caveat emptor mother fucker.

This topic was created in the Aries forum by BloodofAries on Monday, February 28, 2011 and has 7 replies.
"Caveat emptor, let the buyer beware, has been part of the English language since 1523, when it was used in connection with the sale of a horse, which might have been ridden upon and be tame or might be wylde. If wylde, it was not the merchant who had to beware, but caveat emptor be ware thou byer."
alright now that we know the definition let me get to the point.
alright so the story starts with me...i have a rather lovely need for speed...almost like my sex drive...insatiable.
anyways so i own 2 cars and a sports bike...recently i decided to sell one of my cars to import a much faster one from japan the car i was selling is a 1999 Hyundai tiburon, this car i have never pushed as a matter of fact i only drove it in winter and odd trips i summer camping and such. because my other car is too low to the ground for that the car is an automatic so its not like i was racing around in it, it was the only car i have ever driven normally took good care of her all changes premium and high octane fuel only. anyways so i sold it on kijiji for 5000 $ about a week ago. the buyer brought his mechanic around to inspect the car asked all sorts of questions which i answered to the best of my knowledge. his son was all hyped up about it really excited . the kinda excited that made me almost sure that the little 16yr old bastard would be wacking off to it later that night.anyways his mechanic found nothing wrong with the car apparently and we arraged a date for test driving etc. so that day came around and we drove it around for 30minutes both father and son took turns and they seemed quite happy with it, took it out on the highway tested everything. so we set a date to sell it.and i took it over to their place last sunday and sealed the deal sold it for 5000 $ while i was there i noticed another car in the driveway that seemed to just be parked so i asked about it and it turns out the transmission was blown to hell mr.16yr olds handy work. i thought nothing of it signed the papers played a game of pool with them,had a beer with them said bye to my car and left.
today i get a phone call from the buyer saying he wants his money back cause the transmission is fried, speedometer won't move and the windshield wipers wont work. i was like wtf? i drove this car for 2yrs no problems but a flat here and there and i sell it two days later its blown to fuck? then this guy has the nerve to threaten me with a lawyer, so i told him something along the lines of. "listen buddy,i sold
"listen buddy i sold that car as is, now i dunno what the fuck you guys did to it but don't expect me to fix it, you can go ahead and take me to court but i assure you, the money you're gona waste on a lawyer and on a case that you wont win far out weigh what its gona cost to fix those problems so don't bother wasting your time, and if you keep calling me i'm gona have the cops on your ass for harassment."
well he got super pissed and started yelling at me on the phone, while he goes on in his huge ass rant i put my phone down and go to the fridge grab a drink of oj and head back to the phone...he is still talking so i deliver the punch line.
"caveat emptor motherfucker" then i hang up and have a nap wake up and write this..annd nice day outside today...i think i'm gona go fuck my girlfriend!
Posted by everevolvingepithet
Hahah...He was trying to jack you by the sound of it.

must be crazy if he thinks he can pull it off, if he thinks he can jack me he has another thing coming i could buy that car back from him and sell it back to him for twice the price. he doesn't know the meaning of jack if he thinks he can play me.
was an automatic...thats y i'm phased.
yup, i used it for normal driving my other car is too heavily moded so i just bought it as a secondary car an wtf? how do you fuck up the tranny on an automatic like that? i'm thinking he must have done a few neutral drops, put it in neutral rev the engine and slam it in drive, a popular way of doing a burn out. fucking wanabes do it around here all the time my frnd blew his tranny cause he kept doing it automatic vehicles were not ment to do race tricks i dunno when people will get that, but this fucker aint get shit back.
judge judy would agree with you as long as the deal was legit.
"alright so the story starts with me" - so very arian.
Stand your ground. I have seen several Aries brothers and sisters in past year and months be scammed by people thinking they are owed everything. What we would do if we didn't want the car we bought? We would probably be chill about it, as we know what we want AHEAD of time. Regardless, people think we Aries owe everyone something. What have they done for us? Sounds like he is trying to scam you big time. I would refuse him any chance of that, and stand your ground. Good on you and good luck man!