Hello, I am still very new to Astrology.
I am an Aries Sun, Gemini Moon and Gemini Rising
If anyone could tell me what exactly any of this means would be great. I am just curious :)
how does that mix? :-) y'all never answer me :-)
he’s libra sun cancer moon cancer rising virgo mars libra venus/mercury
i’m aries sun libra moon libra rising taurus mars aries venus/mercury
does the moons/risings fuck it up
Please raise your hand! Where my lovies at?
I cannot find my log in details so using this secondary account.
Anyway, I have an update about my mofo aqua FWB. Bloody person returned after few weeks of disappearing after our argument. Guess what, I didnt take him back. Mofo sent me a message to a
Hi everyone! This is Geminigirl052388 but unfortunately, I cannot find my log in details for my original account so I am using this secondary one. Anyway, I recently met an Italian Aries guy. TBH, I have never been attracted to Aries men as lovers but I d
When do you all let your pervert show? My Leo has been perverted since like week 2 in our relationship/friendship/Idunnowhatsgoingon and he let me know that that's just how he is. I have to really be into someone OR comfortable... Maybe he thought I was o
not sure if this apply to both men and women but do u sometimes have these standard in ur mind of what ur loved ones shud b behaving, doing, eating? I'm talking about family, close friends and intimate relationships? Lol. Like no jokes do u want them to d
Am I the only one agonizing from this or are we plenty? I mean, you caught a glimpse of your favorite dark chocolate being restocked at the mall and you have a strict diet plan going on. The thought of how well you enjoyed yourself of that chocolate keeps
Having these both in synastry- Venus opp Pluto and moon opp Pluto. I was obsessed with the guy but he didn't fully want to vomit to me. Will he think of me the same like I do that we are not together?
Sun in Virgo/Mars in Aries
With this combo in your birth chart you may find yourself torn between opposing influences. While the more precipitous Aries prompts you to rush headlong into an intimate relationship, cautious Virgo reminds you t