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Jan 25, 2013Comments: 4 · Posts: 428 · Topics: 38
Hi aquas
since aquas are famous for the disappearing act and the whole being aloof thing. Needing time and space and hate partners that suffocate them and limit their options.
What would happen if we flip the whole thing and instead of u disappearing, u suddenly discover that ur partner is going missing
busy with a million things other than u
not talking that much to u
not giving u the enough care/time u want
disappearing for couple of days then re apearing outa no wer
asking u to give them space
spending too much time on their own or with their friends but NOT with u for like weeks!!
being told by ur partner that he/she loves u so much but their actions show the opposite
getting confused of whether they wana marry u or just wana stay friends (this has been a major complain from everyone towards aquas especially aqua guys)
AND MOST IMPORTANTLY if your partner suddenly shows signs that they r scared of commitment even though they have asked u to move in or proposed or anything like that earlier?
Would u understand? would u move on? or would u wait or go ANGRY NUTS on them?????
just say how u would feel if all that has been done to u
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Nov 17, 2012Comments: 22 · Posts: 6178 · Topics: 30
You do know that Aquas are actually attracted to each other as well right?
Are you frustrated today?
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Jan 19, 2012Comments: 6 · Posts: 702 · Topics: 39
They'd either not notice and if they did they'd assume you we're busy
Or they'd assume you we're playing games. They don't like that.
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Dec 20, 2011Comments: 362 · Posts: 10167 · Topics: 100
I'm sure they'd either hate it or leave it, those that play these kind of games anyway. Can't say I've had it happen or had it happen to me though but I can imagine if someone did that to me I'd probably be pissed off, confront them about it and then up and leave if they're being wishy washy about it.
Thing is though I can stay friends and maybe that's the most basic truth about Aquas as long as no boundaries are stepped on or if the situation is resolved, there won't be grudges, it'll just never be the same again.
As for the commitment part I've never really thought about it whether they are scared or not. In fact the idea of a marriage to me is just that, an idea. I don't need to get married but I'll do it if my partner wanted to, it's just a legal binding contract after all it doesn't say how much I love them. So in that sense maybe, I have in the past talked about marriage and kids but most of the time it's just an idea... an idea that I can be with you for the rest of my life etc.
Anyway cheer up! There are bad Aquas there are good Aquas!
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Oct 23, 2011Comments: 15 · Posts: 443 · Topics: 12
I would continue with my life haha
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Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
I think I love Galyn. My type of girl lol. *give Galyn a high-five*
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Jan 08, 2013Comments: 2 · Posts: 689 · Topics: 53
Relating myself to this topic, I've decided to take a step back and move on from the Aqua guy in my life. He doesn??t seem to show any interest in me. Since the Valentines day thing I did for him (and for me that was the first time ever to do something special for someone), I have had no contact with him. I messaged him once and he chose not to respond. I realised the only time he wants to talk to me is when he??s horny. lol.. But if I want to chat to him he??s got no time to chat to me.
Its about him someone made effort with me for a change.
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Mar 10, 2013Comments: 17 · Posts: 813 · Topics: 19
Disappearing thing can be sort out easily only if u are able to stimulate his intellectual mind otherwise he'll be looking elsewhere for that. Talk something about whats happening around the world and how can it be sorted (even if he cant) rather than talking about your shoes or clothes. And he is not gona care if you started disappearing because they are the least possessive signs in the zodiac. so you want him with you all the time, then start reading reader's digest and spit a pool of information for him, let him think and he'll be horny all the time.
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Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
My aqua hasn't done any of that to me. I think someone that really cares about you wouldn't be that way. Look at it this way - you'll definitely appreciate the next guy more so than you would have had you not been with the aqua (unless you allow him to treat you the same). Yep, there's always a positive side to focus on!
Now, he has spent a lot of time with his family and I am totally okay with and support that!!! I don't need to see him everyday and I would never crowd him. Of course, he doesn't mind when I spend time with my friends either. It is a two way street, of which I am grateful.
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Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
I think I'm also going to be so bold as to say this:
If you are not okay with spending time apart, doing separate things, as a couple, you are not cut out to date an Aquarious.
It's all about the quality of time spent, not the quantity.
Wait, or am I just quoting the cap motto (quality over quantity?). lol!! Either way, if you can't adopt this attitude, you won't make it with the aqua personality.
Just sayin'
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Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
^^^prophecy. & hey, chin up scorp. At least you tried. Love is waiting for you elsewhere.
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Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
I think she ought to leave it alone. No text, no call, all cold shoulder.
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Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
Damn, I'm slow, well +1 on what truecap said. The above post was to her & angeleyes.
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Jan 08, 2013Comments: 2 · Posts: 689 · Topics: 53
I think you are right. Its something I don??t think he??s ever got or received from anyone and its caught him off guard maybe. I actually do feel that he watches my moves via Twitter and instagram but doesn??t show it. He??s done this other times as well. Randomly out of the blue he will message me, and I??ll just melt and give in. I hate that.. something about him. I don??t think I can open up to him like that to be honest. Feel as if he??s going to run a mile because it??s the mushy emotional stuff and drama.
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May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
it's all the pisces planets in the sky.....making me feel sarcastic (loving the feeling)
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Jan 08, 2013Comments: 2 · Posts: 689 · Topics: 53
Don??t be its just one of those things. I really hoped it would work because the spark with an Aqua is really refreshing, fun and exciting. Yeh I think I may have scared him with the gift stuff. He??s not used to the lovely mushy stuff. I??m sure someday he will be.. mature up a bit in time lol.. Yeh im the same too.. its something about stimulating the mind and that mysteriousness lol.. makes you want them even more. Id want to be physically around my partner which he obviously isn??t that is what maybe he??s trying to keep his distance from me, because we are far away from each other