why do Aquarians cheat?

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by rungs on Sunday, March 20, 2016 and has 41 replies.

If you've never cheated this obviously isn't for you.

But a while back I posted about this aqua guy that I slept with, we've slept together about 3 times now, but the last time he came over (two days ago) he told me that this other girl, he said he only had a crush on was actually his gf of 3 months. He went on to say he doesn't even feel guilty for cheating because I'm better than her and how and in what ways. Not to mention the sex is amazing, he makes me feel so beautiful and sexy even tho I'm insecure. After the first time we slept together I took everyone's advice not to be clingy or controlling and not to chase. After the last time he came he's starting to ignore me again, once I noticed I stopped contacting him which is usually hard for me.

Him: *530am* can I ask you something?
Me: *730am* yeah, what?
Me: *2 house later* what did you wana ask?

Should I just walk away? Or what will it mean if he comes back? I don't want to be the side girl anymore. I was happy being friends with benefits but this makes me feel uneasy. Is there a chance hell leave her for me?
Why is everyone that isn't Aquarian replying? If you don't know how the Aquarian mind works, please leave.
Aquarians that I know mess around when the one they're with isn't a serious prospect, even if it's a girlfriend. Until they've found "the one" and are positive that they have, they keep their options open.
Posted by aquanib
Posted by rungs
Is there a chance hell leave her for me?

It's lies woman. Just leave.
I can only speak from my own perspective, but if i meet someone that goes above the threshold of casual fling and potentialy something more seriously, i immediately stop all activities that would put that potential in any sort of existential danger. For at least until i figure out if the radar was wrong, if it's wrong (doesn't happen a lot) then cheating is in the words of your buddy, fairly guiltless.
It is "eh, they'll get over it" mentality....where "they" is you and "over it" refers to you being played.

Your insecurity is the least of the problems here....imho you're just not for one another, again, anecdotal experience, my mom is taurus, i left home as soon as possible.....
If i was to judge this, i'd say both, you and the other gf are casual flings and he will be doing it as long as it goes, ie gets busted, meets someone third that's "special", or falls in love with one of you two (unlikely and you shouldn't take him anyway, there's a fair chance the relationship won't be real)

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You're very much jumping to conclusion and majority of what you said is an assumption. IM INSECURE ABOUT MY BODY WHEN ITS NAKED - not insecure altogether but like in the text - he made me feel beautiful and sexy so I didn't really care.
Move on
Posted by sultrykitty
Aquarians that I know mess around when the one they're with isn't a serious prospect, even if it's a girlfriend. Until they've found "the one" and are positive that they have, they keep their options open.

I feel like this is the only Aquarian perspective and everyone else is replying because they're angry about the cheating. Is this implying, that I'm also not a good prospect as much as his gf?
Posted by Gobshite
Posted by sultrykitty
Aquarians that I know mess around when the one they're with isn't a serious prospect, even if it's a girlfriend. Until they've found "the one" and are positive that they have, they keep their options open.

Even when it involves sleeping with their best friend's wife or husband...
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this is a watery thing isn't it??

emotional connecton with someone until....you defy the friendship thing.

you want what you want, despite immoral stuff going on.

so your emotional needs need to be met, cause no one is petting you kind of thing and when someone does, it's cheating time!!

Hammer time!!



Hammer time Sunday

if people dont like aquarius and think they do that shit, then DO NOT get involved with them personally ok? EASY PEASY dumb asses.


they keep coming back for more.Laughing

If a man cheats with u on his girl, he'll do so again with another chick - but you'll be the one he cheats on in the end.

Safe youself time and drama and find a man who doesnt cheat with u.
Posted by sultrykitty
Aquarians that I know mess around when the one they're with isn't a serious prospect, even if it's a girlfriend. Until they've found "the one" and are positive that they have, they keep their options open.

Haha! That's not an Aquarian. That's every single cheating asshole. LOL. They all cheat because even though the person they are with has a gf title, they know all too well that she's Ms. Right now, not Ms.Right.
Posted by rungs

If you've never cheated this obviously isn't for you.

