I've always rather skeptical of horoscopes astrology...etc. Up until a few years that is.... then I started reading my horoscope profile along with my compatabilities with friends and ex-girlfriends... I was absolutely shocked by how accurate everything was.
A couple years back I attempted to date an Aries..constantly butting heads..arguing.. we were soo uncompatable it hurt. Since then, I find that my two best women friends are Aries... we have this bond I can't explain and mutual respect for one another.. Just a few months ago I started dating an Aries women... Not a very typical Aries.. very passive, introverted, kind, not agressive at all. At first I had my reservations...remembering that Aries and Aries is definately not a good combination. But I've been with her for a couple of months now.. and I've never felt this good about a women this quick in my life. We get along great, there is a very strong attraction.. It's really weird because everything seems too perfect. In the back of my head I think about the Aries + Aries combo, and it almost seems to be a mental block.. ha! I was born on March 22nd she was born on March 30th... I guess I was just looking for some feedback.. wondering if anyone here has mad this relationship work.
Thanks for your time!