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I am well aware of the Aquarian nature, being there and not there, attached and then suddenly MIA.
does it always have to be a crazy roller coaster ride with you Aquarians??
I'm an Aries cusp with a Pisces moon I don't understand your inconsistent nature enough,
how does it turn out with Aquarian men and Aries women? hmm *pisces ponders"
Hi Littlearies,
my answer might not excatly what you want to know but i am pisces(sun) and aquarius (moon). i've have read aquarius moon is cold and person with aquarius moon is not generally in touch with their emotions which is kind of true for me.
Its hard for me to show my emotions and sometimes i dont even know how i am feeling. it might be true that aquarius are hard to pin down and that's due to lot many other things taking our interest and occupying our minds
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Sep 19, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 1846 · Topics: 42
well...Aquarius people in general are very friendly and great on an intellectual level with Aries. That martian mental energy with the unearthly, non conventional aqua wisdom blend well together. The negative side to this interaction is, Aquariuses can be pretty possessive from my experience, and Aries need their freedom. I think it's a pretty decent pairing, as long as the Aquarius doesn't try and control the Aries too much and the Aries makes her woman feel secure and shows that they understand. I had an experience with an Aqua man that had a taurus moon...UBER possessive. However, a brilliant guy and someone I still respect to this day . Wasn't for me, but I have no ill feelings towards him. Good heart too.
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Feb 01, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 1528 · Topics: 23
I'm an Aries woman and had a very intense emotional relationship with an aqua years ago. The love was strong but he was very possessive and tried to be controlling which obviously caused major problems.
It eventually ended with a typical aqua mia, he did eventually come back but because I wanted to try and keep it lighter than before it ended again.
Needless to say my heart was broken. But I can honestly say I've never loved anyone like that before or since.
I'm currently seeing another aqua and have learned to keep it light and leave it to him to make all the moves which seems to work for now
Thanks for the insight guys ^__^ I don't think I'm ever for Aqua's unless they have a fixed moon sign...can't stand the MIA part