Separation (Aries man vs aries woman)

This topic was created in the Aries and Aries Compatibility forum by Aneila10 on Saturday, February 23, 2019 and has 1 replies.
I've know him only a few days. But we did a lot. We had kiss, sex , etc. We feel the strong connection between us. I met him when I was travelling. We live in different country. He treated me like his girlfriend. He cares about me. He interested in me. He said he likes me. I didnt believe him until i tried to open my heart for him . Sometimes we had argument because I think he just using me , (like FWB) Until i ready to trust him that time. Then I confused about our relationship. He said he doesnt like commitment. But he wants me and my feeling also. He still want to be my friend but with feeling, just 'like' no more than it. No love. He asked me if i want continue or not. I said I can't. It hurts both of us. Now im in process to heal myself. I feel betrayed. But i cannot hide my true feeling for him that i am still waiting for him to come back.