I have been wondering this for some time now. I really dont know what to think?
Can fire be with fire?
Btw why cant an aries woman be with a capricorn man? (without capricorn making aries woman wait for 3 years)
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Sep 10, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 4684 · Topics: 51
Why "conquer" an Aries? Why not just run with it??
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Jan 07, 2009Comments: 10 · Posts: 1037 · Topics: 116
take out conquer & be equals
Yeah I don't like being controlled, at, all, and if someone tries to I get really irritable. lol
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Jul 30, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 6247 · Topics: 51
conquer sounds like a lot of work though
I've been with an aries man before and frankly I don't think you can get more passion/love from any other sign. We were always "fighting" to be the dominant one, and I never got bored! The attraction was so strong, fire + fire! But He could be VERY jealous at times, which I thought was kinda cute, at first. The relationship got really "unhealthy". But yeh, there is def. plenty of passion and fiery adventures with an aries partner. But I dont think it would work in the long run!
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Jul 30, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 6247 · Topics: 51
^^ yea yea, what she said
wholy shit, you people cant even understand each other she obviously meant to fall in love with, your so stuck in your own welf righteousness, you can see past your nose.
example of aries dates
hey you wana go to the movies sure
you both show up late lol
one of you play with the machines and the other starts talking to someone else.
you go in watch the movie and come out.
no touching doring the movie cause you wana focus on the movie wtf
anyways, then you come out side and loose eacho other in the mix of people you meat a friend and talk and forgot you lost your partner
he does the same you both leave in different cars. get home and probably wait a day or two and then call each other say hey what happend i dont know
the end lol