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Apr 23, 2016Comments: 512 · Posts: 2343 · Topics: 199
I recently discussed the difference between bluntness and rudeness with my aries gf and her aries friends. There are some things I find just offensive and they dont. Telling the truth without sugarcoating is one thing, but there has to be drawn a line don`t you think. I give you a few examples and then you tell me what you think.
1. There is a guy who is less succesfull discussing with one of her girls. She tells him youre a loser so piss of. She thought it was okay to say that. I dont think so.
2. Her boss a doctor is pretty blunt. She once said to a collegue " I dont think you are competent enough for this patient because his symptoms cannot be a clear indicator for just one disease. There are overlapping diagnoses with similar symptoms. I give to some one with more experience and who can spot more sublte indications.
Dont have a problem with that, the use of the phrase competent enough is a bit harsh though.
3. One likes to give orders. "Put the fork on there and there. Tell me what you found out".
4. They are quick thinkers and immediately tell everybody what to do. First of all I am a taurus and second I dont like
to be told what to do.
What do you think about the 4 Situations`?
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Jul 14, 2016Comments: 4530 · Posts: 12579 · Topics: 56
I am more like No.2.
I have actually met more non-Aries people who are like No.1 and No.3. I only know of 1 Aries in real life who is definitely like No.3 - but she will never end with giving you a voice for feedback. She basically doesn't welcome feedback.
But communication is more than just the sun sign, really. The sun sign gives you an overall view of the person but not the details.
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Nov 27, 2015Comments: 379 · Posts: 2442 · Topics: 172
I could take it or leave it. I try to be cordial and sensitive in this culture of overcuddled psychiatric medicine takers, but often I just dgaf
My mercury is in Aries. So basically that means you're going to get the honest truth from me, but I know how to voice that with tact.
1. I would NEVER call someone a loser or tell them to piss off. I don't like hurting peoples feelings.
2. instead of calling the person incompetent, I would say "this patient requires someone with more experience to treat them because their symptoms are complicated but I'd like you to treat alongside (more experienced person), as a learning opportunity so you're prepared in the future for this kind of case"
3. This is me. Except I say please & thank you
Now I will say that on the rare occasion that someone pushes me too far (I'm very patient thanks to my Taurus sun) I do have the ability, as Red said, to cut a person with my words. I can be vicious. I don't like this because I feel really guilty afterwards and pretty much always apologize for acting out. Words can't be taken back so I take what I say really serious. No matter what anyone does or says to me, I should have control of my reaction & I hate it when I lose it.
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Jan 27, 2012Comments: 4343 · Posts: 13269 · Topics: 69
#3 and #4 are me. It's not "liking to give orders." It's clear instructions. People complain about directness when giving instructions and complain that instructions were not clear.
"Please" and "thank you" is required for the most mundane requests or instructions to soothe.
I actually have been in a position to lead and teach all of my life. Started out as the firstborn of five.... and then in my career... to being a mother. I don't know much difference.
At one point, I was tired of leading and just wanted to coast for once in my life but, people actually got angry and accused me of setting the team up for failure. It's interesting and funny.
I had to anaylze from many socio-cultural perspectives and discussed with many people. It was in fact more socio-cultural then anything else. It wasn't about me.
So, I adjust my communication style to suit whomever I am speaking to. It is exhausting but, I do it well. It requires you to quickly and accurately analyze a person before or while speaking to them.... exhausting.
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Jan 27, 2012Comments: 4343 · Posts: 13269 · Topics: 69
My husband is very harsh, short, and to the point... and passionate.
But, no one cares about it because he is a man.
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Mar 30, 2012Comments: 1243 · Posts: 16617 · Topics: 170
The butthurt in this post is strong.
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Jul 25, 2015Comments: 43 · Posts: 798 · Topics: 12
Rude is when a person reacts to what they assume the situation is and they have zero finesse in delivering their message.
Blunt is when a person spent at least 30 seconds computing the situation and comes up with a firm and constructive response.
