Aries Woman Aqua Man Question

This topic was created in the Aries and Aquarius Compatibility forum by thearianfish7585 on Saturday, September 18, 2010 and has 6 replies.
I'm just posting this for a little feedback. I've been with my Aqua for a little under a year. He is 9 years younger than me but we get along great (usually). Surprise for me since I've never been with a younger man. Anyway, I'm aries with pisces rising, scorpio moon (taurus venus). He's aquarius with cancer rising, scorpio moon (aries venus). Just wondering what you're thoughts are on this combo. I read somewhere on here that when things are bad between aries and aquarius they are BAD and when they're good they're GOOD. I wholeheartedly agree with that! Sometimes he can be so sweet, attentive, and emotionally available and then other times he just checks out although it doesn't last very long. I do need space but I like reassurance too, probably the taurus venus thing or scorpio thing. I dunno. Anyway, hope I hear from someone about this.
Being an Aries and relating to other signs can be so tough at times, especially in a relationship. We miss the mark on wavelengths as Aries and we need that assurance that we didn't screw up or things are okay for the time being so we don't feel like things are running in the wrong direction. We like to be care free and expect things to be going good, so when things get quiet or there is alone time, we are like, 'wait, is this okay? are we okay?'
I am dating a Scorpio and it is all new to me. You sound amazing and glad you are living it up with your Aqua. All I know is that when we date the "oh yeah try not to date this sign" we have our work cut out for us, but then again, all the "good" signs they say I should date haven't been all that, so, I don't see why we shouldn't try relating to each of the signs better (except Capricorns Tongue )
Glad that you are in touch with the differences and your own Aries sensibilities, that is a definite hand up in relationships, not knowing can be so confusing 24/7 haha.
Best of wishes.
No, it's an Aqua thing. They like to control the pace of the relationship and will 'check out' to retain their sense of independence and freedom. He's not totally committed yet so ride it out if it's worth it.
Thanks for the input!
Should I expect him to stop checking out when he is fully committed? He's only the second aquarius that I've been with and the first only lasted a couple months (I ended that first relationship because he wasn't ambitious enough). So I'm still learning about this sign and I've been wanting to date another one for a long time.
Since you both share the same moons you should have a good emotional understanding. Talk to him about it. What are your needs? Don't lose site of that. You've been with him for almost a year, that's a long time. Does he disappear & ignore calls/texts/emails from you? How long does it last?
Your venus in Taurus could clash with his more fiery venus in Aries. You want security but he's more into adventure.
Think the best thing is to talk to him about it and see how he reacts to your needs. It's the only way to know how
committed he is to this relationship.
when he would disappear he would ignore texts mostly. If I called he would answer. It would last for a day. Then he would start texting again. By the way, this happened after an argument. I know his patterns now and usually just take a break when I see things headed in that direction. By that time, I usually need a break anyway. I do notice that usually if he does something that I really don't like and I tell him about it; he won't do that thing again. I try to make the same concessions as well. I wondered about our venus signs clashing. I guess time will tell about that.
Details Please,
yes he is very very very stubborn about specific things. lol Once he's made up his mind about something there's no point in even trying to change it. We talk in spurts. Can't have long drawn out conversations with this one. The Sagg I dated would talk until we were both blue in the face but that's ok cause he was a big cheater. I'd rather talk in spurts.
Lovely Miss Aries,
yep he will do something and then I'll do it but that's the only time it's a problem. Le sigh.
I do consider this to small potatoes compared to the kindness he shows. He can really be a sweetheart more times than not.