Aries females how was a relationship with a Taurus

This topic was created in the Aries forum by Rammalot on Tuesday, November 13, 2012 and has 26 replies.
Taurus guy.
I'm 6th April 1990 and he is 25 April 1984 if that makes a difference.
Tell me your experiences and if it can work.
all the taurus guys i have had the pleasure of meeting are players
so it cant work with me unless i meet one who aint a liar or player
Hmm I've had 3 tauruseseses I've been involved with one was a April 21st and totally stubborn and reckless and younger than me and we got into alot of trouble together but the sex was so passionate and spontaneous. The other two are march 17th and i'm on good terms as friends with the two of them (let's call them "A" and "B"). After the 4 yr engagement with taurus A ended we didn't get along for 4 or 5 yrs but thanks to mutual friends had to remain cordial. Over time we have established a deep truce and genuinely look out for one another and have fun in a group setting. Also during total moments of tragedy and desperation we have been there for other. Now taurus "B" has been my BFF since highschool and we like once tried to date but it was a disaster! So somehow past the drama (mostly me rejecting him) we've developed a brother sister relationship and I set him up with one of my girlfriends (aquarius). I've notice taurus men offer more unconditional support and can develop a deep trusting platonic love with women. In a relationship though they irritate the living shit out of me and are too inflexible and rigid.
Recently had a Taurus experience past weekend,
He was born on the first day of taurus cusp, with a pisces moon, acted more like a pisces than a taurus.
Loved the intimacy, he was sensual, was completely open about his past, communication was flowing greatly, and could definitely pick up on my emotion without saying a word, in which suited perfectly. The downside to it, didn't have his stuff together, is in search. Unfortunately, still thought like a guy, barely starting in his thirties, and was a bit too direct, meaning, some of his words were a bit insensitive.....also a slight problem with drug use.... makes it a big problem for me.
There was another taurus, from a couple months ago who happens to be my neighbor. We had dinner once, afterwards tried to sleep with me and kept insisting (more than once besides that day) but never did I let him. He had graduated from college, had a good job, had everything together, but I got turned off by being the [sex] prey. Communication was pretty good too.
Posted by Bohemianrhapsody74
Mine did not work out..his bday was 4/27 mine is 4/9.
We had an intense love but in the end we were both too headstrong and could not live together!
He wanted to remain friends after the break up but I just could not be friends.
I guess it also depends how much either person is willing to compromise on things in this instance he never tried!

Sad Sad to hear it didn't work out with you Bohemianrhapsody
Posted by bkbella86
all the taurus guys i have had the pleasure of meeting are players
so it cant work with me unless i meet one who aint a liar or player

Interesting you say player since I'm seeing signs of that with Taurus guy that's why I'm not going there until he actually proves he wants me and only me.
Taurus are ok, but they are a little too possessive for me once in a committed relationship. I was with one for 13+ years and there was A LOT of arguments.
I've read they are a bit intense with the whole jealousy, possessive behaviour within reason since I'm a bit like that too but I'm worried about the controlling thing since I HATE being told what to do.
I'm a Taurus and personally I hate being controlled/controlling others. I love freely because I place a high value on the other person's freedom as well as my own.
I think the key for you gentlemen/ladies looking for a Taurus is to find a mature, developed Taurus, not a baby. Otherwise you will get all the stubbornness/jealousy/possessiveness etc.
My aries friend attracts Taurus men like nobody's business
She had a long term relationship with one (3 years)..he was a narcissist and he cheated on her a lot. She really liked him and struggled to make it work.
She also had a few short-lived relationships with other tauruses..she doesn't find them exciting but she thinks they are a challenge because they are stubborn enough not to let her get her way all of the time and that excites her. I personally thinks she likes them more for the challenge than for their personalities.
Her boyfriend of 4 years is a I guess her Pisces energy makes her attracted to earth sign men (Pisces Venus, Mercury, Moon)..we're best friend and I'm a Virgo so there is smthg about the earth sign vibe that grounds her..dunno how that fares in terms of compatibility though.
As of late Taurus men have been on my radar. Four so far, same thing happened with Pisces at one point couldn't stop attracting them. We now it's the bulls. One thing I noticed is that they love a challenge. They are not as borIng as the books say they are, alsO they aren't as loyal either. They love to go out and are pretty spontaneous. I think for a long time people have mistakened Taurus to he loyal but that really isn't it, it just tha they get comfortable in situations that are benefitting them somehow. They like to seduce people/ winnig people over is their charm. They are very subtle at this too. They usually have a ton of admirers too And I hate to say it but none of the bulls I know are loyal, they seem to have no issues with cheating even the woman. But i can't stress enough to be a challenge always, never be too sweet. This is from studying my Bull gf's. I'm talking to two right now. One just stood me up after asking me out 10 times and the other weve been Danciing around each other for a year and he still doesn't seem tired. I like the latter guy and I have been upping the challenge lately because I started paying attention and noticed he repsonds more positively to that. I like him a lot and hope its worth it. But I have kept my emotions in check just enough to not be devastated if it doesn't work out. I'm hoping this bull proves my observations wrong.
My brother in law is a Taurus, his wife (my friend) is an Aries. They dated for 7 years and got married 6 months ago.
He's controlling, possessive, protective and a bit stubborn. He wears the pants in the relationship and she loves (him) it. She's a bit submissive and likes his dominant nature. She says she is happy!
I like dominant and this taurus is but its so subtle and he is also possesive which I like as well, he doesnt go overboard with it.
@bkbella86 I think their loyalty is more toward family than to their SOs. My brother in law adores and is very protective of his mother (boy, don't I know it) but he's never manifested such blind loyalty and unconditional love (and by no means I'm suggesting he doesn't love her) towards my friend. He's a bit of a wandering eye, but I don't think he's ever cheated on her.
My relationship with my Bull is quite special....we were together almost a decade ago... then split after a year. And we just recently kinda got back together after 9 years apart. I'll spare you all the details.
Putting all astrological stereotypes aside, my taurus is indeed very faithful, I never once have to worry about it. As for him being possessive??_ I think he is and he??s not??_and the key here as clich? as it may sounds, it??s all about communication. In my case, I??m free to go wherever I want and do whatever I want??_but that??s because we know exactly where we are and what we want??_I??ve wasted almost 10 years without him by my side because I was too hot headed and he??s been hurt all these years but still waited for me??_thank god for that stubborn side of the Taurus in this case.
Just remember that in a serious relationship, it??s not always about how flawed your partner is, but why you want to be with them despite those flaws. And remember, not all Taurus are the same??_anything you read of these forum are at best, more of a tendency and nothing else.
Short lived, never made it far
5 of my exes are Tauruses. They are attracted to the Venus in Pisces part of my chart. They all cheated and stalked me afterwards. I had to move across country to get away from 1 of them. To this day, he hacks into my online accounts. Now, I have some awesome Taurus male friends. But, I would never date a Taurus again. Too much drama for me. lol.
Posted by bkbella86
all the taurus guys i have had the pleasure of meeting are players
so it cant work with me unless i meet one who aint a liar or player

