Posted by MissKrabslol
oh 2 weeks old. probably ancient history for a gem mooner.
Posted by MissKrabsBasically. I forgot about this thread lol.
oh 2 weeks old. probably ancient history for a gem mooner.
Posted by baeMaybe so. I was with another Aries for 2 years and it ended pretty disappointingly.
i don't think any of the fire signs work long term with each other. literally, respect is there... but then... meh.
Posted by Ram416What does "sun conjunct moon" guarantee?
I think Leo woman and Aries man could probably work, my Leo buddy has been married to her husband for almost 15 years now.
But then again they have sun conjunct moon.🤷
Posted by SmidgeCept those drunken texts and Saturday night hookups followed by "we still buds doe" lol
leo men/aries women seem to friend zone each other a lot
Posted by LethalFantasiaI love Leos. Just not enough to burn beight for them romantically.
Okay but how can someone not be into Leos tho
They're so adorbs, even when they're cocky and angry![]()
Posted by enfant_terribleI think if I were into you I’d explain it by your AS being (probably) conj. my Venus, which also happens to be my natal t-square vertex.
I have the opposite experience. Pretty much every female Ram I know IRL has made up their mind of doing me long before the idea even hits me, and they'd probably jump at the opportunity had I (or them) not been in a relationship already.
No brag here, true story. I'm a Ram magnet. Cap magnet too but I'm not that into them..
Posted by ariesbeeEarthPosted by baeThen who do we work out with long term??
i don't think any of the fire signs work long term with each other. literally, respect is there... but then... to expand
Posted by baeReally?
i don't think any of the fire signs work long term with each other. literally, respect is there... but then... meh.
Posted by alexscariesTry Gemini/Leo moon...mmmmPosted by NoName282Posted by RamOfPeaceI used to think exactly like you. I dated a few Leo’s in the past and I thought “what’s the big deal about Leo’s and Aries ?”
I love Leos. Adore them. Have many as friends, and have hooked up with men and women of this sign.
But never have been interested romantically.
On paper, this is a match many astrologers go nuts for, but it seems to me that no Leo I have met so far could spark the fire in my heart.
But then I met my significant other and we have been together for 10 years. He’s a Leo.
We do argue a lot because we think we are always right but we forget about it after 5 minutes...
I like to have my space and he understands that. He also likes his space.
Seems to be working so far.
I think I need to date a to expand
Posted by IAteMyGrandmaInMonkeyTown“And other Zodiac signs will never get it”Posted by LoyalI never (really) disputed with Scorpios. That "dispute" you see between Cancer and Scorpio is the fire that drives them. It's Order out of Chaos thing. It's a completely different dispute, and other Zodiac signs will never get it.
Leo/Aries are equivalent to Cancer/Scorpio. Bunch of disputes from both to expand
Posted by alexscariesCapricorn??Posted by LoyalPosted by alexscariesPosted by LoyalPosted by alexscariesPosted by IAteMyGrandmaInMonkeyTownPosted by LoyalI never (really) disputed with Scorpios. That "dispute" you see between Cancer and Scorpio is the fire that drives them. It's Order out of Chaos thing. It's a completely different dispute, and other Zodiac signs will never get it.
Leo/Aries are equivalent to Cancer/Scorpio. Bunch of disputes from both parties.
It's said that Arians are most fascinated by Scorpios, Virgos are said to be fascinated by Aries.
Who has said such thing?
It was on an Instagram picture so the source is questionable. I will look for it tomorrow.
Was Pisces mentioned?
This is it, I've not found one which has all the signs:
click to expand
Posted by alexscariesDid you have a Cappy parent? I did....very repressive energy and at times it felt like suffocating, but yes you’re right, a fun side too but it always felt a bit clipped as in ‘thats enough now’? She always used to call me a ‘little 😈Posted by MyStarsShinePosted by alexscariesCapricorn??Posted by LoyalPosted by alexscariesPosted by LoyalPosted by alexscariesPosted by IAteMyGrandmaInMonkeyTownPosted by LoyalI never (really) disputed with Scorpios. That "dispute" you see between Cancer and Scorpio is the fire that drives them. It's Order out of Chaos thing. It's a completely different dispute, and other Zodiac signs will never get it.
Leo/Aries are equivalent to Cancer/Scorpio. Bunch of disputes from both parties.
It's said that Arians are most fascinated by Scorpios, Virgos are said to be fascinated by Aries.
Who has said such thing?
It was on an Instagram picture so the source is questionable. I will look for it tomorrow.
Was Pisces mentioned?
This is it, I've not found one which has all the signs:![]()
No way lol
I find Cappy's interesting in that I admire that they are so organized and have their shit together. Basically an adult.
