Aries are very funny

This topic was created in the Aries forum by uchiha on Wednesday, March 22, 2017 and has 30 replies.
Aries are the funniest sign hands down...they know no bounds lol they might crack a joke at a funeral...They can really lighten up the mood smile
Does your compliment include Aries-dominants? I'd say with my Mercury/Venus/Mars/Lilith in Aries, I qualify.

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Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow
Does your compliment include Aries-dominants? I'd say with my Mercury/Venus/Mars/Lilith in Aries, I qualify.

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I guess you qualify too but I wouldn't know lol people around you will know...they may not tell you but do people laugh a lot around you?

Who is that blond girl tho? I'd #% ^* her
Posted by uchiha
Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow
Does your compliment include Aries-dominants? I'd say with my Mercury/Venus/Mars/Lilith in Aries, I qualify.

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I guess you qualify too but I wouldn't know lol people around you will know...they may not tell you but do people laugh a lot around you?

Who is that blond girl tho? I'd #% ^* her
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My Virgo demigod calls me Laughing Gas and says he's always armed with aspirin whenever we meet because he always ends up with a migraine & sore jaw from all the laughter. It's part of my sex appeal.....apparently and evidently.

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As far as the girl goes, I just googled "crazy woman dancing gif" and she's front & center. Looking at her, she looks like she'd fuck YOU.
Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow
Posted by uchiha
Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow
Does your compliment include Aries-dominants? I'd say with my Mercury/Venus/Mars/Lilith in Aries, I qualify.

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I guess you qualify too but I wouldn't know lol people around you will know...they may not tell you but do people laugh a lot around you?

Who is that blond girl tho? I'd #% ^* her
My Virgo demigod calls me Laughing Gas and says he's always armed with aspirin whenever we meet because he always ends up with a migraine & sore jaw from all the laughter. It's part of my sex appeal.....apparently and evidently.

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As far as the girl goes, I just googled "crazy woman dancing gif" and she's front & center. Looking at her, she looks like she'd fuck YOU.
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That is so me too. I almost choked on my water talking to an Aries. It came through my nose lol.

She'd #% ^* me? ? That's definitely the kind of passion I'm looking for lol

Posted by uchiha
Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow
Posted by uchiha
Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow
Does your compliment include Aries-dominants? I'd say with my Mercury/Venus/Mars/Lilith in Aries, I qualify.

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I guess you qualify too but I wouldn't know lol people around you will know...they may not tell you but do people laugh a lot around you?

Who is that blond girl tho? I'd #% ^* her
My Virgo demigod calls me Laughing Gas and says he's always armed with aspirin whenever we meet because he always ends up with a migraine & sore jaw from all the laughter. It's part of my sex appeal.....apparently and evidently.

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As far as the girl goes, I just googled "crazy woman dancing gif" and she's front & center. Looking at her, she looks like she'd fuck YOU.
That is so me too. I almost choked on my water talking to an Aries. It came through my nose lol.

She'd #% ^* me? ? That's definitely the kind of passion I'm looking for lol

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My job is done.
Sags have this title hands down. Distant second is Gems because they lack common sense so they say some off the wall shit while being serious
Posted by uchiha
Aries are the funniest sign hands down...they know no bounds lol they might crack a joke at a funeral...They can really lighten up the mood smile

They might... they WILL.

One of my close guy friends is an Aries...cracked a joke at a funeral. He's crazy! Lol
Posted by starwars
its obvious you've never met a cancer with gemini moon

funniest. people. ever

I just sit there and die

Then how come you're still breathing? What are you, a Nosferatu?
Their very funny also because they dont give a singke fuck about anything and thats great.
Posted by starwars
Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow
Posted by starwars
its obvious you've never met a cancer with gemini moon

funniest. people. ever

I just sit there and die

Then how come you're still breathing? What are you, a Nosferatu?
this is why pisces would never have that title
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Good thing I'm a gill above the rest.

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Posted by uchiha
Aries are the funniest sign hands down...they know no bounds lol they might crack a joke at a funeral...They can really lighten up the mood smile
You're on crack buddy....
Posted by Katy860
I love Aries energy.

It's their bluntness that's funny!
I associate bluntness with Sags, not us Aries. Some of us can be quite clueless at times though.
Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow
Posted by uchiha
Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow
Posted by uchiha
Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow
Does your compliment include Aries-dominants? I'd say with my Mercury/Venus/Mars/Lilith in Aries, I qualify.

User Submitted Image
I guess you qualify too but I wouldn't know lol people around you will know...they may not tell you but do people laugh a lot around you?

Who is that blond girl tho? I'd #% ^* her
My Virgo demigod calls me Laughing Gas and says he's always armed with aspirin whenever we meet because he always ends up with a migraine & sore jaw from all the laughter. It's part of my sex appeal.....apparently and evidently.

