Aries Man goes MIA

This topic was created in the Aries Men forum by Andria97 on Tuesday, January 17, 2017 and has 5 replies.
I need to know what to expect when an Aries male goes MIA. I've been dating an Aries man and he wanted to meet my friends which I was hesitant about bc I'm still getting to know him. Long story short I made arrangements but didn't know what to expect about PDA bc I'm confused about us, whether I kiss him, introduce him as a friend. He immediately has a tantrum and decides to have a raincheck after I told my friends about dinner. I explained to him that one time I dated someone and when I went to kiss them hello or hug they pushed me away and felt so embarrassed infront of my friends. That was the only reason I had asked and told him to enjoy his evening. I'm a Virgo and just don't feel like I need to contact him but its been 2 days and just not sure if its over? Can someone share some advise.
1) You were hesitant to introduce him to his friends. He felt inadequate.

2) HE initiated the "let's meet your friends" (he holds the REINS in other words (see above how he felt).

3) Aries make the "first moves" ALWAYS

4) You questioned the PDA. No, no. When an Aries feels comfy w/you THEY will show you (holds hands, tucks his right hand HARD inside your blue jean pocket, kiss you, etc.). Aries is #1 in the zodiac wheel and he does what HE wants at HIS terms and doesn't need your "permission" and when you had this PDF conversation; you kinda spoiled it for him.

5) Aries doesn't like to be COMPARED to your past relationships.

How do I know this? I dated an Aries and he displayed all of the above. Did you lose him? Wait for others will tell you, "Give him space" Angry as I hate that about Aries men, AND they will say, balls on his court, allow him time to calm, don't text/call him, etc, etc, etc. If I were you I'd BLOCK his #. Sorry.

Hug cyber hugs!



Thank you & appreciate the cyber hug!

I am going to give him space but I had hoped by me telling him what happened to me before, that hurt me, he might've understood, only time will tell.

My intentions weren't to make him feel inadequate I just hope one day he'll contact me to talk but can't force it.

Thank ya!
How old is he? That has a lot to do with it.

He will definetly need space as Im sure he's pissed off right now. Once you give him space he'll come around. I would not push it tho. Let him be and he'll simmer down soon.
He's 37 and actually being super weird. Now he keeps liking my two recent pics on fb yet had two girls commenting on his page as well. He seems to be showing one of the girls some attention. I haven't spoke to him and actually feel hurt by this bc if you're flirting with the other girl on social media why even like my recent photos as if asking for attention? I mean I'm not bothering you and I refuse to apologize for something that all I wanted was clarity on. I actually just don't know how to feel or do. Part of me wants to have one last say and tell him off then the other part hopes he'll man up but at this point, doubt that will happen.