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May 03, 2019Comments: 0 · Posts: 121 · Topics: 18
Have you made friendships with a people you've fucked?
If you decide to stay friends with someone you've fucked, do you ever think it will evolve into more?
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May 14, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 798 · Topics: 55
Yes of course.. I’m friends with Aries ex I fucked. Aries and Aries can defo be friends after fucking...
I feel like your question should be which signs can an Aries women still be friends with after fucking?
Oh wait.. would it then go back to being more.. hell no
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Mar 31, 2020Comments: 113 · Posts: 218 · Topics: 2
I'm still very good friends with an Aries woman who I bedded over three years ago and we have not had sex since. So obviously it hasn't evolved into something more than what we already have and we're both okay with that.
But I'm a fellow fire sign so I don't rightly know if that makes a difference. Aries are sick. They can cum four times in a row in under twenty or thirty minutes and still keep going. Sick. Sick.
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Dec 24, 2018Comments: 1859 · Posts: 1253 · Topics: 15
I don’t fuck people I feel are friend worthy. I’d sooner value someone for their ability to be my friend than as someone who’d bring me fleeting passion.
Friendship is hard to find in people, true friendship. I’d rather cultivate that than have sex with it just to feel something for that moment and then try to move that confused ball of clusterfucks into something meaningful again.
Libra Scorpio says it all, you're definitely infatuated with this fire sign but defo not a good combination. If an Aries wants you, you'll know it. They don't tend to get attached the way a water sign or libra would unfortunately