when aqua didn't show up

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by Antero on Sunday, April 9, 2017 and has 25 replies.
Posted by Antero
I had a commited relationship with an aqua for almost 9 month. we didnt meet very often as we are busy with work and taking care our own kids. a few days ago I told.him why he never make any plan to meet me?.. its always me whi asking if we supposed to meet when we can .he just silent and yesterday he asked me to meet him today at 15. I said ok. and I will come with my daughter as he supposed to help my daughter as she has a problem at the moment that she doesnt want to talk what is the problem . as my aqua work as a psykolog and he is willing to help her and that's ok I come with my daughter he said. he text me again and said we meet at 17 I said ok. I went to the place he mention with my daughter but he never come. I try to text and called but got no reply. I though he must be fall a sleep. 20 minutes I wait and than he text me and said sorry he fall a sleep it's his fault he said and understand if I am angry. but I try to call him instead text message he rejected. he text me and said we speak later. it's the first time in my life a man don't show up when we supposed to meet. I was upset and angry of course, i wish he can help.me with my daughter as it's very difficult for.me to take her out with him. I wonder is it typical an Aquarius who can't speak on the phone while they make mistake?.. why text?.. better to talk. by the way I'm Gemini with moon Scorpio and he is Aquarius with Libra moon. I feel like he didn't respect my time. I work at 6 thus morni g but I give my time to see him but what I get?.. he don't bother. thanks for any suggestion what shall I do. shall i just ignore him?..

Something similar happened to me yesterday. Made plans for a definite time and place. She, the Aqua, did not show up. Texted her, she replied in 2h saying she can't come to me because of her problems with commitment. We are not together, we have a year old history of ups and downs, but never actually together.

So, what did I do/will do. I told her that its very disrespectful of me and my time to not let me know that she won't come. She agreed and apologised. Told her to get back at me when she will be able to have a date.

Next: nothing. If she comes back, good, if not, that's ok also. Its not the first time she flaked on a date with me. Its becoming a habit for her and this got to stop.
Posted by Antero
this is the first time for me. I text him and said if u are a gentlemen, you supposed to call me and explain what's happening instead text message. and if you don't want to help.my daughter with her problem , just be honest to me . I worked at 6 this morning and had been work 7 days without day of and u asked to meet and I give my time to you. treat me with respect and be honest as I am a very smart women to understand it. will see if he answer.. it's the first time he do this to me. but with you she did very often .. it's suck. why an Aquarius like that.
I am wrecking my brain reading all of your posts about people not texting back!

If you can't talk - just say sorry I am busy will respond later. 3 seconds!!! WHY is it so hard to do?
Posted by Antero
it's not about texting back @Gemitati..
It always is!
I just have to smh at aquas .

How can humanterians do what y'all do?

Wow I was also stood up by an aqua on Friday night! I invited him to a concert on Thursday, he said he could probably go since his flight home would be in by 6:30pm. So I said cool I will get you a ticket and he said thanks.

Friday comes and I texted him after his flight landed to see if he still felt up to going. He replied "yeah, didn't you get the tickets?" And I said yes and asked what time he wanted to go. He said he was playing a video game and asked what time they will start playing. I wasn't really sure so I guessed around 10:30? I did not hear from him after that. I tried to call him around 10:30 and he ignored my call and sent me to voicemail (it only rang 2.5 or 3 times so he clearly hit ignore.) He has not apologized or anything.

Soo.. maybe something is going on with aquas?? I don't understand.
@Antero -- Yeah, I do not understand! I really cannot imagine treating anyone this way. It is so hard to see things from their perspective...
Aquas are rebellious and do whatever the hell they want when they are NOT committed. Including shit like this. BUT, there is a difference in canceling a date BEFORE and NOT showing up. For my Aqua it was the first time when we made plans and didn't show up. Before, she would cancel them and let me know (some bs reason, but still). So, by not showing up, its a sign of BIG disrespect for the other one and they should let be known about this. And apologise. And click ignore until they reach to you out first. In a few days/weeks. Or never.

This should be a red flag for anyone. Including myself.
I don't want to give the wrong advice. This can be called a red flag.

But also: if this is how he will be until his death, then better you have him than he changes from woman to woman.

so in summary: IDK -> put a tarot card, lol.
I was interested in an Aqua boy. And he did such disturbing move twice and I stopped talking back to him. Not that I regret my decisions. I have Venus in Sag. Also we live in different cities. But I find all this to be absurd.

I know he has been living with two girls. One IDK the sign. The other was a Scorpio. With the Scorp he had kept his own place. I guess it is with one foot in the back door. Then the Scorp girl did some mistakes so that he was back to his own home. What did the scorp do? She wanted to marry somebody from her friends' circle for the sake of visa for him. So to help. But people who read between the lines could think she wanted to force the Aqua to marry her. Who knows? IDC which version is true.

And he writes poems about losing people. lol

It's like something vague in his head say to him how good love and commitment is, but own behaviour goes in a different way.

What might God have thought when he created all these deviations from the "how-it-should-be"? exhausting.
The reality of post-modern dating:

User Submitted Image
Posted by imbatgirl14
... What's your sign?

she said Gem.
Posted by Antero
... I'm Gemini with moon Scorpio and he is Aquarius with Libra moon....
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Posted by imbatgirl14
Posted by DwellingOnMove
Posted by imbatgirl14
... What's your sign?

she said Gem.
Posted by Antero
... I'm Gemini with moon Scorpio and he is Aquarius with Libra moon....