But a while back I posted about this aqua guy that I slept with, we've slept together about 3 times now, but the last time he came over (two days ago) he told me that this other girl, he said he only had a crush on was actually his gf of 3 months. He went on to say he doesn't even feel guilty for cheating because I'm better than her and how and in what ways. Not to mention the sex is amazing, he makes me feel so beautiful and sexy even tho I'm insecure. After the first time we slept together I took everyone's advice not to be clingy or controlling and not to chase. After the last time he came he's starting to ignore me again, once I noticed I stopped contacting him which is usually hard for me.

Him: *530am* can I ask you something?
Me: *730am* yeah, what?
Me: *2 house later* what did you wana ask?

Should I just walk away? Or what will it mean if he comes back? I don't want to be the side girl anymore. I was happy being friends with benefits but this makes me feel uneasy. Is there a chance hell leave her for me?

Aquarians looking at this thread are all like, Why is this idiot assuming it's an Aqua thing? The only "Aqua" thing about it is how he deals with cheating, according to you he is in the "give no fucks" attitude. You came to this forum in the wrong attitude, but I will answer your basic question from an Aqua point of view.

There is another girl who gets to call herself his girlfriend. She WON. Whether he is having buyers remorse now, he picked her, not you. The man has reduced you to a booty call, he's probably at your place when his girlfriend is on her period, has a headache or they are having a fight.

Other Aquas look at your Aqua and are thinking, WTF is wrong with this person. I've known Aqua males to waffle on commitment, sleep around with no promises, and if the girl doesn't bring up the relationship portion, just assume they are ok with FWB.

What flagged this for me was him telling you that he doesn't feel guilty. That just screams "Immature Aqua". So, do you want a boy or a man? You said you don't want to be the side girl, I applaud that, it speaks to character. Do you want to deal with the drama this guy brings with him? I wouldn't, my advice is to tell him that the sex was amazing, but not so amazing that you would sell your self worth and be treated like a side bitch, and keep a man who cheats without remorse, because he found something "better".

Fuck him and the dick he is swinging.
Posted by rungs
Posted by sultrykitty
Aquarians that I know mess around when the one they're with isn't a serious prospect, even if it's a girlfriend. Until they've found "the one" and are positive that they have, they keep their options open.

I feel like this is the only Aquarian perspective and everyone else is replying because they're angry about the cheating. Is this implying, that I'm also not a good prospect as much as his gf?
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He likes both of you. But neither of you enough to commit.
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by sultrykitty
Aquarians that I know mess around when the one they're with isn't a serious prospect, even if it's a girlfriend. Until they've found "the one" and are positive that they have, they keep their options open.

Haha! That's not an Aquarian. That's every single cheating asshole. LOL. They all cheat because even though the person they are with has a gf title, they know all too well that she's Ms. Right now, not Ms.Right.
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That's true too. But many people think that everyone they date could be "the one" and will at least stick with it until they know that they're not. And break it off before sleeping with someone else.

I think a lot of girls who think they are an Aqua's girlfriend, aren't, from the Aqua's perspective.

"Should I just walk away? Or what will it mean if he comes back? I don't want to be the side girl anymore . I was happy being friends with benefits but this makes me feel uneasy. Is there a chance hell leave her for me?"

then don't be. It really is that simple of an answer.

Posted by tiziani
Posted by sultrykitty
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by sultrykitty
Aquarians that I know mess around when the one they're with isn't a serious prospect, even if it's a girlfriend. Until they've found "the one" and are positive that they have, they keep their options open.

Haha! That's not an Aquarian. That's every single cheating asshole. LOL. They all cheat because even though the person they are with has a gf title, they know all too well that she's Ms. Right now, not Ms.Right.

That's true too. But many people think that everyone they date could be "the one" and will at least stick with it until they know that they're not. And break it off before sleeping with someone else.

I think a lot of girls who think they are an Aqua's girlfriend, aren't, from the Aqua's perspective.

I have to say, you've taken some needless shit round here for your relationship and you took it with grace. When I am remembering how to have faith in my own relationships and family I am going to remember a page out of the book of you and your Aqua.
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Thank you! smile
Posted by Gennie
Posted by rungs

If you've never cheated this obviously isn't for you.

