The Water Bearer... A Virgo Perspective..

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by GemCurioThe1 on Wednesday, September 16, 2020 and has 17 replies.
Aquarius women… What can I say?? You have charmed me most of my dating life yet somehow, I avoid you like the plague now. Take no offense, there is an adoration towards you which I will always possess, but this will be (an unbiased as possible) 5 Best Traits and 1 bad trait of the Aquarius Sign to the best of my ability. Here we go…

#1 The Eye of the Beholder-

Aquarius truly do find the most beautiful qualities in nouns (people, places, and things) and hold on to them as if they are the definitive of that person. It really doesn’t matter what your situation, your flaw, your failure; an Aquarius will see beyond all of that to either motivate you or help you gain direction if they believe it possible. They will nurture this idealized belief of you and fight the world for it by your side if you are a friend, family, or partner completely free of fears or regrets in those moments. They can see the beauty in all the strange, the bizarre, and the unexpected creations of artists, writers, panoramic environments, and even sewers. If you have the pleasure of their company, you will learn how there is beauty in all things visible, how there’s music in the sound of nature and gridlocked traffic, and how even in building demolition, within it there’s a symmetric beauty...

#2 Natural Beauty Specialists-

All Air Sign have a natural beauty about them, but unlike the other Air Signs, Aquarius often downplay their natural beauty and features. They often dress down for occasions and daily life. However, when it’s time to dress up, they will often rival the entire room with their style and beauty. Without excessive makeup or an excess of jewelry, they glow brightly and are noticed by all. Never leave these Aquas alone in a social setting. If you go to the bathroom, you might come back to an entire group of the opposite sex surrounding your date who waited all night to shoot their shot. Because they are slightly more reserved in demeanor than the other Air Signs, they often appear as shy and sparkling in their seat, and their smiles are felt by all. Both genders have mastered the art of displaying their natural hair, skin, smile, and charisma to remain attractive even in silence. Go Aquas….

#3 A Helping Hand-

This is often the pitcher in their hand being spilled out. Aquarius people often will help anyone who ask. Many a homeless person had received and Aquas last five-dollar bill with a smile before payday, if the Aquarius had everything they needed. They are not stingy or lazy when it comes to helping someone who asks. If you need to move houses, need someone to pickup your child after school, randomly want to visit for a dinner/communication catchup, need someone to change your hairdo, or decide to throw a family barbeque last minute, Aquarius people will not only make themselves available, but usually will finance the majority of the endeavor smiling the entire time. You can call them in an emergency 100 times and 100 times they will help you sincerely and to the best of their ability, but please don’t take their kindness for weakness.

#4 Big Dreams-

An Aquarius will not dream for you, but will dream with you. They can be your greatest support of your sincerest intentions no matter how ridiculous it may seem to others. Aquas really just want with all their hearts everyone to be happy around them and feeling their best at all times. They are extremely supportive of friends and family members when it comes to being supportive of whatever long-term goals and ambitions they may have. Also, if they have familiarity with a subject matter, they will devise the next several steps you need to take to succeed and walk you through them hand in hand just to see your smile on that day. Unlike most other signs, an Aquarius will never smudge or soil your ambitions. They will always have a positive and supportive outlook on your endeavors and will mentally and emotionally support you the whole way. Their natural ability to be completely positive concerning people’s personal ambitions is one of their best and unique qualities. I have never seen an Aquarius openly tell anyone to wake up from their ambition or say something to the degree of you need to stop being an idiot. In fact, an Aquarius often will be the person picking you up from the train station or bus stop after your dreams fail, and they will not say a single negative thought about it to you.

#5 Young at Heart-

As far as the light side of an Aquarius go, they have no bottom to their positive energy. They accept people for who they are and impose no idealization onto them. They find beauty in cultural differences and are open to experience different types of food, the art of belly dancing, riding camels in the desert, and river boat sailing. They are probably the most liberated of the Air Signs without any predispositions concerning anything that can be experienced on this planet. They literally will try anything once for the sake of the experience, and whether it’s a good one or a bad one, they will make the most of it smiling and enjoying it for what it is. They possess this naturally ability to be in the moment, and come what may, they will experience all of that moment. Making the most out of it or something to laugh about later on in life. This attitude is the best to possess in the world for growth and being optimistic throughout all the challenges life presents to us.

That’s 5 Great Aquarius Qualities unique to their sign which I have found. Now to mention 1 bad quality and pick a fight… Hopefully

Pride Before a Fall-

Aquarius, your pride can cause more damage in your life than good. The inability to admit you’re wrong will often lead you down dark, sorrowful paths and it’s not because it’s the right thing to do or that it’s what you really want. You do it simply because you made a choice and you choose to stubbornly stick to it even though you are fully aware it’s not what you want or has anything to do with your own personal ambitions. You will stay in bad relationships, keep negative friends and family members, personally attach to a failing business and criminal partner, and hangout with lowlifes all because of a personal sense of stubborn pride which urges you to do what (you think) you want. Learn to let go of the things that do not serve you. Learn to apologize and follow through with actions. Learn to see loyalty as a resourced earned by people. Not freely given. Pride often becomes dangerous throughout your existence.

