The Sullivan Attachment Style Test
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Sep 14, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 435 · Topics: 16
The Sullivan Attachment style Test
The Secure
You scored 52% Security, 29% Avoidance, and 23% Anxiousness!
Hey baby, you so fine baby!
You are that warm, nougaty center that everyone wants to be and be with. I bet you knew that before you went into this thing though, didn't you? You're the kind of person who finds making friends easy enough, people seem to respond to you fairly well, you don't doubt (most days) that you're an ok person, and probably, you're most of the people taking this test. Good on.
What's that say about you? Generally, the Secures want you (and you should want them in return, you'd be badass together), the Anxious-Ambivalents want you (even if you don't want them) and the Avoidants? Secretly, we're kidding ourselves, we want you too. Everyone just digs your jelly, and if I have ot explain why to you, you're not as Secure as you think you are. You're fairly self-confident, you're generally appealing on an emotional level and ok, I'll say it, there is a possibility that a margin of you are as Secure as you appear to be because...shall we say that you don't always have the deeper thought processes to recognize that you're not Secure? But far and away, that's not the truth. You're smart enough to know what happy is, and even if you don't feel that personally you're a "stable" person or a person who has high self-esteem, that's not what makes you a Secure. Being a Secure attachment style doesn't have much to do with your opinion of you, unless your opinion is that your a psychopath and then...well maybe you should go back and try to do the questions honestly this time, hmm? Attachment style generally, is a function of your relationships. Do you have them? Yes? Do they make you want to vomit? No?Congratulations, welcome to Secure Attachment style 101.
What separates you from your crazy partners, is that as a GENERAL not always rule, you consider that other people don't run from you and you don't run from them. You don't always attract people with so much ease that everyone here wants to stab you for it, but when you do? That works out in your favor. Your friends are your friends for a reason, because to them? You're wicked cool and there's not a lot about you that they would say is something that needs to be changed.
I advise you to always avoid the Anxious-Ambivalent (and if they knew we were talking about them right now, they would be SO pissed) because while you can be into the cuddling thing, you know when enough is enough and they don't. If you're slightly showing some Avoidant characteristics, they aren't a bad choice, not great for you either, because they want to be around less than you would like and you're not 100% all the time rainbows, sunshine and twinkles up someone's ass, you need things too and it's not fair for you to get involved with someone who won't be on the same page as you by giving you LESS than you think you deserve.
Pick an attachment match. Secure style s are wanted by everyone, but they have the option of being particular and you, you should be particular in the direction of other Secure style s, they inherently get you and they get why you are the way that you are, they neither want too much nor too little and they'll be there, so long as they remember to call you, and you them. It's a match made in sickening, well-adjusted heaven.
My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 42% on Security
You scored higher than 31% on Avoidance
You scored higher than 5% on Anxiousness
Signed Up:
Dec 31, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 585 · Topics: 81
The Secure
You scored 58% Security, 35% Avoidance, and 35% Anxiousness!
Hey baby, you so fine baby!
You are that warm, nougaty center that everyone wants to be and be with. I bet you knew that before you went into this thing though, didn't you? You're the kind of person who finds making friends easy enough, people seem to respond to you fairly well, you don't doubt (most days) that you're an ok person, and probably, you're most of the people taking this test. Good on.
What's that say about you? Generally, the Secures want you (and you should want them in return, you'd be badass together), the Anxious-Ambivalents want you (even if you don't want them) and the Avoidants? Secretly, we're kidding ourselves, we want you too. Everyone just digs your jelly, and if I have ot explain why to you, you're not as Secure as you think you are. You're fairly self-confident, you're generally appealing on an emotional level and ok, I'll say it, there is a possibility that a margin of you are as Secure as you appear to be because...shall we say that you don't always have the deeper thought processes to recognize that you're not Secure? But far and away, that's not the truth. You're smart enough to know what happy is, and even if you don't feel that personally you're a "stable" person or a person who has high self-esteem, that's not what makes you a Secure. Being a Secure attachment style doesn't have much to do with your opinion of you, unless your opinion is that your a psychopath and then...well maybe you should go back and try to do the questions honestly this time, hmm? Attachment style generally, is a function of your relationships. Do you have them? Yes? Do they make you want to vomit? No?Congratulations, welcome to Secure Attachment style 101.