But a while back I posted about this aqua guy that I slept with, we've slept together about 3 times now, but the last time he came over (two days ago) he told me that this other girl, he said he only had a crush on was actually his gf of 3 months. He went on to say he doesn't even feel guilty for cheating because I'm better than her and how and in what ways. Not to mention the sex is amazing, he makes me feel so beautiful and sexy even tho I'm insecure. After the first time we slept together I took everyone's advice not to be clingy or controlling and not to chase. After the last time he came he's starting to ignore me again, once I noticed I stopped contacting him which is usually hard for me.

Him: *530am* can I ask you something?
Me: *730am* yeah, what?
Me: *2 house later* what did you wana ask?

Should I just walk away? Or what will it mean if he comes back? I don't want to be the side girl anymore. I was happy being friends with benefits but this makes me feel uneasy. Is there a chance hell leave her for me?

Aquarians looking at this thread are all like, Why is this idiot assuming it's an Aqua thing? The only "Aqua" thing about it is how he deals with cheating, according to you he is in the "give no fucks" attitude. You came to this forum in the wrong attitude, but I will answer your basic question from an Aqua point of view.

There is another girl who gets to call herself his girlfriend. She WON. Whether he is having buyers remorse now, he picked her, not you. The man has reduced you to a booty call, he's probably at your place when his girlfriend is on her period, has a headache or they are having a fight.

Other Aquas look at your Aqua and are thinking, WTF is wrong with this person. I've known Aqua males to waffle on commitment, sleep around with no promises, and if the girl doesn't bring up the relationship portion, just assume they are ok with FWB.

What flagged this for me was him telling you that he doesn't feel guilty. That just screams "Immature Aqua". So, do you want a boy or a man? You said you don't want to be the side girl, I applaud that, it speaks to character. Do you want to deal with the drama this guy brings with him? I wouldn't, my advice is to tell him that the sex was amazing, but not so amazing that you would sell your self worth and be treated like a side bitch, and keep a man who cheats without remorse, because he found something "better".

Fuck him and the dick he is swinging.
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Even tho this was a deep stab at me at first, I
Posted by Gennie
Posted by rungs

If you've never cheated this obviously isn't for you.

But a while back I posted about this aqua guy that I slept with, we've slept together about 3 times now, but the last time he came over (two days ago) he told me that this other girl, he said he only had a crush on was actually his gf of 3 months. He went on to say he doesn't even feel guilty for cheating because I'm better than her and how and in what ways. Not to mention the sex is amazing, he makes me feel so beautiful and sexy even tho I'm insecure. After the first time we slept together I took everyone's advice not to be clingy or controlling and not to chase. After the last time he came he's starting to ignore me again, once I noticed I stopped contacting him which is usually hard for me.

Him: *530am* can I ask you something?
Me: *730am* yeah, what?
Me: *2 house later* what did you wana ask?

Should I just walk away? Or what will it mean if he comes back? I don't want to be the side girl anymore. I was happy being friends with benefits but this makes me feel uneasy. Is there a chance hell leave her for me?

Aquarians looking at this thread are all like, Why is this idiot assuming it's an Aqua thing? The only "Aqua" thing about it is how he deals with cheating, according to you he is in the "give no fucks" attitude. You came to this forum in the wrong attitude, but I will answer your basic question from an Aqua point of view.

There is another girl who gets to call herself his girlfriend. She WON. Whether he is having buyers remorse now, he picked her, not you. The man has reduced you to a booty call, he's probably at your place when his girlfriend is on her period, has a headache or they are having a fight.

Other Aquas look at your Aqua and are thinking, WTF is wrong with this person. I've known Aqua males to waffle on commitment, sleep around with no promises, and if the girl doesn't bring up the relationship portion, just assume they are ok with FWB.

What flagged this for me was him telling you that he doesn't feel guilty. That just screams "Immature Aqua". So, do you want a boy or a man? You said you don't want to be the side girl, I applaud that, it speaks to character. Do you want to deal with the drama this guy brings with him? I wouldn't, my advice is to tell him that the sex was amazing, but not so amazing that you would sell your self worth and be treated like a side bitch, and keep a man who cheats without remorse, because he found something "better".

