Any Capricorn Female & Aries Male couples out there?

This topic was created in the Aries forum by pooface222 on Thursday, May 25, 2017 and has 22 replies.
I've posted something similar before but never really heard from any couples of this combination.

Happy to hear from either Capricorn or Aries as would like to hear both sides of the story.

I am Capricorn female married to an Aries male. .
It can be frustrating but it can also work out. You can't go by sun sign alone. I've had more romantic success with Capricorn females than I have with Aries females as an Aries male. There's just way more to it than your sun sign.

That being said, I have a really hard time dating Capricorn females, because the Capricorn females I've been with want to lead. I don't mind co-leading, but the way I lead my life and the way Capricorns lead their life are very, very differently, even if the end goals are the same. Problem being, when one finally gives in to the other, they'll probably feel very inhibited. And a person can't grow to be who they should be if they're being suffocated by someone else's will at all times.
Hi ..

Thanks so much for your response. It sounds like my marriage. We both have different ways of doing things but we both think our way is right.

The difference is my husband always tried to change me whereas I let him be himself.

You are very right about what happens if one gives in to the other with the other one feeling inhibited. Definitely!
I'm a cap male married to an aries. I don't know how we've stayed together 14 years lol. We've been on the verge of divorce a couple of times but we always manage to come back to each other. It definitely ain't easy. But there's not another woman I rather be with. End of Story. I know she's feels the same. I've put her through enough cramp known any other woman would have left me. At the end of the day we both still long for each other.
I'm glad to know there are other couples out there. So what's your sex and sign? Maybe we can huddle on this forum to help each other out? Im open to questions, i know I have questions regarding female aries.
My sons father is an Aries and I am a Capricorn. Initially it was great because we related to each other as friends. Not long after we got together I noticed that we were very different. Aries are the baby of the zodiac and his impulsiveness caused so much drama. I liked to think things through and he didn't like that. We were together for 13 stressful years before he left me for a younger woman (my story is on here). They like to be praised and entertained constantly or they will look elsewhere ( he recently confessed that to me). After 5 years apart we are actually getting along as friends. We were young then so if you both are mature you should be fine.
Posted by BlueJean878
I'm glad to know there are other couples out there. So what's your sex and sign? Maybe we can huddle on this forum to help each other out? Im open to questions, i know I have questions regarding female aries.
Hi ya ?thanks so much for your response to my post. I am Female Cap married to an Aries male. Sorry if I already said that.

I have been looking for Ages for couples of this combination so we can discuss the difficulties in these types of relationship. Hence why I'm posting this 2nd time around. I didn't get much of a response the first time.


I've just noticed that all 3 of us - me included - have all been in our Aries & Cap relationships for 13 - 14 years! And it's involved divorce in one way or another too!

Interesting eh?
I've been with my Aries for 13 1/2 years! God knows why! ?
Posted by pooface222


I've just noticed that all 3 of us - me included - have all been in our Aries & Cap relationships for 13 - 14 years! And it's involved divorce in one way or another too!

Interesting eh?
It's weird that he had a relationship with another Cap a few years ago but it didn't last more than a year or so but he may still have feelings for her. We met when were both 21 years old so we were quite young. We were better off being friends because he wasn't done playing the field yet.
Posted by miimii
My sons father is an Aries and I am a Capricorn. Initially it was great because we related to each other as friends. Not long after we got together I noticed that we were very different. Aries are the baby of the zodiac and his impulsiveness caused so much drama. I liked to think things through and he didn't like that. We were together for 13 stressful years before he left me for a younger woman (my story is on here). They like to be praised and entertained constantly or they will look elsewhere ( he recently confessed that to me). After 5 years apart we are actually getting along as friends. We were young then so if you both are mature you should be fine.
Hi..In terms of mature my husband and I got together when he was 24 and I was 26. (We are now 38 and 40). Yet he always seemed like a teenager to me. I found it endearing and cute for a long time. He always made me laugh too.

Now i normally go for the tall dark and handsome types who are about 10 years older than me. So it was a bit strange for me to enter a relationship with someone who was average height, fair hair and blue eyes, and more of a youthful cutesy 'little boy' look rather than the more manly look I desire.

You are very right about Aries being the baby of the zodiac. I won't go into all the details but over time, I - like you - started to notice differences. But it took a few years! He sulked if he didn't get his own way. Then stormed off to another room, giving me the silent treatment (aka sulking). I ignored this every time it happened. I just can't be arsed with adult temper tantrums. Massive turn off.

If I don't get my own way, I do something else - and without involving him. Saves me any more agro. Until he complains I'm doing things without him! ! Grrrr! ?

I know exactly what you mean about Aries impulsiveness!! They just don't think do they? And you can't tell them to stop either - became hey won't! Because they are right! Always! ??

I also like to think things through...step by step and thinking what I'm doing. My husband doesnt like that either.