What separates you from your crazy partners, is that as a GENERAL not always rule, you consider that other people don't run from you and you don't run from them. You don't always attract people with so much ease that everyone here wants to stab you for it, but when you do? That works out in your favor. Your friends are your friends for a reason, because to them? You're wicked cool and there's not a lot about you that they would say is something that needs to be changed.
I advise you to always avoid the Anxious-Ambivalent (and if they knew we were talking about them right now, they would be SO pissed) because while you can be into the cuddling thing, you know when enough is enough and they don't. If you're slightly showing some Avoidant characteristics, they aren't a bad choice, not great for you either, because they want to be around less than you would like and you're not 100% all the time rainbows, sunshine and twinkles up someone's ass, you need things too and it's not fair for you to get involved with someone who won't be on the same page as you by giving you LESS than you think you deserve.
Pick an attachment match. Secure style s are wanted by everyone, but they have the option of being particular and you, you should be particular in the direction of other Secure style s, they inherently get you and they get why you are the way that you are, they neither want too much nor too little and they'll be there, so long as they remember to call you, and you them. It's a match made in sickening, well-adjusted heaven.
My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 69% on Security
You scored higher than 23% on Avoidance
You scored higher than 30% on Anxiousness
Signed Up:
Apr 12, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4267 · Topics: 82
The Avoidant
You scored 41% Security, 58% Avoidance, and 35% Anxiousness!
I think there might be some kind of conspiracy about twins and being separated at birth going on here.
You're the Avoidant (not unlike me, go you.) When it comes to relationships, too much just plain bothers you. Cuddling is out, you want to get on with life, you don't have time for that, and you don't necessarily want to be with someone who even wants to call you regularly. Because that's annoying too. The mushiness of romance tends to bother you on some level that you just haven't figure out yet. No worries, I did.
Avoidants crave me-time, they want to work and they want to make the most of themselves outside of relationships. You may be bad at formulating friendships or relationships, not because you're genuinely terrible and use stupid pick-up lines, but you kind of WANT to sabotage the stupid thing, whether you know it or not. You'll put up with physical intimacy to get off, but when it comes to spooning or asking each other "Do you think we knew each other in a past life?" you want to squash that shit as quickly as possible.
If you want a long-term commitment, and you don't want to change, pick another Avoidant, just like you. Will it be a healthy relationship, well probably not. Did you ever watch The Oblongs? (You should have, there were only a few episodes and you have to support Will Ferrell in these sorts of things, even if they aren't as good as some other cartoons, whatever man.) If you did, you'll get it when I talk about the Hill People, and that couple who used to talk over their cellphones and say things like: "Love to our child." and "You mean both of them?" "Yeah. Right there's a boy...and another one." Like them, you're going to want to spend less time with each other and in your "together" life and more time working or fulfilling your potential, because maybe it is just me, but Avoidants tend to be intellectuals.
NEVER try to go in with an Anxious/Ambivalent type, because they are going to want so much intimacy, it will make you sick. If they try to get in with you, you'll know, and you won't like it. Don't pick them out of a crowd and don't put up with them if you get one by mistake, not that they are bad people on their own, but together? Oh you are realllllly bad for each other. They'll want to cling and you will want to shake them loose and there's no middle ground.
If you want to get away from your avoidance, pick a Secure style lover, who is usually just happy the way that they are, and wants more from you than an Avoidant would, but not as much as the Anxious. They're the warm little center, the place everyone secretly wants to be, and usually? They'll do right by you and make you come out of your avoidant little funk.
My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 21% on Security
You scored higher than 91% on Avoidance
You scored higher than 24% on Anxiousness
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1362 · Topics: 217
Avoidant Secure
You scored 58% Security, 52% Avoidance, and 29% Anxiousness!
