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Mar 18, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 1355 · Topics: 6
Well it sounds to me like you're naturally insecure here. Is this a friendship or a romantic relationship? Has he made his intentions clear? Have you asked him what his feelings are for you? Until you know the answers to those questions, you're not going to feel secure. What you need most now is clarity, not fantasy island. Talk to him about his feelings/intentions and then you'll have a better idea where you stand. Good luck.
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Dec 20, 2011Comments: 362 · Posts: 10167 · Topics: 100
It's become quite apparent we have that effect.
Here's a glass of scotch or help yourself to the wine cellar. Sleep is always good when impulse posting. Time will sort your feelings out - if not... WELL... I have more scotch.
you don't trust him/this relationship. PERIOD.
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Oct 08, 2009Comments: 1 · Posts: 6313 · Topics: 313
fucks sake why do you have to be so emo, creepy and desperate all at once? I can only handle one at a time??_.
You remind me of the reason why I didn't own a phone for 4 years and why I feel the need to boycott social media from time to time??_.just reading how you accentuate your obsession in caps makes me hyperventilate
You have a lot of energy and you need to direct it into somewhere more constructive than boys??_.why don't you join the army or learn some self discipline and do something with your life instead of chasing someone who's clearly not into you??_.(no matter how you look at it)
all T no shade.
Well, you know how the saying goes: Past behavior is a good predictor of future behavior...
I dunno..maybe he's going to do right by you this time. People do change..especially as they get older.
But, keep your guard up until you are absolutely positively sure he's not the same jerk as before.
@ Mystified
I totally understand -- they are said to be so logical... yet sometimes the way my aqua acts seems to defy logic and totally confuses me.
Oh and trust me, I'm totally independent. I have a job and live alone in my own house. From his perspective... I don't even know if he thinks I'm interested in him in any more than a friend anymore.
@ Mystified
Maybe that's why we keep hanging on, because we are so intrigued? Lol. Sometimes I imagine dating a "normal" guy - one who doesn't ever keep me guessing or waiting and does everything that girls supposedly want. The thought really doesn't appeal to me... although I desperately wish it did.
@ Mystified
Maybe that's why we keep hanging on, because we are so intrigued? Lol. Sometimes I imagine dating a "normal" guy - one who doesn't ever keep me guessing or waiting and does everything that girls supposedly want. The thought really doesn't appeal to me... although I desperately wish it did.
bump :/
Who thinks I should ask him out? Lol
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
You either don't trust him and your newfound insecurities are your intuition's way of not letting you get away with the fact that you subconsciously don't trust him
Or you were naturally insecure long before you met him. And yes, those insecurities will come out full swing whether he's giving you red flags OR cloud 9. Insecurities find ways to surface even when things are good. In fact, they especially come out when things are good b/c insecurities caused by past experiences make it easier for you to believe that someone finally treating you right is too good to be true.