Who here has had sex in their work place? Be it during work or after works hours? Who was it with? Why did you do it there? Did you get caught? How did you feel afterwards?
Hi all,
I hope someone can give me advice on what to do because i’m actually going crazy. 2 weeks ago got into an huge argument with my aqua man. He started saying some hurtful stuff and me being a gemini said some hurtful stuff too.
He ended up deleting
Hey, I’m new to this site.
My issue has been my on/off again Aquarius boyfriend. We tried to really make it work once and for all mid last year, but it seems to be falling apart again. I’m an Aries sun Gem moon. He’s an Aqua sun, Libra moon. I love him v
What would you say if someone told you this after you express concern over your pet being sick and saying you don’t want to lose them?
What would your reaction be?
So I met this cancer man about 2 years ago because he started to frequent my workplace. I must say when I first saw him, my initial instinct was anger. I know this sounds typical Aries to be angry all the time, but I rarely show anger as I’m a cancer moon
Okay so I’m not too sure about the moon or suns but I’m a Taurus and my bf is a Virgo.
I just don’t understand how to calm him down when he gets very very angry!
For the last two days he’s been angry and sometimes yelling at me how I should’ve been ho
So .. there is this virgo man, that i met through a mutual friend... he is sweet and gorgeous but i never knew his intentions towards me... but our mutual friend came and told and told me that this guy is verrrry interested in you... but honestly i couldn
How do I deal with this combination. Sometimes I feel like he doesn’t like me I’ve only known him 3 weeks so I can understand why he’s very reserved but sometimes I don’t know if I mean anything to him or not and I don’t want to push him away by smotherin
This is the guy’s Natal chart that I’m interested in. We’re both 21.
Do you guys think he’s more inclined to non-monogamous relationships with
His sun & Mars is in Gemini? He also has these aspects in his natal chart.
Sun trine Lilith
Mars trine