You nearly defied categorization! But then you didn't and I forked over your results.
The Avoidant Secure is the type of person, who on those good days, rocks with the best of them. You like being with people most of the time, heck, you probably prefer it, but then...oh you have those skin-crawling days where all you want is for everyone to go away and be just LESS AROUND YOU. It's not bad, everyone needs some time to kick back, to be less surrounded by demands, you might need it more often than Secure style attachments, but there's nothing wrong with you, me-time is acceptable and necessary for everyone.
You should always avoid anyone who has any kind of trait anything like an Anxiousness, because they will be incredibly odious too you, for you, the Anxious Ambivalents are just too much work, and you don't have that kind of time. They want more intimacy than you want to give, they want to cling to you more than you want them to, and they want you to call them and tell them how your day was when it was the same as yesterday and GOD just because you don't call doesn't mean you DON'T CARE. Stop Crying. Oh for the love of God, you whiny, needy clingy little person, stop crying! Does that sound anything like you? Yeah. It should, just a little. You will get exhausted trying to be that person that the Anxious needs to feel good and you'll be the one to end it, and you don't always need to be the bad-guy.
In order to avoid that bad-guy thing, pick someone like you. Avoidant Secure people are in tune with what you want, Secure people are good for everyone and if you tend to be more avoidant than secure, Avoidants are just dying to call you up and spank you and call you Daddy, if you're into that. The biggest issue for you, is finding someone who wants to be around you just enough. Not too much because that will make you crazy, better too little for you than too much. But no one is a mind-reader, so you need to let someone know, loud and clear when enough is enough for you, because that will be a deal-breaker. That guy/girl at a bar, who you think is going to be a one night stand and aside from making them eggs in the morning, you don't need to be around ever again but it turns out that they have the audacity to want to TALK to you after it's all done? Oh hell no, you won't put up with that kind of crap.
My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 55% on Security
You scored higher than 75% on Avoidance
You scored higher than 10% on Anxiousness
Signed Up:
Aug 20, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 2571 · Topics: 154
No Nonsense
You scored 41% Security, 41% Avoidance, and 29% Anxiousness!
You got to the test page, took one look at how things were supposed to be, and then apparently you decided "well fuck it, I guess I'll just keep going, but I don't want to check any of the answers." Which I guess, sort of sucks, doesn't it? Because now you don't get a response. It's all right though, you can always try it again and get something worthwhile out of it. Or maybe you'd just rather it stay this way. Either way, I'm going to look at you as a success, who just hasn't finishing their succeeding quite yet.
The other option, is that your personality is very evenly distributed, you are anxious, avoidant and secure all at the same time, but nothing seems to dominate. I'll say to you what I said to Crazy McCrazyton, who has everything going on, but is so overly stimulated by everything that they BECOME everything, much like you:
I can't fathom who you would be, aside from a schizophrenic or someone with multiple personalities, all of whom wanted to come out and take this test at the same time. You're everything, you're nothing, you're the in-between, hell I don't know.
I can't tell you what you should do, because truthfully? You shouldn't exist. You know that Ice Cream by Ben and Jerry's, the "Totally Twisted" or whatever? The kind that has carmel bits and hazelnuts and fudge ripples and raspberry swirls and white chocolate pieces and cookie crumbles and shiny pennies? Yeah, that's you. You are so everything that you can't be anything which...kind of makes you nothing, doesn't it?
I don't know what you're on, but I want some. I can't give you too much advice, other than seek out someone either exactly like you, or of a Secure attachment style , because no one else is going to be able to put up with what's going on inside your head, believe me. The thing is, you belong either with someone on the opposite end of the spectrum and are evenly distributed but HIGH on all the factors, or someone more secure than you. It's a fine line, a very fine one. You're not completely insane, I don't believe that for a second, but you're not all-together either. You're just unpredictable and unable to come up with a dominant way of appreciating the world.
