Visions -- Cappies and Aquas linked to water ???

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by cappysweetie on Wednesday, June 7, 2006 and has 3 replies.
Last Night, I had the strangest vision I have ever had. The following was the only way I could interpret what was going on in my head. My problem is that I can?t figure out what it all means, it is filled with metaphors I KNOW have a specific meaning, but my mind can?t find any solutions right now
Here it is:
Darkness consumed the surrounding ... there were no shadows ... no images .. but I wasn?t alone ? I felt someone there ?
I remember his hands, and the way his eyes looked ... war-torn diamonds that shined inside me.

He spoke of a burden, in which formed barrier to his own truth. Within the darkness, he exposed his visibility ? hungry for light ? thirsty for the distance ?
The scars were relevant, all over face ... it was all rejected from within ...
And before he fell, I revealed my shame to him
It felt like ... a rebirth ...
Am I the only one the has random visions??? It may seem like a poor excuse for a poem, but this is what I envision. It just very hard to analyze what it means .. . It can very well mean nothing, but I don?t think that?s the case ?.
Being a sea-goat ( that the description of the Capricorn), Does the water element create a need to express you emotions ? no matter deep they my run.?
Aquarius have a water element as well, and they tend to me very express something has meaning to them ? All my feelings (especially Eros feelings) are very fluid and that can be frightening to those who are more guarded.
LOL! Sorry for my zaniness but it must be the planet alignment ? it affects certain signs -- especially this Capricorn at the moment ? What are your thoughts ?
"They tend to suppress them by denying they are there, while other Earth signs intellectualise their way out of them.
That's just it, I don't suppress my emotions ... I can very expressive! It's doesn't bother me, but I am very curious about why I am so fluid. That vision that I had was ... peculiar to say the least. I need to figure out what is means and WHO exactly is that man who was with me ???"

"Aquarians are suppose to be very intuitive, so this is how water influence them. I'll try to decipher that metaphor, but give me some time"
Okay, I would appreciate your insight smile
Branh, ? THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH! That was wonderfully helpful. It was driving me up the wall, I just couldn't get it out of my head.
Yes, do have trouble expressing my true feelings because I tend to very fliud once I start, there are reasons for this.
I do have a few questions about your interpretation.
?Sound like he is emphasizing what it is like to be in solitary. To be alone in this sense, that you are divorce from the world. A shadow is a reflection of something that is already there. This solitude would go under assumption that nothing exist in this space.?
Okay, now I understand this, but why would I be there. What would I be there ????? That?s the confusing part, why I am there with him ???

?Diamonds are used to describe eyes. War torn, means eyes of dispair, but full of reflection and deep thought.?
Okay, well this makes sense. I felt that his eyes were searching MY eyes for something ? like he was looking for a revalation or a confession !?! Could that have been true ???
"This means that he spoke of his trails, but never really told what he was talking about. He was indirect, meaning that he spoke barrier of his own truth. He sounds like he spoke about what happened, but not how he feels. Barrier to ones on truth, to speak without feelings, because of inhibition. To hunger for light, means one has a need to let go and speak. Hunger for distance, means that he does not want to expose much of himself."
Okay, so the ?And before he fell ?? part of my vision, meant that he no longer could no longer hold up the ?barrier of his own truth? ???
So, revealing my shame to him could mean my true feelings ??? Why would it feel like a rebirth after the part:
The scars were relevant, all over his face ... it was all rejected from within ...
And before he fell, I revealed my shame to him
Afterwards, how could that feel like a rebirth ???