Controlling impulses

This topic was created in the Aries forum by CoolAries on Tuesday, April 7, 2015 and has 10 replies.
I was (am) a bit upset with something this Virgo guy I'm seeing said this weekend.
I was about to send him an email about it.
When I finished it I had written 5 long paragraphs! Ouch! Then I shortened it to 3, re arranged the words, made my point. And then I read again, and wrote some more. Said all that was on my mind. I didnt send it and went to get a coffee. When I re read it, suddenly it all sounded too much, too dramatic. A lot of fire and sparks going on.
I ended up writing 1 sentence and 1 question smile smile smile Short, precise, non emotional, no drama!!
Do you guys feel proud when you manage to control your impulses? Specially the ones who could eventually put you in trouble?
Ha! Never happen, I would have came at him on the spot, big burst of flame leaving him speechless ... I have no filter! Sad I have tried for many years to stop it, doesn't work, you spark an emotion outta me, good or bad.. you'll know it fast and first hand.
Hahahah you guys make me laugh because I used to be more like that. Sometimes I still dont measure my words and all comes out like lava out of a vulcano smile So everytime I control myself I become quite happy with it. smile
Lol I do this a lot when sending an email or message. I have to make sure sure that what I'm sending won't be taken the wrong way and I get my point across.
The amount of time I've spent editing stuff before us ridiculous.
So in answer to your question, yes I do feel proud when I control my impulses to rant or go on smile
Omg typo's *facepalm*
I do this too! But I wouldn't say it makes me feel proud. It makes me feel like I'm not being myself, and that I'm holding back, and that makes me feel a little let down with myself actually. But, I do think that it's for the best in certain situations and I guess I am glad when I do it. Hmmmmm
Very good point, JRoi!
That comes to my mind too, it is like as if Im cheating myself a little bit. Or growing up. Im not sure :p
All in all I think I lost more in life by reacting like a truck with no breaks and taking everything in front of me smile, than by calming down and count to ten (or 100).
Posted by CoolAries
Very good point, JRoi!
That comes to my mind too, it is like as if Im cheating myself a little bit. Or growing up. Im not sure :p
All in all I think I lost more in life by reacting like a truck with no breaks and taking everything in front of me smile, than by calming down and count to ten (or 100).

Yeah haha, it's totally like cheating yourself. I think it is definitely something to be proud of when you manage it in person though, that takes a lot. When I manage that I feel real good. I'm like YEAH GIRL YOU COOL AS A CUCUMBER! smile
I manage this in person more often these days.
However catch me on the wrong day or you've been pushing it for a while and it's a different situation. _??_ Lol
Im in the same boat lately, with a Virgo guy as well. I sent him a few sentences with heavy emotion, and that was that.
The balls in his court, and I've been incredibly proud of my control in not saying anymore or freaking out and spilling everything