This topic was created in the Aries and Aquarius Compatibility forum by aries4268 on Tuesday, August 5, 2008 and has 18 replies.
Has anyone had any experience with an Aquarius man? I just met one and don't know much about Aquarius man. I would like to know there personality pros and cons. Like to know there turnoffs and quirks. I would like to know how they respond to sex. Lastly, would like to know what I should be careful of when dealing with an Aquarius man.
Has anyone had any experience with an Aquarius man? I am an Aries female who just met one and don't know much about Aquarius man. I would like to know there personality pros and cons. Like to know there turnoffs and quirks. I would like to know how they respond to sex. Lastly, would like to know what I should be careful of when dealing with an Aquarius man.
Read the topic, "understanding Aquarius men" - that should give you some insight...Winking
Good luck
Hmm, very tricky question - see Aqua boards.
There're good astrology websites that can provide detailed compatibility - too many personal opinions here may or maynot be a good thing.
However, to answer your question from my experiences and observations, they both have a LOT in common like; hate of boredom, love of shiny/new things, very self-involved, love to explore, hard to trust others, honest, demanding in relationships, like to be in control, competitive, independent, activists, generous, egomaniacs and can't think of anymore.
Turnoffs to watch out for;
- Aries can be verbally/actively sexual - just tone it down - not games though (if this is anymore than friendship).
- Different ways of communication (Aqua's less emotionally vocal in the beginning and Aries can be too emotionally impulsive). Both signs tend to have the wrong timing with expressing something that could make or break a relationship.
----Aries wants to talk and get it over with and Aqua needs to process/analyse before talking about it. While Aqua's processing, Aries feels rejected or gets bored and runs off to new territories so Aqua will never trust that Aries can be there for them when it gets tough.
- Both signs need attention but in different ways so as long as they time this well, it can be great, if one needs attention and the other doesn't, BIG problems.
- Aries is more action-oriented and Aqua's more mind/thoughts - if both indulges the other and not try to regulate activities, it works.
- Both signs have a hard time listening to or taking advice as they both think they know best so control issues
- As for the sex, it could go eitherway obviously.
There are other aspects to your charts and where you are in your lives right now, like work demands, previous heartbreats, etc, that may determine the tone.
Good luck and be yourself as there's no perfect formula, if it works, it works - you can only adjust your personality to fit someone else's ideal temporarily and it'll be false.
edit **previous heartbreaks**
When was this topic posted?
Do a search....some time back
"Has anyone had any experience with an Aquarius man?" ------> Yes, I have... as well as having experiences with other male species from other signs. What I am getting at here is truthfully the focus need not be on the man nor the sign of the man - it needs to be on YOU. Before getting involved with any man, a woman IF she is looking for a healthy relationship NEEDS to know herself first.

"I just met one and don't know much about Aquarius man." -----> this is exactly why you NEED to know YOU. Winking In all honesty, when a person meets another we do not KNOW them...when we meet, we begin a process of discovery and it usually is a discovery about ourselves. When you know your likes and dislikes along with knowing that you cannot change another person only ACCEPT him/her then you are able to make healthy decisions when something arises that you are not comfortable with. If you do not yet know yourself, you will learn through the relationship - we gots a win-win situation here Winking

"I would like to know there personality pros and cons. Like to know there turnoffs and quirks. I would like to know how they respond to sex." ----------> why do you want to know? by wanting to know how he supposidly "operates" you are taking the focus off of your needs and desires and planning to change to fit his ways = loosing yourself. It is best for you to personally go through the experience with an open mind and "instinct" function turned on trusting yourself - life is about exploring the "unknown"... you have all the tools you need within IF you can trust and listen to yourself.
"Lastly, would like to know what I should be careful of when dealing with an Aquarius man." ----------> Okay Ladies....please NOTE! When a woman has found her inner power (knowning, loving and trusting herself) there is NOTHING to be careful of with ANY man for she will make each and every decision that she knows is right for her. She will NEVER let any person disrespect her - they may try.....but they will not succeed because her self worth is more important than any man.
Great questions Aries4268 - wishing you the best!
My response to your question is on the Aries board - check it out when you get a chance.
Ugh if your not patient like me with these men, then your in for turbulence!
I meant if your impatient like me.. ha i am FAR from patient!
"please NOTE! When a woman has found her inner power (knowning, loving and trusting herself) there is NOTHING to be careful of with ANY man for she will make each and every decision that she knows is right for her. She will NEVER let any person disrespect her - they may try.....but they will not succeed because her self worth is more important than any man."
Wow GREAT responses Freebird! That is where its at!
And thats all she wrote...
I am an aries with an aqua man. I need to take this advice becasue I have been far too frustarted by aqua behavior. No more. I am takling care of myself and not tolerating any disrespect!
"No more. I am takling care of myself and not tolerating any disrespect!"
Good for YOU! I know you will do well exploring and honoring the many facets of you Winking
::raises glass:: toasting to your new adventure!
Bestest wishes to you BA
I suggest you learn about the aqua male more through the individual and less through the subject, if u catch my drift. In other words, go for the hands on training, because if you learn everything about aqua men through what you've read instead of what u experienced, you'll approach this guy trying to fit a circle into a square..... if u catch my drift.
Aqua men are quite unique, that's why I can't stay away from this forum. Oh the drama! Winking
I suggest reading this forum and prepare for a bumpy ride!
Just be you period.