Okay I fell in love with an Aries man..I am a libra woman,I love him to death but why are Aries so rude,brash and always say hurtful things without thinking? We went to movies over the weekend and we got into a heated arguement and like always he says hurtful things when mad...So I gave him the silent treatment...He says that he's on the verge of calling it quits and I'm fine with that at this point..My question is how to really get him to really break it off? I've asked him is that really what he wants and I can't get an answer..Then I call so we can talk about breaking it off and he says we'll talk about later..but that never came..
Well he says he's on the verge of calling it quits...I guess I'm the one waiting..
I say rude or hurtful things to those I care about or those I am in a relationship when I can't understand why I am hanging out with them. Usually I feel there is duty and the romantic idea that everything will change and work out, meanwhile there is something I can't fix because that person is still saying or doing things that seem to trample over my existence (and they usually don't know or seem to care).
Usually the harmful words come out when things are past fixing but I am still with the person out of some false belief that everything works out if I try hard enough.
I say rude or hurtful things because it is like I am trying so hard and fighting someone who has no want of negotiating with me. Probably looking back all those situations I should have given up and called it quits on the spot to save heartache or hurt feelings on both sides. Such is life I guess.
In your situation it sounds like from what has been said that both parties feel it is best to break things off, but haven't done it yet. Regardless of why you are trying to stay together, if there are issues you cannot resolve and they keep creeping up (which I absolutely hate) then by all means I recommend saying, "yo we tried, we are both great people, we just can't work out our issues right now, maybe in the far-off future we will understand but right now it is best we make a decision to break things off for both our sake."
Good luck in the break up. I am currently of the opinion that break ups should be more like going to a different grocery store that seems more appealing, rather than making it out to be quitting a job you think you need to keep so you can pay the bills. Blowing things out of proportion (not that you are) is not a good feeling and I only say this in hopes you have a smooth transition.
Thanks Heroic guy...He has said those same things to me...He has tried really hard to make things work.I have bad habits that he hates..same with me,but he came by last night and we have decided to stay together because we really love each other..I'm just resistant to change..lol..and need to get my shit together.
Oh and might i add that my rising sign is Aries..lol which probably does'nt help
Signed Up:
Sep 29, 2010Comments: 2 · Posts: 1652 · Topics: 19
I have worked very hard for a long, long time learning to keep a grip on my tongue. But, it would be very easy for me to say things that would/could be quite hurtful. When I have said such things in the past, they have tended to come back and haunt me. And even if I really didn't mean them, apologies can not take the pain back, or undo the hurt I caused.
It really is a constant battle for some of us.
And well, Amethyst, some of us Aries guys are indeed way intense. I am one of them. This is also one of my battles. I am not doing quite as well in this area as in keeping my nasty mouth in check. Zero to Blue Flame Intensity in nothing flat just isn't something I seem to be able to control.
Ummm. ... I have to admit IMPRESS ME.. that he told me he loved me faster that anyone ever! I also got into a relationship with him quick than ever ...soo one thing that I noticed about him is that Aries can turn the light switch on and off with their feelings..I can't ..If I protest my love then it is true...right now I type on his birthday we just got back from New York and he is with his female friends! It kills me AND makes me want to cheat but he did talk to these female friends over the phone in front of me which means NOTHING!LOL
Signed Up:
Aug 31, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 6859 · Topics: 162
one arguement and you want to break it off?
Lol there are good attributes..Like loyalty,ummm ummm oh great sex..umm umm.
Signed Up:
Dec 29, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 752 · Topics: 45
hmmm i personally never had a bad relationship with aries women just tense ones but not bad ones but to each is its own
You know...I hear people talkin about the honesty of a Libra..but I'm here to tell you some facts...1st of all a Libra will NEVER be honest with you if we even smell dishonesty..2nd of all IF we really love you ..then you will NEVER experience those terrible Libra traits!! I am a Libra woman and personally I don't Libra men because in my case they just seem girly and femenine on top of all that masculinity...and yes they are players...but you have to know how to get them..and always being available to them is destined for disaster!
There is a Libra man that adores me..but I don't want him and never will!
But you'll stick with a guy who treats you like butter. Oh, okay.
Actually no...it's over with that!
I don't know why..you must be a libra man?
Signed Up:
Apr 27, 2011Comments: 2 · Posts: 1289 · Topics: 69
dont argue with me im always right, even more right than other dumb aries, im the King of Aries, and you shall not argue with me, if i know something for sure i will prove that im right, unless of coarse you are cute and i like you then i will compromise and say something like yes love, whatever love wants.