I'm a gemini woman and i've fallen for an aries man. We've been talking a lot through texting and e-mails lately and he's said he was interested in me but he isn't looking for a girlfriend. But I haven't said in words that I was interested in him, but he knows that I think he's attractive and I've gave him all the right signs. We see each other around school sometimes but we never really talk at school. He says I'm too busy talking to his best friend instead of him and that he wants talk to me but I'm never around. We've made numerous plans together but we never go through with them. Is he really interested in me and is just being shy? Or does he like the female attention because he has lots of women around him also.
There are times when he flirts with me and calls me adorable, and then is very abrupt and curt with me. So confused!
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Aug 20, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 995 · Topics: 34
He's not shy and he LOVES the attention. It sounds like you're pretty interested in him but BEWARE since he's already told you he's not looking for a relationship. By the way he's acting towards you, he's proving it as well. Don't get that involved with him just have fun. Invest your time with a guy who wants what you want or is at least open to having a relationship.