This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by o_O on Sunday, October 29, 2006 and has 86 replies.
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Just kidding, I love you guys~
Now watch this happy video:
Hell? Who said they aren't in it already?
hmmm HAffo has a point....
We probably are in hell already...think about it.
Artist: Makaveli
Album: The Don Killuminati
Song: Blasphemy

We probably in hell already
Our dumb asses not knowing
Everybody kissing ass to go to heaven ain't going
Put my soul on it
I'm fighting devil niggas daily
Plus the media be crucifying brothas severely
Tell me I ain't God's son
Nigga mom a virgin
We got addicted had to leave the burbs
Back in the ghetto doing wild shit
Looking at the sun don't pay
Criminal mind all the time
Waiting for judgement day
They say Moses split the red sea
I split the blunt and roll a fat one
I'm deadly, Babylon beware
It's coming from these Pharoahs kids
Retaliation, making legends off the shit we did
Still bullshitting
Niggas in Jerusalem waiting for signs
God promised, he's just taking his time
[Ha Ha]
Living by the Nile while the water flows
I'm contemplating plots wondering which door to go
Brothas getting shot
Coming back resurrected
It's just that raw shit
Nigga check it [It's that raw shit]
[I remember what my papa told me]
[Remember what my papa told me]
That's exactly what I mean Lady M.
The worst stops at hell...

Hell is it...its infinite....whats more than infinity....

I guess you can think of it the way, but I like to think of it as dante's inferno....damnation.'ll see it, after you believe then its too late....
Have you sen purple squirels before in reality...but yet you can still imagine them, so why not hell...thats your own decision not fathom a hell....its all up to you
When God asks, you cant say Lady M never told me. smile
Thanx man! I appreciate that...I'll do the same for you. smile
Even if we're all in hell, we can still look up at the stars.
When I die and someone asks me a question that will determine wether I go to hell or heaven, I will show my middle finger. At least I will go to hell with my whole pride on.
Good for you haffo. Well you know the saying "Pride comes before a fall"
If fall is inevitable, or licking ass is also inevitable then I prefer to go to hell with my pride on.
"Please how did i get rid of her ?????"
You can't. This is what gonna happen with you:
"haffo i have present for you in the pisces board ."

Wow, what a present.
Maybe she likes you kris....or maybe your just as annoying in person, sooo shes returning the favor. smile
"Maybe she likes you kris....or maybe your just as annoying in person, sooo shes returning the favor."
Of course she like him. She will have an opportunity to drive that screwdriver at leat for 3 turns!!
Hey Mr. Haffo, how are we doing this Hallows Eve?
"Hey Mr. Haffo, how are we doing this Hallows Eve?"
Isn't it obvious? Screwdriver...Kris...
Oh stop complaingn Kris, you know you like need to be put in your place anyway. Tongue
LOL Kuniochi...i feel mine coming on....riiiight now.
"what a loser go get a life just because no girls will touch you ugly trash of a body sheesh lol"
Maybe I changed my mind. Maybe I don't want girls now?
LOL I figured that was the case...Haffo

"Maybe I changed my mind. Maybe I don't want girls now?"
That was a joke for sure. But I'm sure it took away your breath for a moment.
"LOL I figured that was the case...Haffo"
LoL Lady M. I somehow knew you could take the bait. I'm no any place a gay.
Just kidding Kris, leos are attention whores....
Ignore her, or humiliate her publicly (I wouldnt recommend that) maybe then she'll get the hint.
" No shit you only talk half the time about how you love raping females how could you be gay ?"
Can't be. But it scared you for a moment, doesn't it?
Hey im open-minded Haffo, theres nothing wrong with you being gay.
Aquas usually bother those they find interesting...if I personally dont like you, I dont give youm the time of day.
"Hey im open-minded Haffo, theres nothing wrong with you being gay."
There is. For me.
Your not worth the air I you get no words from me, not even a glance...
Whatever you say Haffo.
Okay fine Kris, but when im right.
" Aquas usually bother those they find interesting...if I personally dont like you, I dont give youm the time of day."
Aquas can bother? That's something against for their detached nature.
Haffo, aquas live for fun and entertainment, mainly at other peoples expense.
"Haffo, aquas live for fun and entertainment, mainly at other peoples expense."
Hmm. Sounds familiarWinking
"Your not worth the air I you get no words from me, not even a glance"
Ohh. I want the same treatment, really. I can drive you nutz form time to time and you wont strike back! Perfect!
kris, that was meant to further explain my point about your aqua stalker...which you refuse to take into consideration if I may add...
"lol no wonder a saggie
care to explain??? hmmmmmmmmm....."
He thinks you are too slutty for a Scorpio.
"wow, this dejavu is REALLY strong, huh, Lady M?"
This much dejavu is amnesia.
Oh yeah Kunoichi
" he's probably right, Half-O"
Can I call you slut then?
never u mind.
"Haffo you are annoying freak even primegen at one point agreed with me and prime rarerly agrees with me on any thing that says something . Q bone dont even make me go there .lol"
Of course I'm annoying. So what?
" what are you folks on about ??/"
Your time is over little pussy. Fuck off time.
"hahaha...i'm totally entertained- at your expense, Half-O. thanks, Bud-dy"
No problem slut.
"hmm i wonder how you would be without your leo moon probably a lot less annoying"
"hmm i wonder how you would be without your leo moon probably a lot less annoying"
Could be.
it says cat sometimes and rabbit other times.
Why do you ask?
What does it say about an aquarian rabbit?