What's the name of your Private Parts

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by LiBrat on Sunday, March 19, 2006 and has 7 replies.
I noticed from the Love Test that was posted, the many exciting names given to the poster's Thingy's so maybe we should start a thread and list them here.
Hmm,I wonder if my daddy could beat up your daddyTongue

Your Daddy Is Dennis Rodman

What You Call Him: Daddy Dearest

Why You Love Him: He knows best
Who's Your Daddy?

Your Pimp Name Is...

Sugar Lips Tease
What's Your Pimp Name?

Yeah babyWinking
for the private parts question,I got lame ass "vice of love" for my putty cat.In real life my boobs are called itchy and scratchy by my boyfriend thoughsmileI had an itch thats haunted me for years lol.
Hey primegen how do you post pics here from photobucket,the only thing im getting to come out is the link to them?
For anti bling
Err i dont belive i ever named mine LOL.. msut be a US thing lol..