Fuck him and the dick he is swinging.
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Even tho this was a deep stab at me at first, I
Posted by sultrykitty
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by sultrykitty
Aquarians that I know mess around when the one they're with isn't a serious prospect, even if it's a girlfriend. Until they've found "the one" and are positive that they have, they keep their options open.

Haha! That's not an Aquarian. That's every single cheating asshole. LOL. They all cheat because even though the person they are with has a gf title, they know all too well that she's Ms. Right now, not Ms.Right.

That's true too. But many people think that everyone they date could be "the one" and will at least stick with it until they know that they're not. And break it off before sleeping with someone else.

I think a lot of girls who think they are an Aqua's girlfriend, aren't, from the Aqua's perspective.
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I know bunch of women with assorted astrological sign men and these men are time bandits. They know the girl they are with is just a time pass but they won't give up the benefits of a relationship. They are no selfless humanitarians.
Aquarius take their sweet time to decide who they really want to settle with.It can even take years while analyzing , it's not as easy for us like everyone else, we tend to overthink.

And he probably doesaknt see it as cheating he has not made his mind about her.

He dating the two of you cause he's not sure.

I once cheated on a guy cause I was not sure if I wanted him for a long run, but things changed when I saw him with another girl.

If you love him, don't him go
Posted by rungs
Posted by aquanib
Posted by rungs
Is there a chance hell leave her for me?

It's lies woman. Just leave.
I can only speak from my own perspective, but if i meet someone that goes above the threshold of casual fling and potentialy something more seriously, i immediately stop all activities that would put that potential in any sort of existential danger. For at least until i figure out if the radar was wrong, if it's wrong (doesn't happen a lot) then cheating is in the words of your buddy, fairly guiltless.
It is "eh, they'll get over it" mentality....where "they" is you and "over it" refers to you being played.

Your insecurity is the least of the problems here....imho you're just not for one another, again, anecdotal experience, my mom is taurus, i left home as soon as possible.....
If i was to judge this, i'd say both, you and the other gf are casual flings and he will be doing it as long as it goes, ie gets busted, meets someone third that's "special", or falls in love with one of you two (unlikely and you shouldn't take him anyway, there's a fair chance the relationship won't be real)

You're very much jumping to conclusion and majority of what you said is an assumption. IM INSECURE ABOUT MY BODY WHEN ITS NAKED - not insecure altogether but like in the text - he made me feel beautiful and sexy so I didn't really care.
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He made you feel beautiful? He made you feel beautiful? He slept with you a couple of times, then told you about his girlfriend? Did he make you feel beautiful before he lied to you about his woman, or after?
it should be obvious why aqua men cheat by now! that whole free spirit dont wanna be tied down and wanna experiment with everything mentality is REAL

it is really hard to get one to settle down or commit because we will always be upset about what we miss out on. its probably like this for most other men but in aqua it is like x10 the thought of being locked into something and holding myself back just makes me sick now thinking about it while im typing this. but ironically i do kinda want real love = lol
RED FLAG-----This has nothing to do with astrological signs. He told you he didn't feel guilty about cheating on his girlfriend and he also knows your weakness (insecurity) and uses it against you.

You don't need the Aqua forum to guide you on this; it is as plain as day. Even so, it's your choice to continue with whatever it is that you're doing. This guy will go as far as you let him. He has the best of both worlds, a steady and a side piece.

It's your call. If that's acceptable for you and things go wrong, and probably will, you'll have no one to blame but yourself.
Posted by Arielle83
He was probably "seeing" both of you.

Picked her for gf, just sees you as a sexual thing.

It's now your choice to decide what you want.

And you know this how?
i remember that Aquarius, virgo and Sagittarius men are the MOST that don't like to commit easily.

all three but in different ways.

commitment phobic.

so i would understand that most women would just know that Sag men want to "play" and adventure around and if you're gonna get invested, be careful

and virgo men, well, look at the forum and complaints. They are CHOOSY so, they will never commit even if you are with them dating them for 10 years. lol

Aquarius men, i dont know why why women bother with them, they are like a combo of sag and virgo. *smh*

except make them out like the experimenter, mind controller? i have no idea. I was with an Aqua ex many years ago.

he could easily commit, but it took him a long time to choose. And once he was in, he didnt want you to get out. or he'd kill you.

it's like once he decides, that better be the lock and key thrown away even if he is an abuser, so it's like you have to put up with that or else.
true story.

but i've seen in real life lots of aqua men commit, but its to the one gal they want above all others. I think it's "connection".
@Gem_In, that statistics report, can you provide a LINK??

i'm surprised that Ashley Madison has this "open" like that.

