when aqua man getting angry

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by Antero on Monday, January 8, 2018 and has 5 replies.
it's an awkward situation last Saturday. I'm planning for getting engage with my aqua this Sunday. and last Saturday I was sick and my aqua made food and sleeping at my place. by 19.30 someone knock the door and when I opened it I was shock as my ex Virgo man standing infront of me without calling me first. I had 6 months relationship and he didn't want to continue as he said he was not ready. afterward we didn't have any contact at all for a year or more. I said to Virgo what are u doing here . before he answer me, my aqua came and standing next to.me and I said to Virgo this is my husband. than Virgo said have a nice evening and he walked away. my aqua was angry and put his shoes and running after Virgo. I told to aqua it's not necessary. he was gone with his car. and aqua was angry to.me and he think I 'm having affair. I can understand is he feels like that. I explain to him that i didn't have any contact att all. I'm innocent. I didn't know why he came. aqua asked my kids who is he. my kids can't answer as virgo.never meet my kids and Virgo never came in to my home. I said to aqua.. it's up to him and he wants to believe me or not. I am innocent. I said to aqua everything's is up to him if he wants to believe me or not and if he wants to continue our engagement or not. it won't be good to be engage if he can't trust me. I can't understand my aqua situation. he did the same situation to me once. I don't know what to do. aqua keep asking me my ex Virgo name as he wants to speak. than I search Virgo telephone number on the internet and aqua spoke to him by saying don't you ever came here anymore and Virgo putting down the phone. and than aqua asked me to send text message by saying that I didn't want to see him anymore. I did all what aqua said. I don't know why it's happen. I wanna call Virgo and asked why he searching after me. but I am afraid my aqua will knows abt it. do you think my aqua believe what I said. he said he believe me and will continue our engagement. but I'm thinking abt Virgo and really want to know why he came last Saturday. am I wrong if I called virgo?
@Leo188881 yeah.. that's not nice doing that behind his back. I believe in karma. if I asked aqua, I know he don't like it for sure. don't know my head keep wondering why he came up
Well he wasn't coming over to borrow sugar. He probably just assumed you'd be home and he could talk to you. Lol.

I say let it go, Virgo probably isn't going to tell the truth now anyways if he was trying to get you back. He must feel like an idiot.

There's nothing you can do but wait for your aqua man to cool down.Once he's a little more receptive, try and explain the situation again and don't do anything to aggravate it even further (like calling the Virgo).

Why are you curious about what the Virgo was doing at your house though? Does it really matter what he was there for? If anything, I would be pissed at the guy for having to deal with that mess because of his unannounced visit, not curious.
Do you still have feelings left for the Virgo?