User Submitted Image

As far as the girl goes, I just googled "crazy woman dancing gif" and she's front & center. Looking at her, she looks like she'd fuck YOU.
That is so me too. I almost choked on my water talking to an Aries. It came through my nose lol.

She'd #% ^* me? ? That's definitely the kind of passion I'm looking for lol

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My job is done.
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I'm krazy bro. I dont mind a crazy girl neither lol Tongue
Posted by Ssuperman
Sags have this title hands down. Distant second is Gems because they lack common sense so they say some off the wall shit while being serious


Nah I know sags...never striked me as the funny people...gems neither, they're very talkative but not funny

Posted by bdzzbdzz
Their very funny also because they dont give a singke fuck about anything and thats great.
They do give fucks lol its just that they dont show it...but they are very say the bravest
Posted by sncbleo
Posted by uchiha
Aries are the funniest sign hands down...they know no bounds lol they might crack a joke at a funeral...They can really lighten up the mood smile
You're on crack buddy....
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Dear sir/madam...almost everyone commenting agrees with me so we're all on crack lol crack aint even that bad lol i know lots of crack heads living normal
Posted by LiveAndLove
Ah my 1st and 3rd born boys are Aries. My oldest luuvvvssss to embarrass me in public and pull pranks on me all the time, haha. Aries are awesome. Crazy...but awesome ?
That's awesum! Luv!!!!
Posted by uchiha
Posted by bdzzbdzz
Their very funny also because they dont give a singke fuck about anything and thats great.
They do give fucks lol its just that they dont show it...but they are very say the bravest
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true. they do and dont show
I do show i care very much through my action, cant help if others are blind to my love and caring. being funny comes from a play of words which is a game and aries love games. like flirting and a battle of wits. plus laughter is great when tensions are running high. plus when something pops in my head at the right time i cant resist, just like cat nip, its got to come out my mouth or i just have to do it. other then that we are so bad at being funny and having fun. its just the ram thing to do. just saying. ramming is not fun at all.
Posted by Katy860
Posted by Ram416
Posted by Katy860
I love Aries energy.

It's their bluntness that's funny!
I associate bluntness with Sags, not us Aries. Some of us can be quite clueless at times though.

They're both blunt, but it comes on differently to me. I find Sags know how far they can push, and when to stop, but Aries just don't care lol

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I experienced the reverse. I'm an Aries myself, but I wouldn't push any more buttons if the results are becoming adverse. My Sag friends, on the other hand,....
Posted by WitchmitchAries
I do show i care very much through my action, cant help if others are blind to my love and caring. being funny comes from a play of words which is a game and aries love games. like flirting and a battle of wits. plus laughter is great when tensions are running high. plus when something pops in my head at the right time i cant resist, just like cat nip, its got to come out my mouth or i just have to do it. other then that we are so bad at being funny and having fun. its just the ram thing to do. just saying. ramming is not fun at all.
We are also very bad at flirting lol
Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow
Does your compliment include Aries-dominants? I'd say with my Mercury/Venus/Mars/Lilith in Aries, I qualify.

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Hysterical Gif
Posted by uchiha
Aries are the funniest sign hands down...they know no bounds lol they might crack a joke at a funeral...They can really lighten up the mood smile
Why thank u ?
Hahaha thats so true. My Aries is silly funny, I'm more witty funny. He cracks me up all the time! Its funny looking back he never showed this side of himself at the beginning. He now says would you have stuck around if I was acting like this at the beginning?! lol! YESSSS!
Posted by starwars
its obvious you've never met a cancer with gemini moon

funniest. people. ever

I just sit there and die

I have and he's hilarious. We would joke all the time. And he loved how I always die laughing, it egged him on.
Posted by bkbella86
Posted by starwars
its obvious you've never met a cancer with gemini moon

funniest. people. ever

I just sit there and die

I have and he's hilarious. We would joke all the time. And he loved how I always die laughing, it egged him on.
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my Cancer brother had Aries Moon. When he stopped being silent and observative, he was humor pure.

Posted by SofiaV87
Posted by uchiha
Aries are the funniest sign hands down...they know no bounds lol they might crack a joke at a funeral...They can really lighten up the mood smile
Why thank u ?
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You're welcome smile I was just stating the truth...How are you?
Posted by uchiha
Posted by SofiaV87
Posted by uchiha
Aries are the funniest sign hands down...they know no bounds lol they might crack a joke at a funeral...They can really lighten up the mood smile
Why thank u ?
You're welcome smile I was just stating the truth...How are you?
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I'm good, I had a fun birthday , just relaxing now
Sagittarians have to be the funniest people I know.