I only remember that one guy from a Reality show being "Outed" and was on the front page of YAHOO NEWS.


here is a link to one of the ashley madison stats that happened on NEW YEARS.

lots of lonely men out there.


Forget signing up for a gym membership or making headway on any other resolution — for tens of thousands of spouses, New Year’s Day was spent seeking out an extramarital affair.

Dating sites tend to report an uptick in sign-ups come the new year, and Ashley Madison, an online dating service for married people looking to cheat, is no exception. On Friday, the site reported that they experienced record sign-ups on New Year’s Day, as 27,511 married Americans logged on for the first time to look for an affair partner (that’s a new member every three seconds!).

According to a press release, the site’s traffic was up 20.7 percent from New Year’s Day last year and 344 percent higher than a typical day. Men were more likely to sign up — a whopping 16,507 filled out a profile for the site — while 11,004 women reportedly logged on for the first time.

Noel Biderman, the founder of Ashley Madison, says the sign-up numbers didn’t exactly come as a shock to him. “Many people re-examine their lives and changes they want to make on special occasions and holidays, particularly the start of the new year,†he said. “If expectations aren’t met on a night like New Year’s Eve, that can signify the last straw for a lot of couples.â€

Check out the slideshow below to see the U.S. cities with the highest numbers of sign-ups on New Year’s Day:
I mean ANYONE can photoshop and make up statistics.

jeez. provide a legal link.

EDIT - also what IS your PURPOSE and INTENT on doing this??

is this from some MORAL obligation on your part???

you dont sound too nice.
SMH really, Aqua, live up to your damn sign for once.


The outlier is the default setting that puts everyone in Capricorn, unfortunately that means that there is no way to validate the correct amount of caps. Removing that sign from the data dump, reveals Aquarius as the predominant sign.

Of course there is no way to know that those Aquarians are indeed in committed relationships, instead of figuring out the most efficient way that you can find lots of lonely women to have sex with and never have to worry about "relationship talks". You know that Aquarian male is thinking, "well I'm not cheating on anyone, she is, and if not with me than someone else, so...it doesn't really matter."

So saucy with those ethics.
Posted by 9waterlion9
Aquarians for the most part are very loyal once they ACTUALLY commit, but there are exceptions. I know an aqua male who cheated on his partner who he's been with for around 6 years now...he never cheated until around the 5 year mark. I know they are best friends and he considers her his "one" or life partner, I guess...but it's worth noting she wants marrige, he doesn't, and does not intend to live with her even though he loves her. The reason a committed aqua would cheat is if he felt he had a truly special connection with someone else, it would be something that started slowly and the feelings developed almost "accidentally". The aqua would be very unlikely to make the first move. In this case he felt extremely guilty for a while, but then was able to let it go...almost 2 years later, they are still together and she never found out. And for anyone feeling sensitive/defensive reading this, all signs and all good people are capable of cheating, and just because someone cheats does not mean the partner isn't loved...I do think for a commited Aquarius to cheat some really unusual circumstances would be required.

Not the aquas I know. You don't know every Aqua so that first line is a bold face lie.
Posted by bkbella86
Posted by 9waterlion9
Aquarians for the most part are very loyal once they ACTUALLY commit, but there are exceptions. I know an aqua male who cheated on his partner who he's been with for around 6 years now...he never cheated until around the 5 year mark. I know they are best friends and he considers her his "one" or life partner, I guess...but it's worth noting she wants marrige, he doesn't, and does not intend to live with her even though he loves her. The reason a committed aqua would cheat is if he felt he had a truly special connection with someone else, it would be something that started slowly and the feelings developed almost "accidentally". The aqua would be very unlikely to make the first move. In this case he felt extremely guilty for a while, but then was able to let it go...almost 2 years later, they are still together and she never found out. And for anyone feeling sensitive/defensive reading this, all signs and all good people are capable of cheating, and just because someone cheats does not mean the partner isn't loved...I do think for a commited Aquarius to cheat some really unusual circumstances would be required.