If they like you, they are keeping you around while they tend to other I love their dedication but they are players. Most of them i have met do the disappearing act too. Good luck...maybe you cn tame this Taurus. Sex and food are his biggest weaknesse. Most men have this but its a Taurus.
Posted by firewaterearthpiscesvenus
5 of my exes are Tauruses. They are attracted to the Venus in Pisces part of my chart. They all cheated and stalked me afterwards. I had to move across country to get away from 1 of them. To this day, he hacks into my online accounts. Now, I have some awesome Taurus male friends. But, I would never date a Taurus again. Too much drama for me. lol.

the taurus I dated still says "girl you know how much drama I" girl
O god my saga is just beginning with this guy. They seem very clingy, always wanna know what you doing, what you ate, and if you burped afterwards. But to me it seems like they just want to get you comfy so that they are comfy to roam the green pastures. they are also insecure and will be testing your loyalty and interest. And last but not least possesive. this past weekend I caught my bull getting paranoid because he thought some guys were checking me out. THis def wont be a light and breezy situation for us.
I feel we have been too attached lately, I am falling back to gain some clarity.
I'm and Aries and for me the issue is the pace and the openness. They are super slow to commit, not very vocal about their feelings (though if he loves you the feelings run deep), and need a lot of time alone to process things.
Another Taurus just popped up on my radar. I have known him for years as he is one of my best friends cousins. He was the guy all the girls liked growing up, except me. I noticed him much later in life and my friend opened her mouth and told him I thought he was cute, that was in like 07, and he has always i mean always had a gf, different ones but always attached. Well fast forward to now hes back in town and asking about me, problem is, he is still attached.
Posted by bkbella86
Another Taurus just popped up on my radar. I have known him for years as he is one of my best friends cousins. He was the guy all the girls liked growing up, except me. I noticed him much later in life and my friend opened her mouth and told him I thought he was cute, that was in like 07, and he has always i mean always had a gf, different ones but always attached. Well fast forward to now hes back in town and asking about me, problem is, he is still attached.

Run from this bull. I see crazy Taurus girlfriend in your
Posted by firewaterearthpiscesvenus
Posted by bkbella86
Another Taurus just popped up on my radar. I have known him for years as he is one of my best friends cousins. He was the guy all the girls liked growing up, except me. I noticed him much later in life and my friend opened her mouth and told him I thought he was cute, that was in like 07, and he has always i mean always had a gf, different ones but always attached. Well fast forward to now hes back in town and asking about me, problem is, he is still attached.

Run from this bull. I see crazy Taurus girlfriend in your
click to expand thing i noticed about bulls are that they usually pick wOman who are crazyyyy about them to be there gf. I mean most people should, but I've noticed that bulls like to be doted on and spoiled, more than most signs next to Leo and that makes sense since some bulls have Leo risings. But I feel they are a lazy at reciprocating. This guys gf is all over his fb page talking about her deep love for him, yet he is trying to get with someone while on vacay and he never comments on her post about this deep love. My bestie said that she said it was cool for him to do him on vacay, that's just craziness to me.
My friend is really trying to encourage this too, it's weird. She has slePt with one of my bros so I think she feels like I should be all over it. But just because he's her cousin and he asking for me don't mean imma answer. Idc if he's in town for 24 hours, he shall get treated just like any other guy.
Posted by LadyAries25
I've never dated a Taurus but I have a co-worker that is one. He tried to get me to cheat on my boyfriend when I first started working there. I did have a crush on him for two weeks, maybe? He tried making me and another girl coworker (who was actually cheating on her boyfriend with him) jealous of one each other - playing us against each other for the ego trip. I became unimpressed quickly.
I caught on quickly that he wasn't a gentleman. I saw him string women along for the ego boost. I don't know if this is common for Taurus men, but its this one's favorite game to play it seems.

My Taurus stalker tried this game and it didn't work on me. But, the other girls completely fell for it. He even had his mistresses spying on me and reporting back to him. smh. lol.