beings, is that we display some signs more or less predominantly then others in different occasions. And that stems into every action we take for our entire lives. Regardless of that, they are only emotional characteristics and they do not define who we as sentient beings are. By believing otherwise is to separate yourself from who you are and ultimately lose the ability to express yourself. You are not expressing yourself... you are expressing some planet which has nothing to do with you (by astrology definition). Why? Be aware of which thoughts occur in the mind, not all of them are yous.
And I'll end this with a quote.
"The key to inner harmony is realizing you are a soul in a body, instead of a body with a soul."
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May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
So you mean all human beings have no limitations in thinking if they want to?
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May 01, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 116 · Topics: 12
"So you mean all human beings have no limitations in thinking if they want to?"
This world is built upon limitation. Not saying it is right or wrong, however, it is coming a time were the society we have been conditioned to conform to and identify with which has it's negative aspects can no longer be tolerable, if human beings are to continue to exist in this world. There are some self created limitations which happen to be detrimental... others will serve their purpose. Now, I'm not knocking astrology... but I'm encouraging looking beyond it's conventional use.
Knowing zodiacs to be a template of emotional characteristics, and how in todays studies they are so easily and frequently interpreted, have any of you ever attempted to anticipate [and correct] any negative aspects of these characteristics? They stem into everything.
"Astrology isn't what you argue (very knowledgably) to be for all - it may be that it is YOUR truth, it may be that you feel compelled to share that truth with others - but what it is for ME is not what it is for you. I've been posting here for over a year, and have found this site to be populated with intelligent people of diverse backgrounds. Some are "into" astrology, some are not. I can't share your views because I have faith that each person can decide for themselves if it works for them or not."
In no way have I associated anyones intelligence with astrology as hobby. I do not doubt that this site hoards some bright personals. "Different strokes for different folks"... I understand that and this validates your comment about different vices as doorways for truth within each individual. However, that only goes as far as the outer maze of physicality. Underneath the conundrum of combinations OF us all... IN us all is the same essence. Personally, I believe crutches display a lack of in depth understanding. I know it's difficult for many to depend on the strength within, so they compensate (right, wrong, or indifferently). But one would not have to depend on inner strength, once realized, it will flow for itself, without having to be called upon. I'm not pedaling faith in some separate idol, deity, or embodiment that you have to theorize and test. I'm suggesting faith and ownership in self.
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May 01, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 116 · Topics: 12
"Very interesting. So basically, we should know and own our own minds. Am I understanding your thought correctly?"
Thats the gist of it.
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May 01, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 116 · Topics: 12
I did... read the lower portion of the post
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May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
I used to think its essential to bring people closer together. But when i look around and see what humans have been doing to other species and the very planet which supports our life, I think a part of me wish to see majority of humans dead.
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Jan 30, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 232 · Topics: 13
i thought everyone took astology with a grain of salt! Zodiac dont define each indiviual it just gives you general personality characteristics. I always look foward to coming on this board and getting different insite to my problems because many of the things said on the board appear to be acurate to a certain extent.If your smart you dont run with everything said about zodiacs you just apply what's needed and analyze certain behaviors so you kinda know how to act accordingly. For example i never knew one of the worst things to do to an aqua was to accuse them of lying i found out the hard way. I came on the board and read about how honest aquas are and how they hate to be called liars. Most people dont like to be called liars but aquas HATE it. Through this situation i've learned to act accordingly and really think before i accuse an aqua.
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May 01, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 116 · Topics: 12
^^^ agreed
To Address bijou2u
It's not complicated.... All I'm saying is, emotions are not you, and do not let them define you (not you specifically, but generally speaking).
definition is a limitation........ like Mr. Cap said... you can't compare nothing to something.... "nothing" can be every and anything. "Something" has to conform, it has to have a systematic construct. It's like comparing a liquid to a solid. Liquid is flexible in structure and purpose, solid isn't, and thats the limitation. Of course, there's always a duality to "limitation". The Good & Bad.... since us human beings like to focus on the pros & cons. Limitations give individuality, unique expressions and all that it stems to. However, because of the duality that follows 3D solidity, you have all the problems that follow individuality.... like envy, and hate (for a certain expression). Favoring one expression because it's deemed more "beautiful". To have a beauty you have to have an ugly, right?.... Limitations...... it wouldn't affect the world so negatively if we all remembered that the "solidity" is only outer, and there's "liquid" within it all.