Not the aquas I know. You don't know every Aqua so that first line is a bold face lie.
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Did you even bother to read the post or only the first couple of lines. The sign is fixed energy, which means impossible to enforce commitment until the Aqua allows it, AND that a mountain has to be moved to get them to budge from the chosen partner. That's the average, typical aqua with fixed energy. Placements and nurture make up the rest to deviate an Aqua from this cookie cutter behavior, so yes there are EXCEPTIONS. There are exceptions with every sign, hell if you look at the Ashley Madison Data, Aries is #2, should we pop over to the Aries forum with this?

Cheating has nothing to do with astrology, it has to do with power, opportunity, emotions, morality, ethics and a whole lot of other shit before we even hit astrology.
Posted by sultrykitty
Aquarians that I know mess around when the one they're with isn't a serious prospect, even if it's a girlfriend. Until they've found "the one" and are positive that they have, they keep their options open.

Posted by sultrykitty
Aquarians that I know mess around when the one they're with isn't a serious prospect, even if it's a girlfriend. Until they've found "the one" and are positive that they have, they keep their options open.

I know so many Aquarius omg. I feel that if they aren't married or found the one expect cheating to be invovled i know 10 that always had a side prospect ALWAYS never met 1 Aquarius YET that hasn't dont take it personal. Thats why for me i try to stay clear of Aquarius i just know too many and they all r the same. We get along great thats not yhe problem hut if they haven't found the one for them why should they settle and not have options etc. I mean they arent married yet....
And never be the side girl leave him alone
Posted by Gennie
Posted by bkbella86
Posted by 9waterlion9
Aquarians for the most part are very loyal once they ACTUALLY commit, but there are exceptions. I know an aqua male who cheated on his partner who he's been with for around 6 years now...he never cheated until around the 5 year mark. I know they are best friends and he considers her his "one" or life partner, I guess...but it's worth noting she wants marrige, he doesn't, and does not intend to live with her even though he loves her. The reason a committed aqua would cheat is if he felt he had a truly special connection with someone else, it would be something that started slowly and the feelings developed almost "accidentally". The aqua would be very unlikely to make the first move. In this case he felt extremely guilty for a while, but then was able to let it go...almost 2 years later, they are still together and she never found out. And for anyone feeling sensitive/defensive reading this, all signs and all good people are capable of cheating, and just because someone cheats does not mean the partner isn't loved...I do think for a commited Aquarius to cheat some really unusual circumstances would be required.

Not the aquas I know. You don't know every Aqua so that first line is a bold face lie.

Did you even bother to read the post or only the first couple of lines. The sign is fixed energy, which means impossible to enforce commitment until the Aqua allows it, AND that a mountain has to be moved to get them to budge from the chosen partner. That's the average, typical aqua with fixed energy. Placements and nurture make up the rest to deviate an Aqua from this cookie cutter behavior, so yes there are EXCEPTIONS. There are exceptions with every sign, hell if you look at the Ashley Madison Data, Aries is #2, should we pop over to the Aries forum with this?

Cheating has nothing to do with astrology, it has to do with power, opportunity, emotions, morality, ethics and a whole lot of other shit before we even hit astrology.
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Yup I did read and Like I said the Aquas are known cheAters. . Why you mad? And you take whatever you want to the Aries board I'm not stopping you nor do I give a shit.
Posted by bkbella86
Posted by Gennie
Posted by bkbella86
Posted by 9waterlion9
Aquarians for the most part are very loyal once they ACTUALLY commit, but there are exceptions. I know an aqua male who cheated on his partner who he's been with for around 6 years now...he never cheated until around the 5 year mark. I know they are best friends and he considers her his "one" or life partner, I guess...but it's worth noting she wants marrige, he doesn't, and does not intend to live with her even though he loves her. The reason a committed aqua would cheat is if he felt he had a truly special connection with someone else, it would be something that started slowly and the feelings developed almost "accidentally". The aqua would be very unlikely to make the first move. In this case he felt extremely guilty for a while, but then was able to let it go...almost 2 years later, they are still together and she never found out. And for anyone feeling sensitive/defensive reading this, all signs and all good people are capable of cheating, and just because someone cheats does not mean the partner isn't loved...I do think for a commited Aquarius to cheat some really unusual circumstances would be required.