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Feb 03, 2015Comments: 289 · Posts: 2891 · Topics: 9
Librasaurusrex +1!
Regarding the topic, I'd like to say that I hate it when people attempt to justify their obnoxious and inconsiderate disposition, immaturity, hostility and especially their psychological instability with the claim that they're blunt and "sick of bullshit" or whatever other void of content reason they give.
People can be so mean, using language I don't even encounter on the Internet, insulting in such a harsh manner... and when confronted, replying something of the sort: " I'm just blunt, bitch, something you can't be". What the hell... self-assertion isn't equivalent to acting surly and unmannerly. Bluntness can instead be used (again without mortifying others) to get the discussion going. Rude behaviour obstructs any discussion or debate. In terms of giving an honest opinion, being rude is simultaneously being derogatory.
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May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
but it's not soft and sympathiezing and not sensitive. sensitivity helps us feel safe and happy and secured.
bluntness and cruelty or words hurt and will only make an effective hate towards the bearer of the bluntness.
like for example, if your mother or father started saying stuff like that to you, you would feel offended hurt, and cry and think they are the cruelest parents.
or if a teacher said to you, that you lack brain cells, ect. that is just uncalled for too.
I think those are rude and crass.
but blunt with sympathy, does it even exist?
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Jan 27, 2016Comments: 742 · Posts: 1687 · Topics: 59
Something rude and blunt that my Aries had done to me.
Take things without asking.
Eat my food that I bring home.
When she is done in the bathroom she don't spray or turn on the vent.
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May 14, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 798 · Topics: 55
No, I think you’re wrong with this, Aries do not have the intention of being rude or mean, they see being clear direct and honest and beneficial and a good thing. At the end of the day it’s done with good intentions and to avoid wasting time.
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Jan 27, 2016Comments: 742 · Posts: 1687 · Topics: 59
In her defense, she'd probably has a list of rude things I've done to her.
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Nov 30, 2015Comments: 48 · Posts: 510 · Topics: 37
My Aries brother who I help take care is nothing like that he's a triple Aries with a Capricorn Rising.
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Feb 18, 2016Comments: 29 · Posts: 6809 · Topics: 59
IDK.. My aries bestfriend and me are never rude.. Well.. I hope I am not unless it's inevitable like, for example, when people overstep my personal boundary I do run away.
There is a very fine line. The problem with trying to be tactful is that smart people will pick up on what you're insinuating. So, if you think someone is incompetent but you want to phrase it in a way that doesn't hurt their feelings, the person picks up on A) you don't think they're competent and B) you've just insulted their intelligence by thinking they don't realize what you're really trying to say to them. So, in trying to preserve someone's just called them incompetent and stupid when you could have just told them the job requires more experience than they currently have.
And a dumb person won't pick up at all that you think they're incompetent so they're unlikely to do anything about it which only leads to more frustration. Then you pawn them off on someone else and the dumb person doesn't realize they're being trained.
I cannot stand someone to bullshit me. Tell me the straight truth. You don't have to be insulting but simply "Some of these patients require a more experienced diagnostic team/caregiver/whatever."
Hurt me with the truth rather than comfort me with a lie. What comes to mind is American Idol auditions. lol. I don't know why. Simon Cowell was mean but it was what they really needed to hear. If I'm a horrible singer, I don't want people trying to be tactful and telling me I sound "okay" and letting me embarrass myself on national tv. Or someone being nice and suggesting more singing lessons so I can waste my money not knowing that I just don't have what it takes. It might hurt a lot at first but it's better than feeling lied to when I finally realize the truth.
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Dec 01, 2015Comments: 33 · Posts: 5490 · Topics: 118
To me bluntness is more like forthrightness, as in: "It would be extremely helpful to me if you wouldn't browse Facebook and help me get these tasks done, thank you."
Rudeness is: "Your hair is a weave right? Your hair isn't that long or full."
I've said the former, a woman said the latter to one of my co-workers. So rude