Sooooo I recently started dating this Virgo guy & he's quite interesting to me.. But I keep feeling like he's just not too interested in me as much as I'm interested in him. Any comments?
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Sep 19, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 1846 · Topics: 42
virgo men are sweet, and understanding. I think it takes them a while to show how they truly feel...whats the entire story, and what made you come to this conclusion?
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Jun 01, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 2068 · Topics: 16
From personal experience with Aries dates/mates, you guys require a lot of demonstrative acts to feel secure in love. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but Virgos aren't like that upfront. It usually takes them time to get to that point. That doesn't mean that they're not FEELING it, but they need to feel like everything is going to remain in tact and not fall apart before they can act on those feelings.
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Sep 19, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 1846 · Topics: 42
yeah i agree with what was said above about virgos showing that they care with action. I find Capricorns to be similar in this sense...they will do things for you without you asking them. I don't think Virgo men are vocally expressive about how they feel. What are both of your birth charts...can you post them?
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Sep 19, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 1846 · Topics: 42
LOL @ blackmamba. that must really suck.
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Mar 04, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 260 · Topics: 15
OMG.....CC is back????? Yessssss!!!! We just highjacked this thread to make it all about CC.
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Apr 04, 2015Comments: 1 · Posts: 604 · Topics: 40
Me and my Virgo friend have a love/hate friendship, he does my head in, we find it very hard to get along sometimes... but when we do get along, we get along pretty well.
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Jan 27, 2012Comments: 4343 · Posts: 13269 · Topics: 69
Jo March,
Just keep it sexy and sweet. Leave the past behind... it apparently doesn't matter... it didn't dampen your crush none, right?
You're at crush stage... not really the stage of expectations.
If you miss the man, show him.
We had a great time last night! He invited me to stop by his best friend's place for drinks, so I took my sister along. (We all go to the same church so are good friends.) We just sat and talked on the porch for a couple of hours.
Gave him a huge hug and said that even though I hadn't seen him in two months it felt like no time had passed now that he was in front of me. He agreed and said, "It's weird right? It's like I just saw you." He was really quiet at first and on his phone, which would have made me withdraw, but I took your advice and just let myself be happy to see him.
He ended up sharing videos, photos and stories of his trip with me when I asked about it, which meant a lot. Right before leaving he hugged me and I whispered "I really missed you." And, he said "I definitely missed you" over and over three or four times and rested his chin on my head! It was a sweet "butterflies" moment.
So today, I sent him a text saying how much fun I had and he text me back an article about how to fix an ipad screen because last night I mentioned I dropped my ipad and it cracked. Made me laugh a little. But....I'm still hoping for a one-on-one date!
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Jan 27, 2012Comments: 4343 · Posts: 13269 · Topics: 69
I'm so happy you had a great time.
I've been with a Virgo for over 20 years now and have two Virgo male brothers.
Remember, this is "the Virgin." The ego, the Sun leads at first... so he will be conservative and appear rather perfunctory for a while. You will get glimpses of affection, then a window, a door, a room, and finally a house.
Sometimes, I liken my husband to Hank Hill from the animated show "King of the Hill." This morning he was singing the praises of a cold glass of milk. He loves mowing the lawn and detailing the cars. Gets excited really. I like it. Cause when he's hot, it's a refreshing surprise everytime... and feels just as hot as the first time. Always feels like a secret. And, because he thinks it's dirty, it is.
Remember the Virgin...
Our first date lasted four days (his Mars is in Taurus). Then, I didn't hear from him for a week or two. He actually felt guilty for "keeping me" for four days.