Not the aquas I know. You don't know every Aqua so that first line is a bold face lie.

Did you even bother to read the post or only the first couple of lines. The sign is fixed energy, which means impossible to enforce commitment until the Aqua allows it, AND that a mountain has to be moved to get them to budge from the chosen partner. That's the average, typical aqua with fixed energy. Placements and nurture make up the rest to deviate an Aqua from this cookie cutter behavior, so yes there are EXCEPTIONS. There are exceptions with every sign, hell if you look at the Ashley Madison Data, Aries is #2, should we pop over to the Aries forum with this?

Cheating has nothing to do with astrology, it has to do with power, opportunity, emotions, morality, ethics and a whole lot of other shit before we even hit astrology.

Yup I did read and Like I said the Aquas are known cheAters. . Why you mad? And you take whatever you want to the Aries board I'm not stopping you nor do I give a shit.
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you dont like it when people say shit about your sun sign, so why are you doing the same to others??
we all know that there ARE aries suns that do that too, but so what?? that ain't you right?
Posted by bkbella86
Posted by Gennie
Posted by bkbella86
Posted by 9waterlion9
Aquarians for the most part are very loyal once they ACTUALLY commit, but there are exceptions. I know an aqua male who cheated on his partner who he's been with for around 6 years now...he never cheated until around the 5 year mark. I know they are best friends and he considers her his "one" or life partner, I guess...but it's worth noting she wants marrige, he doesn't, and does not intend to live with her even though he loves her. The reason a committed aqua would cheat is if he felt he had a truly special connection with someone else, it would be something that started slowly and the feelings developed almost "accidentally". The aqua would be very unlikely to make the first move. In this case he felt extremely guilty for a while, but then was able to let it go...almost 2 years later, they are still together and she never found out. And for anyone feeling sensitive/defensive reading this, all signs and all good people are capable of cheating, and just because someone cheats does not mean the partner isn't loved...I do think for a commited Aquarius to cheat some really unusual circumstances would be required.

Not the aquas I know. You don't know every Aqua so that first line is a bold face lie.

Did you even bother to read the post or only the first couple of lines. The sign is fixed energy, which means impossible to enforce commitment until the Aqua allows it, AND that a mountain has to be moved to get them to budge from the chosen partner. That's the average, typical aqua with fixed energy. Placements and nurture make up the rest to deviate an Aqua from this cookie cutter behavior, so yes there are EXCEPTIONS. There are exceptions with every sign, hell if you look at the Ashley Madison Data, Aries is #2, should we pop over to the Aries forum with this?

Cheating has nothing to do with astrology, it has to do with power, opportunity, emotions, morality, ethics and a whole lot of other shit before we even hit astrology.

Yup I did read and Like I said the Aquas are known cheAters. . Why you mad? And you take whatever you want to the Aries board I'm not stopping you nor do I give a shit.
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Well unless you have met at least a 65 percentile of the Aquarian population, what makes you anymore of a expert, that we should believe your word as a fact, than say, Flo or waterlion or Sultrykitty?

You are as much a clueless bold faced liar as you accused 9waterlion9 of being, because you don't know every Aqua either.

Posted by bkbella86
Posted by Gennie
Posted by bkbella86
Posted by 9waterlion9
Aquarians for the most part are very loyal once they ACTUALLY commit, but there are exceptions. I know an aqua male who cheated on his partner who he's been with for around 6 years now...he never cheated until around the 5 year mark. I know they are best friends and he considers her his "one" or life partner, I guess...but it's worth noting she wants marrige, he doesn't, and does not intend to live with her even though he loves her. The reason a committed aqua would cheat is if he felt he had a truly special connection with someone else, it would be something that started slowly and the feelings developed almost "accidentally". The aqua would be very unlikely to make the first move. In this case he felt extremely guilty for a while, but then was able to let it go...almost 2 years later, they are still together and she never found out. And for anyone feeling sensitive/defensive reading this, all signs and all good people are capable of cheating, and just because someone cheats does not mean the partner isn't loved...I do think for a commited Aquarius to cheat some really unusual circumstances would be required.

