Aries Mom...

This topic was created in the Aries forum by LibraLovesHim on Friday, October 6, 2017 and has 3 replies.
Tell me about her? I'm staying with my Aries S/O's parents and his mom seems lovely although a little shy in some kind of way...its a little strained because I also am not coming across all balshy. His uncle showed up though and he is a big character, asking alot of questions etc etc. I noticed she likes to be asked questions more than ask them also....talking to her about things she enjoys seems to work. Hobbies, or her life, the past etc. How else to connect with her...maybe this is just something that takes time. She seems v introverted.
Posted by WolfInRamsClothing
She sounds like me. I'm not talkative at all, shy and quite. I open up only with people I'm comfortable with, sometimes it happens right away, sometimes takes time. Also, very dependable on the mood. There are times when I can't spill out a word, but it doesn't mean that I don't like a person that talks to me or that I don't feel a connection.

Talk to her first, I highly appreciate talkative people, because I'm not that kind and never will be, plus they fill in awkward silence.

Don't try too much to become friends with her, you know we sense fake things right away.

Just show that You're a smart, polite lady that cares for her son. What else the mother needs?

And yes, past and hobbies are the most interesting topic Winking maybe she will tell you more later.

She's a lovely lady and she definately appreciates the fact I love her son I think, I kept catching her taking photos of us together when we have been out walks together etc she may be more like me also as I like a talkative person at first to help fill the silence and such but I rather slow and steady TRUE progress, we are now at the end of our 2 weeks and comfortable in each others silent moments smile