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Apr 04, 2015Comments: 1 · Posts: 604 · Topics: 40
I do this too! But I wouldn't say it makes me feel proud. It makes me feel like I'm not being myself, and that I'm holding back, and that makes me feel a little let down with myself actually. But, I do think that it's for the best in certain situations and I guess I am glad when I do it. Hmmmmm
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Feb 01, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 1528 · Topics: 23
I manage this in person more often these days.
However catch me on the wrong day or you've been pushing it for a while and it's a different situation. _??_ Lol
Im in the same boat lately, with a Virgo guy as well. I sent him a few sentences with heavy emotion, and that was that.
The balls in his court, and I've been incredibly proud of my control in not saying anymore or freaking out and spilling everything