Not the aquas I know. You don't know every Aqua so that first line is a bold face lie.

Did you even bother to read the post or only the first couple of lines. The sign is fixed energy, which means impossible to enforce commitment until the Aqua allows it, AND that a mountain has to be moved to get them to budge from the chosen partner. That's the average, typical aqua with fixed energy. Placements and nurture make up the rest to deviate an Aqua from this cookie cutter behavior, so yes there are EXCEPTIONS. There are exceptions with every sign, hell if you look at the Ashley Madison Data, Aries is #2, should we pop over to the Aries forum with this?

Cheating has nothing to do with astrology, it has to do with power, opportunity, emotions, morality, ethics and a whole lot of other shit before we even hit astrology.

Yup I did read and Like I said the Aquas are known cheAters. . Why you mad? And you take whatever you want to the Aries board I'm not stopping you nor do I give a shit.
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I'm not angry, I'm dumbfounded that you would present your counter argument in such as way that the Titanic could float through the holes in it. I honestly thought to give you the benefit of the doubt that your hadn't read it all the way through and be.that.stupid.

Apparently I was wrong and you are.
Posted by Gennie
Posted by bkbella86
Posted by Gennie
Posted by bkbella86
Posted by 9waterlion9
Aquarians for the most part are very loyal once they ACTUALLY commit, but there are exceptions. I know an aqua male who cheated on his partner who he's been with for around 6 years now...he never cheated until around the 5 year mark. I know they are best friends and he considers her his "one" or life partner, I guess...but it's worth noting she wants marrige, he doesn't, and does not intend to live with her even though he loves her. The reason a committed aqua would cheat is if he felt he had a truly special connection with someone else, it would be something that started slowly and the feelings developed almost "accidentally". The aqua would be very unlikely to make the first move. In this case he felt extremely guilty for a while, but then was able to let it go...almost 2 years later, they are still together and she never found out. And for anyone feeling sensitive/defensive reading this, all signs and all good people are capable of cheating, and just because someone cheats does not mean the partner isn't loved...I do think for a commited Aquarius to cheat some really unusual circumstances would be required.

Not the aquas I know. You don't know every Aqua so that first line is a bold face lie.

Did you even bother to read the post or only the first couple of lines. The sign is fixed energy, which means impossible to enforce commitment until the Aqua allows it, AND that a mountain has to be moved to get them to budge from the chosen partner. That's the average, typical aqua with fixed energy. Placements and nurture make up the rest to deviate an Aqua from this cookie cutter behavior, so yes there are EXCEPTIONS. There are exceptions with every sign, hell if you look at the Ashley Madison Data, Aries is #2, should we pop over to the Aries forum with this?

Cheating has nothing to do with astrology, it has to do with power, opportunity, emotions, morality, ethics and a whole lot of other shit before we even hit astrology.

Yup I did read and Like I said the Aquas are known cheAters. . Why you mad? And you take whatever you want to the Aries board I'm not stopping you nor do I give a shit.

Well unless you have met at least a 65 percentile of the Aquarian population, what makes you anymore of a expert, that we should believe your word as a fact, than say, Flo or waterlion or Sultrykitty?

You are as much a clueless bold faced liar as you accuse
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ugh cut off.

she was spouting a couple years ago how PISCES men were cheaters, now it's onto aqua men.

she's starting on the rate of going through all 12 zodiac signs.

EDIT i mean if people went over to the Aries board and started saying shit all the time there, they're gonna start a WAR.
Posted by lisabethur8
ugh cut off.

she was spouting a couple years ago how PISCES men were cheaters, now it's onto aqua men.

she's starting on the rate of going through all 12 zodiac signs.

EDIT i mean if people went over to the Aries board and started saying shit all the time there, they're gonna start a WAR.

I actually love Aries people. So passionate and so much energy about everything.
Posted by rungs

Is there a chance hell leave her for me?

You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?