Hm he has double air which makes him more aloof
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you're right. would Libra (7th house) Moon better tend to commiment? or does it have fear of intimacy?
^^^^^^^ I see. sounds true. at least often seen.
Posted by Antero
does it mean something if he is double air? @imbatgirl14? he was born 22 january

and other placements? venus etc? I always look at Jupiter. it's just my weakness.
wow..you know alot about moon sign and Sun sign @imbatgirl14.
I have double Libra moon, but I am one of the most secure persons when it is about love matters. My Aqua man has a Pisces moon but he is absolulety avoidant about love, yet an excellent friend and open in communication. What it counts, it's the way your parents raised you as a kid, as well as how you have been taught to deal with your deep emotions, good or bad.
Posted by Antero
its tfue what u describe about me @imbatgirl14 he has Venus in Capricorn and Jupiter in Taurus and I have Venus in Taurus and Jupiter was in Leo @DwellingOnMove

Venus in Cap and Jup in Taurus are good news in my opinion. Earth signs are commitment friendly and can take responsibility. But maybe under squares and oppositions we currently have in cardinal signs (Sun Aries, Jupiter Libra, Pluto Cap) he might be confused. I have Cap-Cancer as SN-NN-axis and Jupiter in Aries and these last days I was nothing like myself.

Regarding Saturn. I think Saturn aspects between the two persons' charts are very important that is binding in case of supporting aspects and dissolving in case of challenging aspects. But Saturn of each person is the matter of their own life, I'd say.
Posted by imbatgirl14
... venus is trine to his Capricorn and your Jupiters are Square...

that counts only if we agree on aspects by signs. Usually aspects by degree are talked. she did not tell us anything about the degrees. With degrees a square can turn out to be a trine.
Posted by imbatgirl14
Posted by DwellingOnMove
Posted by imbatgirl14
... venus is trine to his Capricorn and your Jupiters are Square...

that counts only if we agree on aspects by signs. Usually aspects by degree are talked. she did not tell us anything about the degrees. With degrees a square can turn out to be a trine.
True, but I don't take Jupiter into account. I usually like to look at a person's sun, moon, Mars combo followed by their asc and desc.
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yes, the thing with Jupiter is my thing. ok, maybe I've seen it somewhere on the web too. but it is not very common. I take it to see how the faith of the person by itself (so without the synastry) is.

People learn by time when they have luck. And that makes them repeat the pattern. This is why I look at their Jupiter.
Posted by imbatgirl14
Posted by DwellingOnMove
Posted by imbatgirl14
Posted by DwellingOnMove
Posted by imbatgirl14
... venus is trine to his Capricorn and your Jupiters are Square...

that counts only if we agree on aspects by signs. Usually aspects by degree are talked. she did not tell us anything about the degrees. With degrees a square can turn out to be a trine.
True, but I don't take Jupiter into account. I usually like to look at a person's sun, moon, Mars combo followed by their asc and desc.

yes, the thing with Jupiter is my thing. ok, maybe I've seen it somewhere on the web too. but it is not very common. I take it to see how the faith of the person by itself (so without the synastry) is.

People learn by time when they have luck. And that makes them repeat the pattern. This is why I look at their Jupiter.
TBH i don't know too much about Jupiter and their role other than like you said 'luck' so I don't see how that would play out in a relationship. It's just ignorance to be quite honest.
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I tried to give a hint. Jupiter gives the way how to achieve luck. Those in their twenties do not know enough about themselves. But after later after getting degree or first jobs or first bf/gf, their subconsciousness gets the clue. Then they follow that style consiously.



^^^^^^^^ that is if someone notices that he has more luck when he is living in an exclusive relationship with constant touch of their partner, they would try to have one again if life circumstances make them single.
Jupiter in Taurus:

Delights in sensual pleasures and wants the good life. A strong feeling of what he/she is worth attracts success. Good instincts for finances, what things are worth/good products, and investing. Attracts the most good fortune when he/she is charitable, generous but discriminating, and patient. Watch for over-indulgence.

Charitable + generous by experience.
Posted by Antero
so exciting to read it comment @imbatgirl14 and @DwellingOnMove I have Jupiter in Leo 06° 25' AND HE HAS Jupiter in Taurus 16° 20' please tell me about it

I put the link to jupiter in signs, see abolve.

Jupiter in Leo

Attracts the most good fortune when [he|she] expresses magnanimity, is generous with others, inspires confidence in those around [him|her], conducts [himself|herself] with dignity and sincerity, and avoids the pitfall of excessive egotism. Prosperous areas are creative ones, entertainment, children, and recreation. Takes pride in everything [he|she] does. Generosity brings success.

Let us clear about what we talk.

- a person's own style : planet in sign. example: Jupiter in Leo.

- a person's own style : degree of the sign. see http://www.astrotheme.com/the_360_symbolic_degrees.php

- two persons' synastry: style of relationship: aspect by sign of their planets

- two persons' synastry: style of relationship: aspect by degree of the sign of their planets.