do you have more women friends or men friends?

This topic was created in the Aries forum by xonsie on Thursday, March 12, 2009 and has 11 replies.
Normally I would say men because they are straightforward...but I mostly don't have the patience to deal with their egos...the women I know are strong but open-minded as well
haha, all of the guys I met cant handle me, I am way to agressive and straight-foward, they find it intimidating and I usually scare them off Sad but thats usually because all of the guys I have met are all Pisces, because for some reason I keep on attracting them, and I don't always mean to do that, but yeah, it happens lol. The only guy I met that could handle me was a fellow fire sign, he was a Leo. But all of my friends that are girls can handle me, there masculine signs as well. Mostly Aquarius and Gemini's. I also have a Scorpio friend and she isn't scare of my Intense nature, she understands it smile
wait you are telling me that single men who are my "friends" don't really want more than a good tree-trunking? Winking
this explains why i don't keep many male friends, the moment they attempt anything, i KNOW faster than any other sign what they are up to ... and then put them in their place. Nicely of course.
indeed it is...major props coveredinscars!
Yeah because "just friends" does make it clear he doesn't want relationship, but still leaves the tree-trunking option open...
I respect a guy for saying that more than a guy who knows he doesn't want anything telling me he is totally in-love/wants me forever....if that was never his intention in the first place.
But also saying that upfront to the chick will get mixed reaction, they will either think you just aren't ready yet or could take it at face-value... There are some crazy stalker chicks out there who don't know a No is a whether you say it don't doesn't stop the chick from falling for you one way or another.
Posted by sunny ram
What if it's a girl that says to the guy she wants to be just friends? And the guy bails, even when he's told it's friends with benefits. Doesn't make sense.

am: just because he's a dude doesn't mean that FWB is all he's interested in. some guys actually want serious relationships with women who want the same things.....just as scars stated.
and scars, i agree with all the other ladies who find your posts refreshingly honest. blunt yes, but honest none the less.
ok this is something that never fails to get on my nerves...the girls that say a guy is their "best friend" and then one day they realize they are desperately in love with him and they start dating. i have a few really good guy friends and i'm 100% sure that i will never up and realize im in love with them (and vice versa). those girls arn't "best friends" with guys, they have ulterior motives and they give friendship a bad name. i'm not being bitter i just think it's false advertising

i think most girls have encountered this situation at least one time: you're dating a guy, he has a female best friend, you meet her and she's either overly annoying nice to you or she's a total bitach and makes you feel like an outsider, stuff doesnt work out with the guy but whatevs, a few months later you hear that he's now dating his "best friend" hahahahaa
men friends... they don't store every little mishap and bring it up in tiny mean ways
sunny = am 1 - 5 ? Confused
id say about 90% of my friends are guys, i generally prefer them as there is less bullsh!t
i am in to rock music, and fast cars and have more in common with guys. i spose im a bit of a tomboy under my girly exterior hehe.
girls are annoying, and just bitch behind backs, and are too "orange" with their fake tan lol
when im around girls i dont feel like i can be myself because there is pressure to look n dress a certain way.
so i feel more comfortable around guys.
usually tho after a couple of months my guy friends always declare they like me and wana be more than friends. duno why but this is impossible for me to get my head around. even if they are fab and i think theyr good lookin i cant think of them "that" way and the thought of being intimate with them feels wrong and almost like incest :S
the only girl friends i have, are strong characters, and who i see a bit of myself in.
I can't keep guy friends, they all fall in love with me and then I have to break their hearts.
I like having girlfriends... they're not all that bad :/.