I think it makes you either a fine, fine candidate for complete and total normalcy, OR as a professor of mine likes to belong in the boobie hatch.
^^^ WOW that's amazingly accurate! lol Different me's come out at different times... just whatever lol No wonder I could go from explosive anger to being the most civilized person in the world to laughing to thoughtful and completely calm and relaxed to sarcastic in about two minutes... it's very weird even to me and I don't understand how my feelings could change so drastically in moments... any of you experience this? I've never met anyone else like this, most people are very consistent in how they feel in certain situations....? la la la lol Maybe it's normal.
Signed Up:
Aug 20, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 2571 · Topics: 154
"I can't give you too much advice, other than seek out someone either exactly like you, or of a Secure attachment style , because no one else is going to be able to put up with what's going on inside your head, believe me."
--Hey good thing there's obviously so many people with the 'Secure attachment style ' lol
Signed Up:
Feb 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 9826 · Topics: 354
The Secure
You scored 58% Security, 41% Avoidance, and 29% Anxiousness! Hey baby, you so fine baby!
You are that warm, nougaty center that everyone wants to be and be
with. I bet you knew that before you went into this thing though,
didn't you? You're the kind of person who finds making friends easy
enough, people seem to respond to you fairly well, you don't doubt
(most days) that you're an ok person, and probably, you're most of the
people taking this test. Good on.
What's that say about you? Generally, the Secures want you (and you
should want them in return, you'd be badass together), the
Anxious-Ambivalents want you (even if you don't want them) and the
Avoidants? Secretly, we're kidding ourselves, we want you too. Everyone
just digs your jelly, and if I have ot explain why to you, you're not
as Secure as you think you are. You're fairly self-confident, you're
generally appealing on an emotional level and ok, I'll say it, there is
a possibility that a margin of you are as Secure as you appear to be
because...shall we say that you don't always have the deeper thought
processes to recognize that you're not Secure? But far and away, that's
not the truth. You're smart enough to know what happy is, and even if
you don't feel that personally you're a "stable" person or a person who
has high self-esteem, that's not what makes
you a Secure. Being a Secure attachment style doesn't have much to do
with your opinion of you, unless your opinion is that your a psychopath
and then...well maybe you should go back and try to do the questions
honestly this time, hmm? Attachment style generally, is a function of
your relationships. Do you have them? Yes? Do they make you want to
vomit? No?Congratulations, welcome to Secure Attachment style 101.
What separates you from your crazy partners, is that as a GENERAL not always
rule, you consider that other people don't run from you and you don't
run from them. You don't always attract people with so much ease that
everyone here wants to stab you for it, but when you do? That works out
in your favor. Your friends are your friends for a reason, because to
them? You're wicked cool and there's not a lot about you that they
would say is something that needs to be changed.
I advise you to always avoid the Anxious-Ambivalent (
Signed Up:
Feb 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 9826 · Topics: 354
The Secure
You scored 58% Security, 41% Avoidance, and 29% Anxiousness! Hey baby, you so fine baby!
You are that warm, nougaty center that everyone wants to be and be
with. I bet you knew that before you went into this thing though,
didn't you? You're the kind of person who finds making friends easy
enough, people seem to respond to you fairly well, you don't doubt
(most days) that you're an ok person, and probably, you're most of the
people taking this test. Good on.
What's that say about you? Generally, the Secures want you (and you
should want them in return, you'd be badass together), the
Anxious-Ambivalents want you (even if you don't want them) and the
Avoidants? Secretly, we're kidding ourselves, we want you too. Everyone
just digs your jelly, and if I have ot explain why to you, you're not
as Secure as you think you are. You're fairly self-confident, you're
generally appealing on an emotional level and ok, I'll say it, there is
a possibility that a margin of you are as Secure as you appear to be
because...shall we say that you don't always have the deeper thought
processes to recognize that you're not Secure? But far and away, that's
not the truth. You're smart enough to know what happy is, and even if
you don't feel that personally you're a "stable" person or a person who
has high self-esteem, that's not what makes
you a Secure. Being a Secure attachment style doesn't have much to do
with your opinion of you, unless your opinion is that your a psychopath
and then...well maybe you should go back and try to do the questions
honestly this time, hmm? Attachment style generally, is a function of
your relationships. Do you have them? Yes? Do they make you want to
vomit? No?Congratulations, welcome to Secure Attachment style 101.
