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Apr 27, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 547 · Topics: 36
will this work? any exeperiances with this combo?
me aries
Sun Aries
Moon Scorpio
Mercury Taurus
Venus Aries
Mars Pisces
Jupiter Gemini
Saturn Leo
Uranus Scorpio
Neptune Sagittarius
Pluto Libra
Lilith Taurus
her aqua
Sun Aquarius.
Moon Leo
Mercury Aquarius
Venus Aries.
Mars Aries.
Jupiter Capricorn.
Saturn Scorpio.
Uranus Sagittarius
Neptune Capricorn.
Pluto Scorpio.
btw we are 7 years apart, lol
but i cant help my self and be drawn to her its very strange to me
any input would be appreciated
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Apr 27, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 547 · Topics: 36
ok so no one has anything to say on this?
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Dec 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3890 · Topics: 117
LOL... both of you're Venus matches... I know thats a good thing..However like any other air sign, they crave mental stimuation & realness... Keep it interesting, not overboard though or they will be gone with the wind.
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Jun 10, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 696 · Topics: 74
Well, your saturn opposes her Sun (leo/aqua), conjuncts her moon (leo/leo) and opposes her mercury (leo/aqua). Her saturn conjuncts your moon (scorpio/scorpio) and opposes your mercury (scorpio/taurus)
Saturn is a heavy player when it comes to wonder you're so drawn to her and why it's strange to you (probably freaks you out a little). If you like and want to be with her, decide NOW, cuz if you do, it will either be extremely short term (due to your/her inability to handle the intensity) or it will be a long-term bond. Either way, know that your saturn making so many aspects to her personal planets (and vice versa) means intense growth on both your parts, and sometimes growth can be a painful process. not to mention, saturn=karma, as well. you two have probably been involved in another lifetime. you guys have A LOT of saturn going on there. technically that's a good thing, but a huge challenge. my advice would be to remember to be playful and lighthearted.
class-act, your chart is the same as mine, except that I have an Aries moon. And personally I would probably avoid her myself. I think the attraction you have is like a bug to a bulb LOL. I'd assume that she's probably the type of person that would be very rude/hurtful when angry, and possibly bossy too. But perhaps I'm wrong. Maybe the passion/energy would prove to be interesting and never dull. But then again, so is war.
If you do date her, just make sure you're packin' j/k
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Apr 27, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 547 · Topics: 36
lol ramman, i dont think you could avoid her if you knew her, if u an aries. yes i am drawn to her like a bug to light bulb. she has this sweetenes and innocents about her but not really if you know what i mean, lol perfect medium just how i like it, no tot prude, not to slutty, not to conservative or proper but not mean or unpleasant,
and bossy? well i think i got the handle of that. i know how to use that to my advantage, lol i always had
man i wish my moon was in aries, my scorpio moon sucks! specially when it comes to letting go, dang it, lol
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Apr 27, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 547 · Topics: 36
its probably her cancer moon that caused all the drama, sorry bro
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Mar 04, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1775 · Topics: 125
Yea, i used to be obssessed with Aqua girls. But then they get too aloof and played hard to get, so I just quit. Much more easy to fall for a scorp, taurus or leo. At least you get stable relationships with these three.
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Mar 04, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1775 · Topics: 125
In aquas, you get into fights like "you didn't f**king phone", and "It seems I care more about the relationship than you, so y should i give a damn" etc etc.
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May 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 21685 · Topics: 138
Im a sun in aqua moon in cancer.
AND I AM NOT dramatic.
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May 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 21685 · Topics: 138
What exactly was the drama?
Btw, my sun has more influence over me than my moon.
My venus is in cap and mars in aries.
Just playing games and shit all the time. She knew I was in love with her, and she loved me too. Yet she would constantly come up with ways to "test my love for her." Her best friend when we were dating (a Sagittarius girl that I actually date right now, needless to say they are best friends no longer) was told by my Aqua girl to hit on me. She put her best friend up to this to see if I would flirt back with her. I found out this was staged and asked her why, and she said "I just wanted to see if you REALLY loved me or not." That was the first time, but it definitely wasn't the last. And our relationship just became more and more of a rollercoaster as time went out. Just games after games after games!
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Aug 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1660 · Topics: 107
i read where the ideal mate for an aries is aquarius...and vice versa
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Aug 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1660 · Topics: 107
no my bad its aries and leo
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Aug 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1660 · Topics: 107
Natives of Aries are probably most in tune with those governed by Leo since both possess abundant courage and the ability to exercise much influence over others. Leo will also safely curb the Aries impulsiveness which might sometimes lead the Aries subject to make mistakes. For the Aries male, a partnership with an individual governed by Leo makes for an unbeatable romantic team. There is an incredible chemistry here and both will be physically drawn to the other. Each partner will adore being the center of attention, but this pair can have fun in learning to share the spotlight. The Aries male loves to charge ahead and explore and a Leo partner is always willing to be admired by new people in new places. There will be much mutual flattering and the constant trading of praise and compliments. This is a union where drama and excitement will reign supreme and the relationship will be fed by a flurry of activity and fun. Indeed, this combination is so powerfully potent that neither partner will want to waste a single minute on down time. Instead, each will inspire the other to take new risks...snowboarding or extreme sports, for example. For the Aries female, a partnership with an individual governed by Leo will be one of drama and excitement. Both are confident, outgoing and love to charge ahead into the unknown. The romantic chemisty is fiery and can achieve longevity. Indeed, a Leo individual is capable of sweeping the Aries female off her feet and she will adore the romantic and generous nature associated with this Sign. In addition, the Leo partner will love the sense of adventure and intelligent mind of the Aries woman. What will truly seal the bond here is Leo's hidden vulnerability, which is certain to bring out the caring side of a female ruled by Aries. This is a union of abundant energy. Leo individuals crave adventure, drama and excitement...and partners who know what they want. All this can be found in the Aries female. Leo is sure to ask for loyalty and massive displays of love, but the good news is that Leo natives will never ask for anything that they are not willing to give back in spades.
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Mar 04, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1775 · Topics: 125
Hey Lady_Man, you aqua woman can go on being single for the rest of your life if u keep this up . Because we aries honestly don't have to play games with you and wait hard to get, no matter how much we are attracted to you intially.
I want to know more about these two signs together.