Anybody in love with a Virgo???

This topic was created in the Aries forum by arieswoman on Thursday, July 6, 2006 and has 15 replies.
What's it like being in love with a Virgo man?
i love one. they're insane but very loyal and sweet once you understand the nature of their nit-pickiness. well mine is, anyway.
I know an aries girl who was once in love with a virgo man. She still likes him even after 6 years but dont want to have any more relationships with him. We all know why. Winking
i am. he's the best boyfriend i've ever had. he is always there for me, would never cheat, sweet as can be, and it works because i understand him and he understands me. i'm a total goof ball and make him constantly laugh, while he teaches me how to slow down and think before i do stupid stuff. without him, my life would probably run not so smoothly.
"while he teaches me how to slow down and think before i do stupid stuff."
This is my favorite part of the guy I'm in love with. He teaches me! Love it, love it, love it....It's tough to find someone like that. Most guys are so demanding. They want to be fed, they want to be praised, they want their egos rubbed, they want so much. Uugh! I love how he's so calm, but you can kinda tell that his mind doesn't stop. It's like he's holding a ball of energy in his core and slowly releasing it when neccessary to help you.
*cloud nine, here I come...*
yup. and i don't know about your virgo but mine is as patient as the day is long. he has enough patience for both of us put together, which is a good thing because i am seriously lacking in that department
being with a virgo is definitely much like the statement "you dont know what you've got 'til its gone." because mine drives me crazy sometimes! you really need to learn to communicate with them, and this is a mutual task for the both of you. once you have it pretty straight its a bit easier, but never boring...
and for some reason, so many aries females love virgos, and so many virgos are attracted to aries females. i mean my bf is a virgo, but so is my roomate, my best friend, another friend and her twin sister, and my boss! they're everywhere really. i think its definitely about the opposites learning from each other. also i read some statistic somewhere about there naturally being more virgos born than other signs...something about holiday romance?..
but i cant think of one virgo in my entire family...woah super weird...
i know! who the hell would ever think you would find this combo so often? i mean, we are TOTALLY different. the only thing i can think of is that we are so opposite that we truly complement each other. i think of all the things i lack, and then look at my man, and he has those things! if you look at each other as someone who can teach you things (we teach them things too!) then this can be a very, very good union.
i cannot tell you how many times i have made my guy just be silly and lighten up (when this is not his usual serious nature) and how many times he has made my think about things and see potential pitfalls in situations (basically do my homework more).
i think we are good for eachother in this respect. i won't lie and tell you some things don't get on my nerves. yes, there is the nagging, and being critical. but i find that when i tell him to cool it, he usually listens...or at least laughs!! likewise when i am being a brute, he gently tells me so, and this opens my eyes.
you definitely have to be able to see each other as someone you can learn MUCH from. BUT sometimes its hard to get to this point of realization for the both of you.
at first, aries see someone potentially interesting and mysterious (aka sexy) BUT then we cant deal with the reality of their logical way of life. and virgos...mine told me he noticed something inherent in my nature right off the bat, for example, when we would play chess (he taught me!) and i would make one wrong move, he knew he pretty much had me from then on because i would get so frustrated (inwardly, but he could tell) that i wouldnt be able to focus on any move after that and he knew he had me.
+ hes always laughing at me when im trying to be cute or funny, so i think aries are definitely good at brightening up virgo life :] and in turn hes taught me much about patience...something i never had before!
i ALWAYS lose at games when i play with my guy!! lol
i remember reading somewhere that virgos love to play games and are very, very good at them..i don't remember where though. how funny. lol
can you imagine a virgo as a war general. they are such good strategists, aren't they?
also...i dont know if this is the case with other virgo/aries relationships, but mine has basically told me i renewed his faith in life.. i think virgos get bogged down in the harsh details of the reality of everyday living and aries are perfect for helping them out of that boxed viewpoint...both are extremely sensitive signs must learn what to say and not to say with a virgo, and how to take their criticism of you as well!
b/c really, virgos say whatever they want to say all the time. but aries know there is more to communication with people than this and know the fine art of treating people with CONSCIOUS words. this means they know how to stay within their bounds with those they love, but also how to get crazy out of bounds with people that cross them.
oh by far, i have never met another person so consumed by the act of strategizing and winning as my virgo. i really think games are to virgos what...ahh when i come up with a comparison to that i'll let you know hahaha
crying is to cancers?
manipulating people is to gemini?
being in conrol is to scorps?
ahhh not good examples. but virgos are excellent strategists. :]
shhhhh...dont show all our cards! wait you already did :/ haha our one card jkjkjkkkkk
seducing? us? noooo...