What do you think about my combination Aquarius Sun- Gemini Moon -Sagittarius Rising Sign

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by kris_01 on Saturday, October 7, 2017 and has 5 replies.
just curios Tongue
7th house of marriage you would be attracted to Gemini, taurus, cancer maybe depending.

i found a video of the marriage between an Aquarius Sun, Gemini moon, Gemini mars, Pisces venus famous tennis player, with Cancer sun, Cancer venus, (No rising on her so iffy on moon sign) Leo mars Patty Smyth, with John McEnroe.....

this is valuable information!!! his Gemini moon,gemini mars maybe in place here along with trining his aqua sun...

he says, "My wife says i lack the empathy gene........ we have arguments at the dinner table with my kids, "

"everyone of you is wrong, you're gonna see it that way..."

"possibly i was wrong...." "or partially wrong?"

Listen to that!!

and commenters go, wow! patty smyth is a WARRIOR cause she married John McEnroe. lol Laughing

i would say she is, with her Leo Mars, and astrotheme does not have her rising so we dont know her moon sign..

but John McEnroe has LIBRA rising...


he's mostly AIR...but his mars/moon gemini is in the 8th house, and his sun aquarius in the 4th house.

despite it all, they work hard and maintaining a togetherness of family and i can tell he really loves her, and she loves him too, even with all the frustrations. I think that's love and loyalty and never giving up.

not many people are like this, they give up too easily. (not counting abuse or multple cheating ...then wellllll...throw in the towel)

hmm if you think about it, his sun sign in the 4th house is very in line with wanting a Cancerian lover/partner and homebody. Big Grin


and his Mars gemini and Mars moon in 8th....his go-getter tendancy!! his ability to pursue his dreams/passions, in the court and became one of the top tennis players of his time.

that's very very plutonic. lol

so...OP, tell us, your houses please. and rising sign. it'll help alot.

patty smyth ...in the I AM the WARRIOR.. she slayed that John McEnroe.

hmm if you think about it, his sun sign in the 4th house is very in line with wanting a Cancerian lover/partner and homebody. Big Grin


and his Mars gemini and Mars moon in 8th....his go-getter tendancy!! his ability to pursue his dreams/passions, in the court and became one of the top tennis players of his time.

that's very very plutonic. lol

so...OP, tell us, your houses please. and rising sign. it'll help alot.

patty smyth ...in the I AM the WARRIOR.. she slayed that John McEnroe.