This concludes my 5 and 1 of the Water Bearer. You are by far more interesting, more spectacular, more worthy, and more necessary in this often cold world. I have deep affinity and affections for you Aquarius because you have taught me many things through our adventures in my life. Let me know how I did. Comments are welcome….

Posted by kreol

I’m a fan of your work. Can you skip to Taurus please. Thanks in advance
I'll get there. My best friend is a Taurus. Wouldn't want to miss it for the world!!!
Posted by Aqua-Marine

Wow so sweet. Im not an Aquarius, but I have Aquarius moon, rising, uranus, and jupiter and I appreciate your beautiful writing on this sign 🥺

Btw I love Virgo ✌🏼
Thank you. My feeble attempt at honesty... It wasn't easy...
Posted by Wildd_Flo

Actually.. I agree with all this, especially #1
Are you an Aquarius??? Did this resonate??
I relate. Especially contunuing situations that are past their expiration date, not sure it's pride but more of not wanting to fail at friendships, relationships, life experinces.

I do put others before myself all the time.

Why do you avoid us like the plague? I adore Virgos.
Posted by Wildd_Flo
Posted by GemCurioThe1
Posted by Wildd_Flo

Actually.. I agree with all this, especially #1

Are you an Aquarius??? Did this resonate??

Yes I am and yes it did.

I don’t care how someone lives their lives but the moment you try to change who I am.. that’s when the worst of me comes out. Aquas cannot stand controlling people.
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That I completely agree with. Aquarius just want to be free...
Posted by justagirl

I relate. Especially contunuing situations that are past their expiration date, not sure it's pride but more of not wanting to fail at friendships, relationships, life experinces.

I do put others before myself all the time.

Why do you avoid us like the plague? I adore Virgos.
Truthfully... I had only Aquarius relationships up until 4 years ago. Aquas are tender traps for me. I paid my homage to the Water Bearers in this life. I refuse...
Posted by GemCurioThe1
Posted by justagirl

I relate. Especially contunuing situations that are past their expiration date, not sure it's pride but more of not wanting to fail at friendships, relationships, life experinces.

I do put others before myself all the time.

Why do you avoid us like the plague? I adore Virgos.

Truthfully... I had only Aquarius relationships up until 4 years ago. Aquas are tender traps for me. I paid my homage to the Water Bearers in this life. I refuse...
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Perhaps, it's just what you need! Why else would you refuse or thou who does protest to much.... 😂
Posted by Ixi
Posted by justagirl

I relate. Especially contunuing situations that are past their expiration date, not sure it's pride but more of not wanting to fail at friendships, relationships, life experinces.

I do put others before myself all the time.

Why do you avoid us like the plague? I adore Virgos.

I can give you a few hints fufufu
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It will be okay Virgo... not all Aquas are alike.

also Fufufufufufufufufufufufu Tongue
Posted by Ixi
Posted by justagirl
Posted by Ixi
Posted by justagirl

I relate. Especially contunuing situations that are past their expiration date, not sure it's pride but more of not wanting to fail at friendships, relationships, life experinces.

I do put others before myself all the time.

Why do you avoid us like the plague? I adore Virgos.

I can give you a few hints fufufu

User Submitted Image

It will be okay Virgo... not all Aquas are alike.

also Fufufufufufufufufufufufu Tongue

Bah humbug

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BAH HUMBUG! You just need a good hug..

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Posted by Ixi
Posted by justagirl
Posted by Ixi
Posted by justagirl
Posted by Ixi
Posted by justagirl

I relate. Especially contunuing situations that are past their expiration date, not sure it's pride but more of not wanting to fail at friendships, relationships, life experinces.

I do put others before myself all the time.

Why do you avoid us like the plague? I adore Virgos.

I can give you a few hints fufufu

User Submitted Image

It will be okay Virgo... not all Aquas are alike.

also Fufufufufufufufufufufufu Tongue

Bah humbug

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BAH HUMBUG! You just need a good hug..

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Probably lol.

Human contact is pretty minimal nowadays. Idk there are days where I still wonder about shorty. She still hits me up from time to time...has apologized, says she misses me and what not...started going to counseling for all the bullshit...but lawd...I am in NO rush to trust her.

Most Aquas do have softish hearts but that Ego mayne.....Aquas can EASILY give a Leo a run for their money.
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Ego?? What ego ? Tongue

Human contact brought me to tears Friday, I had two very long hugs, first time since March. I honestly had forgotten what it was like to have close touching like that.. I also realised how very much I miss him. Shhh don't tell anyone, we aquas don't have feelz.