What separates you from your crazy partners, is that as a GENERAL not always
rule, you consider that other people don't run from you and you don't
run from them. You don't always attract people with so much ease that
everyone here wants to stab you for it, but when you do? That works out
in your favor. Your friends are your friends for a reason, because to
them? You're wicked cool and there's not a lot about you that they
would say is something that needs to be changed.
I advise you to always avoid the Anxious-Ambivalent (
Signed Up:
Feb 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 9826 · Topics: 354
I advise you to always avoid the Anxious-Ambivalent (and if they knew we were talking about them right now, they would be SO pissed) because while you can be into the cuddling thing, you know when enough is enough and they don't. If you're slightly showing some Avoidant characteristics, they aren't a bad choice, not great for you either, because they want to be around less than you would like and you're not 100% all the time rainbows, sunshine and twinkles up someone's ass, you need things too and it's not fair for you to get involved with someone who won't be on the same page as you by giving you LESS than you think you deserve.
Pick an attachment match. Secure style s are wanted by everyone, but they have the option of being particular and you, you should be particular in the direction of other Secure style s, they inherently get you and they get why you are the way that you are, they neither want too much nor too little and they'll be there, so long as they remember to call you, and you them. It's a match made in sickening, well-adjusted heaven.
My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
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You scored higher than 99% on Security
free online dating free online dating
You scored higher than 99% on Avoidance
free online dating free online dating
You scored higher than 99% on Anxiousness
Signed Up:
May 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 257 · Topics: 11
The Secure
You scored 76% Security, 23% Avoidance, and 23% Anxiousness!
Hey baby, you so fine baby!
You are that warm, nougaty center that everyone wants to be and be with. I bet you knew that before you went into this thing though, didn't you? You're the kind of person who finds making friends easy enough, people seem to respond to you fairly well, you don't doubt (most days) that you're an ok person, and probably, you're most of the people taking this test. Good on.
What's that say about you? Generally, the Secures want you (and you should want them in return, you'd be badass together), the Anxious-Ambivalents want you (even if you don't want them) and the Avoidants? Secretly, we're kidding ourselves, we want you too. Everyone just digs your jelly, and if I have ot explain why to you, you're not as Secure as you think you are. You're fairly self-confident, you're generally appealing on an emotional level and ok, I'll say it, there is a possibility that a margin of you are as Secure as you appear to be because...shall we say that you don't always have the deeper thought processes to recognize that you're not Secure? But far and away, that's not the truth. You're smart enough to know what happy is, and even if you don't feel that personally you're a "stable" person or a person who has high self-esteem, that's not what makes you a Secure. Being a Secure attachment style doesn't have much to do with your opinion of you, unless your opinion is that your a psychopath and then...well maybe you should go back and try to do the questions honestly this time, hmm? Attachment style generally, is a function of your relationships. Do you have them? Yes? Do they make you want to vomit? No?Congratulations, welcome to Secure Attachment style 101.
What separates you from your crazy partners, is that as a GENERAL not always rule, you consider that other people don't run from you and you don't run from them. You don't always attract people with so much ease that everyone here wants to stab you for it, but when you do? That works out in your favor. Your friends are your friends for a reason, because to them? You're wicked cool and there's not a lot about you that they would say is something that needs to be changed.
I advise you to always avoid the Anxious-Ambivalent (and if they knew we were talking about them right now, they would be SO pissed) because while you can be into the cuddling thing, you know when enough is enough and they don't. If you're slightl
The Secure
You scored 70% Security, 11% Avoidance, and 47% Anxiousness!
You scored higher than 99% on Security
You scored higher than 99% on Avoidance
You scored higher than 99% on Anxiousness