But... It does excite me when I see their childlike side. It isn't like Aries where it can be brat, enthusiastic and a bit encouragable, there's seems totally regressive and almost innocent. As I've said I like to expand
Posted by alexscariesYes dry humour for sure......what sign is your mother?Posted by MyStarsShinePosted by alexscariesDid you have a Cappy parent? I did....very repressive energy and at times it felt like suffocating, but yes you’re right, a fun side too but it always felt a bit clipped as in ‘thats enough now’? She always used to call me a ‘little 😈Posted by MyStarsShinePosted by alexscariesCapricorn??Posted by LoyalPosted by alexscariesPosted by LoyalPosted by alexscariesPosted by IAteMyGrandmaInMonkeyTownPosted by LoyalI never (really) disputed with Scorpios. That "dispute" you see between Cancer and Scorpio is the fire that drives them. It's Order out of Chaos thing. It's a completely different dispute, and other Zodiac signs will never get it.
Leo/Aries are equivalent to Cancer/Scorpio. Bunch of disputes from both parties.
It's said that Arians are most fascinated by Scorpios, Virgos are said to be fascinated by Aries.
Who has said such thing?
It was on an Instagram picture so the source is questionable. I will look for it tomorrow.
Was Pisces mentioned?
This is it, I've not found one which has all the signs:![]()
No way lol
I find Cappy's interesting in that I admire that they are so organized and have their shit together. Basically an adult.
But... It does excite me when I see their childlike side. It isn't like Aries where it can be brat, enthusiastic and a bit encouragable, there's seems totally regressive and almost innocent. As I've said I like dichotomies.
Do you believe the chart when it says Aries obsession is Scorpio?
I had a cappy father, not 100% , but I think he had a Scorpio moon as well and I think he had a lot of Sagittarius elements also a bit like me.
He was stern and a lot of people were scared of him. He took his work very seriously and was sort of cold, but I now know just how affectionate he was he just didn't show it. He was always telling "dry humour" jokes, some of it really funny, never the sad dad Christmas cracker jokes.
I have some obsession with scorpios, but mainly because it is part of me. There's signs I have little interest in mainly libra and possibly cancers, but it depends on their other elements. With fire signs for obvious reasons I can figure them out to expand
Posted by alexscariesKeep learning! 😊Posted by MyStarsShinePosted by alexscariesYes dry humour for sure......what sign is your mother?Posted by MyStarsShinePosted by alexscariesDid you have a Cappy parent? I did....very repressive energy and at times it felt like suffocating, but yes you’re right, a fun side too but it always felt a bit clipped as in ‘thats enough now’? She always used to call me a ‘little 😈Posted by MyStarsShinePosted by alexscariesCapricorn??Posted by LoyalPosted by alexscariesPosted by LoyalPosted by alexscariesPosted by IAteMyGrandmaInMonkeyTownPosted by LoyalI never (really) disputed with Scorpios. That "dispute" you see between Cancer and Scorpio is the fire that drives them. It's Order out of Chaos thing. It's a completely different dispute, and other Zodiac signs will never get it.
Leo/Aries are equivalent to Cancer/Scorpio. Bunch of disputes from both parties.
It's said that Arians are most fascinated by Scorpios, Virgos are said to be fascinated by Aries.
Who has said such thing?
It was on an Instagram picture so the source is questionable. I will look for it tomorrow.
Was Pisces mentioned?
This is it, I've not found one which has all the signs:![]()
No way lol
I find Cappy's interesting in that I admire that they are so organized and have their shit together. Basically an adult.
But... It does excite me when I see their childlike side. It isn't like Aries where it can be brat, enthusiastic and a bit encouragable, there's seems totally regressive and almost innocent. As I've said I like dichotomies.
Do you believe the chart when it says Aries obsession is Scorpio?
I had a cappy father, not 100% , but I think he had a Scorpio moon as well and I think he had a lot of Sagittarius elements also a bit like me.
He was stern and a lot of people were scared of him. He took his work very seriously and was sort of cold, but I now know just how affectionate he was he just didn't show it. He was always telling "dry humour" jokes, some of it really funny, never the sad dad Christmas cracker jokes.
I have some obsession with scorpios, but mainly because it is part of me. There's signs I have little interest in mainly libra and possibly cancers, but it depends on their other elements. With fire signs for obvious reasons I can figure them out well.
Aries and Scorpio before Pluto came along, and still to some extent, are ruled by Mars...heightened passion but on the flip side WAR 😬. I'd never experienced that level of passion with anyone before I'd met an. Aries glad to have experienced it!
My mum's Gemini sun Pisces moon. I actually thought she was cancer moon which is a much cooler placement. I really like Pisces suns, but Pisces moon annoys me. I think it's because they're wishy-washy.
Rather oddly I've been out with a few arian women. The jokes and laughs are next level, but sexual chemistry not always. I do know one where the sexual chemistry is next level who is the exception, not sure of her other placements off my head.
With Scorpios we are always a bit cautious of each other. I think they can read me and I can read them, I think we're just not sure to what extent. They always teach me things I'm convinced they're not that into me to expand