That's postive news about her, if that is what you see long term for yourself, try to rebuild the trust, see what happens. Also, Aquas keeping in touch is a big thing. you know I have shared, when I am done, thats it. That person doesn't exsist anymore except in my mind, but I would never share that with anyone.
Posted by justagirl
Posted by GemCurioThe1
Posted by justagirl

I relate. Especially contunuing situations that are past their expiration date, not sure it's pride but more of not wanting to fail at friendships, relationships, life experinces.

I do put others before myself all the time.

Why do you avoid us like the plague? I adore Virgos.

Truthfully... I had only Aquarius relationships up until 4 years ago. Aquas are tender traps for me. I paid my homage to the Water Bearers in this life. I refuse...

Perhaps, it's just what you need! Why else would you refuse or thou who does protest to much.... 😂
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Smh... My danger meter is in the red...🤣
Posted by GemCurioThe1
Posted by justagirl
Posted by GemCurioThe1
Posted by justagirl

I relate. Especially contunuing situations that are past their expiration date, not sure it's pride but more of not wanting to fail at friendships, relationships, life experinces.

I do put others before myself all the time.

Why do you avoid us like the plague? I adore Virgos.

Truthfully... I had only Aquarius relationships up until 4 years ago. Aquas are tender traps for me. I paid my homage to the Water Bearers in this life. I refuse...

Perhaps, it's just what you need! Why else would you refuse or thou who does protest to much.... 😂

Smh... My danger meter is in the red...🤣
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😂 That makes it fun and exciting!!
Posted by ClassyAquarius

Finally, I was waiting for that. I have noticed that you have been around dxp, being bitchy about us. I have one question - is our stubborness the only one thing that made you feel this way twords Aquarius?

I have two very close people Virgo in my life. I think we get along well. Also I used to had crush on this Virgo guy. He was cute and sweet. We didn't work out because the situation was complicated, but who knows.

When it comes to rest, it's astonishing how well you described it, and I can't deny any of that. I'm working hard on my flaw right now. It's one of the reasons I decided to go for therapy.
I really don't know. There is a beautiful connection that develops whenever an Aquarius and a Virgo come together. The stubbornness is a blessing and a curse. It makes Aquas fiercely loyal, but that loyalty can be towards the worse decision in their life. You Aquas are stubborn enough to stay in it. Stubborn enough to know that you don't want it, but you will not fight, apologize, or surrender to what you do want. You'll hurt someone harshly just being stubborn and never speak a word of it. Show up like nothing happened and all is right in the world. It easily destroys anything that the person may hope for. That stubbornness is terrible to be on the wrong end of.
Posted by ClassyAquarius

Finally, I was waiting for that. I have noticed that you have been around dxp, being bitchy about us. I have one question - is our stubborness the only one thing that made you feel this way twords Aquarius?

I have two very close people Virgo in my life. I think we get along well. Also I used to had crush on this Virgo guy. He was cute and sweet. We didn't work out because the situation was complicated, but who knows.

When it comes to rest, it's astonishing how well you described it, and I can't deny any of that. I'm working hard on my flaw right now. It's one of the reasons I decided to go for therapy.
And I apologize for any past rudeness towards you Aquarius on my behalf. In my life, I invested and paid to much homage to be completely unbiased, but I did my best to be honest in spite of my personal experience.
they are my fave! ❤️️

greatest of friends ❤️️
Posted by ClassyAquarius
Posted by GemCurioThe1
Posted by ClassyAquarius

Finally, I was waiting for that. I have noticed that you have been around dxp, being bitchy about us. I have one question - is our stubborness the only one thing that made you feel this way twords Aquarius?

I have two very close people Virgo in my life. I think we get along well. Also I used to had crush on this Virgo guy. He was cute and sweet. We didn't work out because the situation was complicated, but who knows.

When it comes to rest, it's astonishing how well you described it, and I can't deny any of that. I'm working hard on my flaw right now. It's one of the reasons I decided to go for therapy.

And I apologize for any past rudeness towards you Aquarius on my behalf. In my life, I invested and paid to much homage to be completely unbiased, but I did my best to be honest in spite of my personal experience.

You don't have to apologise. I was just curious, and this thread showed me that your sorrows twords us aren't lunatic. You actually took time to understand us. And I know how we are. I met enough Aquarians in my life to agree with you, that we can be the worst.

I admit myself that the flaw you mentioned is something that even I'm tierd of. Maybe I don't hurt people, but I hurt myself which can be bothering for other, because how much you can bottle in without eventually blow up and that can be hurtful for others.
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Well.. The natural balance is the best must partner with the worse. And unfortunately the sweet is never as sweet without the sour. The storms caused by any Air sign is often merciless and frightening. It usually damages the other person for a long time. But the sunny days given during the spring and summer of the relationship often lasts even longer. The majority of my personal relationships have been with Air Signs and mostly Aquarius, so how harshly could I judge or have an opinion on Aquas when obviously there's something about them that completely Resonates inside of me?? To judge Aquarius is truly for me to look deeply in a mirror. That's difficult for anyone.

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