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Apr 18, 2015Comments: 2 · Posts: 420 · Topics: 38
So I found out I had a secret admirer and I would have never thought it would be him! I've never even talked to him and we seem like two totally different people. To many (including me), he came off as weird. When I saw him, he was always by himself and walking kinda fast. He had shoulder length dirty blond hair and it looked kinda thick with a little wave towards his ends. He was slender and tall & kinda lanky. I think he had blue eyes and he wore this leather jacket that he seemed to like very much which had spikes on it and a skull (it was one of those kind of jackets) but I'm not sure. Some of the girls liked to talk to him but he wasn't that kind of guy, he seemed to keep to himself a lot. Well, he wrote me a letter/note that he gave to his roommate to give to me professing his liking of me. In the note he said something about how I had a beautiful smile and that I seemed nice and then he left his number. I didn't know what to think so when his roommate asked me was it a yes or no, I said idk. I saw him in the hallway on my way to class after the weekend was over and he walked right pass me without even looking and said nothing. Never saw or talked to him after that. That's all I can remember.
He prob just walked past because he was embarrassed. You didn't reply. _ _