I have been wanting to divorce him since simmer 2012. But..I wasn't ready for divorce. So I stayed. Stupidly!
Posted by BlueJean878
I'm a cap male married to an aries. I don't know how we've stayed together 14 years lol. We've been on the verge of divorce a couple of times but we always manage to come back to each other. It definitely ain't easy. But there's not another woman I rather be with. End of Story. I know she's feels the same. I've put her through enough cramp known any other woman would have left me. At the end of the day we both still long for each other.
Aww that's lovely xx ours is a very competitive argumentative relationship sadly. Competitiveness that he started. I had to argue back and not give in as I was no way in hell going to be his doormat!
Posted by miimii
Posted by pooface222


I've just noticed that all 3 of us - me included - have all been in our Aries & Cap relationships for 13 - 14 years! And it's involved divorce in one way or another too!

Interesting eh?
It's weird that he had a relationship with another Cap a few years ago but it didn't last more than a year or so but he may still have feelings for her. We met when were both 21 years old so we were quite young. We were better off being friends because he wasn't done playing the field yet.
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That is a bit weird! It doesn't work out with someone so you have a new r'ship with someone similar /the same! ?!

Me and my husband would be better off as friends too..
Posted by notsosure
I know a couple, or now ex couple, that was reversed of this; female aries, male cap. They recently broke up. I find it to be extremely strange, that you say he tries to change you, whereas you let him be, because I believe that was one of the reasons these two parted ways also. She kept saying he had some problems and should make an effort and change, whereas I think (I don´t know), that he felt like she was trying to force him into being someone he is not.

I tried to tell her, that to some people it could be viewed as controlling, and she understands that to a certain point, but she still feel like he should have fought more for it and made himself change. I guess it´s just different ways of being in this world and they don´t match.
Hi x

Thanks for your response. I find it very interesting that even with the reverse combination, the Female Aries has done exactly to her Cap partner, what my Aries husband has done to me Strange yes. But interesting too.

You said she tried to make him something I'm not. Oh god yes! Same here! I never properly realised this at the time but years ago before I was even pregnant; my husbands love always confused me. He'd say that he loved me BUT he always made me feel like he didn't. Like I just want good enough for him, or even the right woman for him.

I am an independent woman who in life just wants 2 things. A Career and a Relationship. To work and to be loved. I have never dreamt of having a family. Or of being a mother. And definitely not dreamt of being at home all day with a child. No Thanks!

My husband continously got at me for the following

A) Not doing the housework to his perfect standards (he's very anal).

B) Not giving him babies.

C) Not having dinner on the table as soon as he walked in the front door!

As you can see this type of woman he wants it Demands is not me!

I am not the stay at home cleaning cooking get having babies type! There is nothing wrong with that role. It's just not me. But he forced it upon me daily!

Very controlling man. BUT he always calls his control 'Helping me.'

No. He belittled me over the housework email er time. So if I said to do it yourself I am then called lazy! ??
Posted by miimii
We were together for 13 stressful years before he left me for a younger woman (my story is on here).
I'd like to read your story. Do you have a link to it? x

My mother was a Cappy and Dad was an Aries

She gave into him a lot for a quiet life

Posted by MyStarsShine
My mother was a Cappy and Dad was an Aries

She gave into him a lot for a quiet life

Oh god x poor lady..

That's totally me. It causes resentment when that happens. Hope your mum is okay ..

Are they still together?

You say Gave in (instead of Gives in), like it's in the past.
Posted by pooface222
Posted by MyStarsShine
My mother was a Cappy and Dad was an Aries

She gave into him a lot for a quiet life

Oh god x poor lady..

That's totally me. It causes resentment when that happens. Hope your mum is okay ..

Are they still together?

You say Gave in (instead of Gives in), like it's in the past.
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Yes, she was somewhat of a martyr, anything for a quiet life. She was grounded and calm and he wasn't lol

They both passed ... Mum in 2006 and Dad in 2012...he so missed her after she went, he was devastated. At least now he is with her again

Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by pooface222
Posted by MyStarsShine
My mother was a Cappy and Dad was an Aries

She gave into him a lot for a quiet life

Oh god x poor lady..

That's totally me. It causes resentment when that happens. Hope your mum is okay ..

Are they still together?

You say Gave in (instead of Gives in), like it's in the past.

Yes, she was somewhat of a martyr, anything for a quiet life. She was grounded and calm and he wasn't lol

They both passed ... Mum in 2006 and Dad in 2012...he so missed her after she went, he was devastated. At least now he is with her again

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I'm so sorry to hear that x

I can be a bit of a martyr too. It annoys me.
Posted by pooface222
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by pooface222
Posted by MyStarsShine
My mother was a Cappy and Dad was an Aries

She gave into him a lot for a quiet life

Oh god x poor lady..

That's totally me. It causes resentment when that happens. Hope your mum is okay ..

Are they still together?

You say Gave in (instead of Gives in), like it's in the past.

Yes, she was somewhat of a martyr, anything for a quiet life. She was grounded and calm and he wasn't lol

They both passed ... Mum in 2006 and Dad in 2012...he so missed her after she went, he was devastated. At least now he is with her again

I'm so sorry to hear that x

I can be a bit of a martyr too. It annoys me.
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Thank you x

I wouldn't last too long living that way......there is so much to say for peace and freedom

Posted by Saggi212
My parents used to be one.Then they split.They were like black and white ?
Sounds like my marriage.

How old were you when they split?
Posted by Saggi212
Posted by pooface222
Posted by Saggi212
My parents used to be one.Then they split.They were like black and white ?
Sounds like my marriage.

How old were you when they split?
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Wow! So you remember quite well ?