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Mar 04, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1775 · Topics: 125
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
I am not going to say who say this, but agree or disagree?
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
It depends on where you incorporate this quote into your life. If you make a correlation with this quote & common sense, yes it does make sense. In a sense, it IS better to not say anything & be underestimated than it is to say too much & STILL be thought of as a fool. Atleast the person who didn't speak knows in the back of their mind that if they REALLY wanted to prove their worth & intelligence, they could versus the person who never will since they've already blown their chance.
Being silent in certain situations is the best option. And then there are certain situations when being silent can costs you alot of opportunities & respect from others. It just depends on the situation.
For example, getting arrested by a d*ck head cop who is not giving you your legal rights is a situation that can either be great OR costly if you speak up. If you speak up, the cop might be fired (later saving others from this same situation), laws might be changed or created, different organizations might be established to guide citizens in situations like this, law suits can be established (where the person that was violated could become a millionaire over night) & others who were too passive with this same cop before might come forward.
On the other hand, there was a situation on the news yesterday that really got my attention. In Kansas City, high school football is a VERY BIG deal. The captain on one of the football teams got beat up after a game they won (but they didn't beat him up out of anger or to be evil, but because it was tradition to haze the star player atleast one time each season after a big win). The star player told his parents, his parents called the cops & to make a long story short, the star player ended up being kicked off the football team (for speaking up), lost his scholarship to play football for Michigan State, lost all of his friends at school AND got boo'd & fired up by the parents of the other teammates. The star player's garage had grafiti all over it, their house windows were hit with bricks and broken. And ALL because this one kid spoke up (especially since he found out this had been happening/tradition to the star players for the past 20 years). No one payed attention to the fact that the star player had broken ribs, a broken nose & 2 broken arms after the beating he got from his teamates. The people in the town were more concerned that the other star players were suspended for the rest of the season (in perfect good health).
Signed Up:
Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
Well the parents DID call the school's principle, & DID try to reach out to the other football player's parents, but they got rejected. The school administration said that they would take action against the hazers but they never did & when it was apparant that the administration was more worried about the players still being able to stay on the team than they were about the safety & well-being of one of it's players. So after that, the parents had no choice but to call the police & make a report. And before the guy was kicked off the team, during a game the star player wouldn't get any playing time & when he actually would get playing time, all the fans in the crowd boo-d him. It wasn't until after the cops were called that he was kicked off the team, which seemed a little backward to me. This guy gets his ribs broken by 7 of his teamates & the one who actually gets injured is the one who loses his scholarship!!! In my opinion, I applaud the star player because it took alot of courage to speak up even with all of his previous support vanishing every single time he spoke up about it. I'm further disappointed with the community & how the other parents of these players + the fans in general & how they turned their noses up to this family. If it had been one of their children that had a $ 10,000 hospital bill because of non-sense, they would've done the same thing. The star player & his family are in the process of forming a lawsuit & several outside organizations are coming forward to offer this guy & his family some assistance in order to shed light on this type of thing (especially since it's been going on underground for almost 2 decades without school administration knowing). So in this case, speaking up costs him alot of friends, his way into college & a bad credit report, but on the other hand this issue has now been brought to the light & new laws are already in the process of forming against this type of thing