What is your experience with Leo?

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by truecap on Friday, February 28, 2014 and has 14 replies.
Just curious. I know an aquarius/leo couple and asking for her sake.
Posted by feby16aqua
She is the aqua or the leo? I'm curious lol.

She's the leo.
According to that marriage statistic thread that was on here a couple of years ago...it is one of the most successful marriage combos in all of the zodiac.
For the life of me I can't see how.
Interesting. Just seeing how they would get along.
I thought the Leo would be to needy and egotistic for an aquarius. And the aquarius too aloof and unemotional for Leo. That the leo would be starved for affection.
Posted by truecap
Interesting. Just seeing how they would get along.
I thought the Leo would be to needy and egotistic for an aquarius. And the aquarius too aloof and unemotional for Leo. That the leo would be starved for affection.

i dont know about leo women and aqua men,
but my husband has stellium in leo, and mmmm mmmm RAWR. I love everything about him.
he makes me feel like sexual beast.
I think it works well for the male Aquarius/female leo combo because the Aquarius feels no need to entertain. Leos do their fair share AND THEN SOME!! ^.^
There always is that problem of lack of attention for Leo but it generally is not too much a problem I guess dunno *shrug*
Maybe Aquarius enjoys the Leo entertainment? Also Leos seem to be attracted to eccentricity as well.
Good sex and crazy arguments over stupid shit, yup I know Leo women very well. They mean as the very ice pick they keep handy!
I almost married one sooooo...
Own you ^.^?
Whatcha talking bout!!
I have no experience sadly.
I suppose I was making assumptions, but yet, I wanted to ask because I know my assumptions could be wrong.
This couple argues a lot, so I just wondered if anyone else had experience. I told her I'd ask on here.
I have positive relationships with Leo's, both men and women. With the men, we joke on eachother have a similar sense of humor I've found.
With the women, besides me being attracted to them for the most part, I find a pull towards them as well. There's a girl who I found interesting and very friendly at work, later I found out she is a Leo.
I had a brief stint with an older Leo woman. I found her to be mentally crazy but at the same time I found it to be extremely sexy. Lots of petty arguments in that relationship, now we don't talk anymore.
Arguments seems to be the big issue right? Should we understand that they both match in many other things??
I find female leos charming and always funny I do like the men but I always have the urge to emasculate them because they have such big egos and they like to whip it out and wave it everywhere??_.I find a male leo with his tale between his legs adorable.