ARIES MAN What’s your opinion about Gemini Woman?

This topic was created in the Aries and Gemini Compatibility forum by diamondgemini on Thursday, October 26, 2017 and has 1 replies.
What do you think about Gemini woman or why did you have trouble with them? What should they do or not do in order to keep you chasing?

And what should they do to show that they like you, but still keep you interested ?

I was told by several that Geminis seem to be inconsistent and change their mind quite often, so the guy doesn’t really know if she’s being serious or not. So, what should a Gem do to show the ram that she is interested ? I know Aries man love the chase, but if you tell them Oh I like you they think you’re an easy target, that they have you and their chase is gone. Or if you don’t tell them stuff in order to prevent that they think you’re not interested.

Most of the time I attract either Aries man or Leo and those are the signs that I love more and that I have the best connection with so some advice would help. I have been talking with this guy every day non stop for the past month, half showed interest half not, and when I asked him if he arried safe at his destination today he just said “Well I though you didn’t care”. Which was weird because I did.

Anyway, thanks for the advice smile It is really much appreciated