Aries women do you battle with being the Vixen....

This topic was created in the Aries Women forum by ariespiscesgirl on Saturday, September 21, 2013 and has 10 replies.
I'm a younger aries women however, I love sex. I'm very into experimenting, and kink with the right partner in a committed and exclusive situation. However I I at my peak when it comes to sex? I mean I hear it's quite normal for a university aged young women to want it everyday and all day. But I'm starting to think there might be something wrong with me. lol
I can count my partners on one hand, and waited until I was 19 to become sexually active. ( A decision i'm so happy I made) Part of the reason why I waited was because I knew once I did it, i'd want it all the time. And I'm glad I had a serious boyfriend to help with that.
But now i've been single for the past few months, I am finding it extremely difficult to just obtain. And I'm constantly being tempted by men. Part of me want's to be the Vixen and the other part the Virgin...if you know what I mean. Go on a few dates with a guy, and wait. I've done that but I don't think I have time for relationships.
Is it wrong to just want sex, no emotions attached. Just the physicality of it? Is this something any of you other aries women battled with, either while in university or in general?
geez i guess no one is as horny as i am lol
It never stops haha. I'm 27, been like you describe for 10 years.
But I do need emotional connection as I'm older, just the physical leaves me empty. If you've got the whole lot it's even more addictive! But younger it was simply physical.
I have to agree about feeling that battle for years and having a high sex drive, but equally found it tough to jump in and out of bed with random men. The two times I did were very unsatisfying and not worth the risk, even when it's "safe sex".
The drive got stronger in my 30s, but so too did the need for a solid connection before I'd want to sleep with a guy.
Thanks ladies for your responses. I agree with all of whom said it's better to have a solid connection. High sex drive or not.
I wasn't very sexually attracted to my ex so for awhile I didn't get what the big hang up was about sex. - After we broke up and I began seeing what else was out there I saw what the big hang up was about.
about 3 years passed and I slept with a cancer (not that the signs matter... but....) he was romantic and I saw sex as something more than just sex. - I saw it as a gateway into the other person's soul.
Now i'm with a Scorpio and sex is so important... not just for the feeling, but for the intimacy and how it brings us closer.
As an aries... sex is just sex unless it's with someone with whom you see yourself sharing your future with... and as an Aries that's a difficult task. - Not just ANYBODY can share our world... you have to be pretty damn important.
I'm a 21 year old Scorpio male and I've been dating an Aries since November. Prior to our relationship she was very sexually reserved and I was pretty experienced. But she turned out to be a sexual nuke after a while, and we pretty much have daily sex now.
Why is this thread here?
I chose a sexual partner to help with what you describe.
He was a Gemini. We were sexual partners for a year or two, if I recall. What I loved most about the relationship is him sharing his sexual experiences with me, past and present. I also loved that he absolutely came to me whenever I called, wherever I was. He understood that I didn't sleep with anyone else from the beginning and that he was just my partner.
I let him go when I met my husband. I called him and told him that I met the one. He was somber and wished me well. Then, three years later, I saw him in Krispy Kreme. I was with my husband and son. When I later dared to turn around, he had left his table.