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Nov 08, 2006Comments: 37 · Posts: 4746 · Topics: 283
One can believe in serious astrology, as i do and it's deeper meaning. To learn and look beyond, then learn some more again.. gaining and gathering as you move along. *so there is no limitiation in that sense. We are whole and separate parts. The forest, the trees, the earth and the universe, etc. You take what you need and filter the rest..
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May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
((i thought everyone took astology with a grain of salt! Zodiac dont define each indiviual it just gives you general personality characteristics.))
What is personality and what is character? What constitutes of an individual?
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May 01, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 116 · Topics: 12
Thelibran is on point. The zodiacs which give your emotional self character and personality in a certain combination is a corner stone of individuality as far as human emotion go.
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May 01, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 116 · Topics: 12
LOL @ "Now, I'm not sure where astrology comes in here. I still have this thought in my head you're trying to convert people to some sort of anti-astrology religion. I don't know what your motivation is - just a discussion?"
look I'm not a mercenary or anything like that... no net-evangelist. Your a woman living in a material world..... baby, your emotions or going to be your bible. Thats the way this world is. To participate in it, you have to dwell in emotion. I'm not knocking that. You probably feel as though I'm trying to sever the relationship between you and your mind. I am not.. but ego might lead you to think so. Let that go for a second. Over all I'm just saying it helps to detach a little to give you awareness (step back, view yourself... see where your head is at. We all do that) and if you have that awareness of your self already... guess why.. it's because you have detached yourself without you even realizing it.
That's probably why your like "Who is this guy... thinking he has all the answers, come here to my safe haven, and announce the solution to every ones problem. Who does he think he is... Jesus?" lol
It's just discussion sweetheart. it may have seemed a bit stand offish... but bare with me, and lend me your understanding.
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
Rather or not we allow astrology to limit us in our thinking & in our potential is a CHOICE that is up to each individual person. There have been times when I'd research things about Aquarians & say "Hmm, that's not me" & then there'd be times when I'd say "Wow, that was right on the head." And then there'd be times when I'd read about Scorpios & how they love & feel that I'm more of a Scorpio in the LOVE category than I am an Aquarius. But in reality, I don't believe that the average person basis WHO THEY ARE on just solar planets alone. Hell, even astrology doesn't hide the fact that other factors in life influence who we are as a WHOLE. It's no different than going to a psychologist or marriage counselor & listening to that one expert try to tell you what the REAL problem is even though they haven't physically experienced the marriage. But does that mean we still can't go to these people to try to get a better understanding of ourselves & our faults from other points of view. Yes, I do believe that sometimes humans often look everywhere BUT inside themselves to find out who they truly are but searching & seeking through the eyes of someone else is not necessarily a bad thing. It's no different than the theory & research that says, the depression rate is higher in cities & states where the climate is more cold than it is hot. And it's no different than taking a college entry test (SAT or ACT), wondering how we can let a few slips of paper really determine our true intelligence & gateway to success. Some are just better test takers than others, but in reality, that doesn't mean they should stop administrating the tests
i READ AND TRIED TO UNDERSTAND SOME OF WHAT IS oops I did not mean to shout. Some of what is being said. I think emothions guide us to the truth. Objectivity is great but its like a state of suspension that never seems to lead to much. "Real answers" to me are those that feel real. And they DO coincide with scientific calculations and experiments when I read about what is going on in science.
Soy is good for some and not for others. If it feels wrong to me it is matter what tests say. I even believe in universal truths that I feel are true. I am a woman and I have been extremely emotional all my life but I am also a very rational person. I chose to just now start strictly listening to my rational mind but reserve real truths for the feelings I cannot deny. As far as astrology goes... I go. It may be limiting in and of itself but it does stunt my ability to go beyond it just because its a formula. Its just a way to better understand the world and those around us and we can use all the help we can get.
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May 01, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 116 · Topics: 12
it's true, and it does have relevance. That all comes from the ego wanting outside approval, and being afraid to be wrong on it's own... or simple and plain on its own, period.
The self image is built upon various things. The problem is the image isn't real but we think it is and protect it with ego. People create it using outside influences, comparing & contrasting the self to something else to "fine tune" the self image, is ultimately to judge self.
philosophy,it's okay honey, you can have an unpopular opinion
it's your birthright
you're an aquarian