Feminist View

This topic was created in the Aries forum by Gaurav_Aries on Friday, September 21, 2007 and has 44 replies.
Aries hater perhaps, but the lady has to make some interesting observations -
by Eleanor Buckwalter :
It is the most primitive sign, the raw life force, and the will to survive. The will is manifested through assertion. Because Aries is cardinal, it is goal-oriented and desires to achieve alone. It is not a sign of courage per se; however, it appears to be so because it does not know the meaning of fear. It is not competitive because to Aries there is no one else. It is oblivious to relationships, human or spatial. There is the old joke, ?Here, coming through door is our typical Aries, Peter Pushy! Oops, make that wall, folks.?

Aries is not really a pioneer, for although people follow him, he is not interested in them or why they are following. It is the archetype of the wholly and totally selfish or self-absorbed individual who is very passionate about his personal freedom.
The Aries hero is the rugged individualist expressed as the American Cowboy. He is the man who essentially has not established relationships. He is living on a survival level. He has a gun and a horse, both of which he loves more than he could any woman. Relationships with women are transitory. ?I can take care of myself; "I am a survivor!? A person with Aries emphasized in the chart has probably lived to tell several tales of peril that would have been ?curtains? for most everyone else. He is like the cat with nine lives.
Guns are connected with the Aries function and are associated with assertive, aggressive urges that include killing prey and game for food, and other humans who threaten life or territory. Guns are symbolic of the raw Aries libido. They are phallic, hard, erect, powerful, and potent.
There is a cultural myth that men should play the Aries function and women should portray the polar opposite, Libra. Women in Western society, at least until recently, are discouraged from being Aries-like. If they are, they are described in derogatory terms: tomboy, dyke, bitch, Ms. Macho, ball-breaker, nymphomaniac, and so on. Women should be sweet, dependent, submissive, and diplomatic. Men are supposed to be independent and self-sufficient.
For Aries, others are barely recognized as existing unless he wants them for something. The sign's libido quality has to do with a fundamental sex drive as an expression of the creative life force. There is a drive toward conquest through testing others, pushing them.
A female Aries may say, ?Hi, you look good! Such strong, hard muscles; you must work out a lot! Bet something else is strong and hard too. Let's go to my place. By the way, I'm Arianna. What's your name?? The introduction may be made afterwards. Such an unabashedly sexual approach by a woman is still surprising. Its masculine counterpart remains the stereotypical complaint of many women. If a man has an Aries Moon, he may really like it when a woman comes on to him in a blatant and straightforward way. Aries is a sexy and alluring archetype. It is the powerfully attractive male or female who will not take ?no? for an answer. Steve McQueen personified this sort of man. Aries actresses Debbie Reynolds, Doris Day and Betty Davis personified innocent ingenues and ?the bitch.?
All the fire signs connect us with the divine, the creative force of the universe. Aries identifies with this force and feels he is it.
He believes, ?You have to look out for Number One.? It is hard for others to understand such a purely self-focused force.
Aries does not know what he wants before he wants it. Desire arises, and then what he wills, he does. He wants it right now or better yet, yesterday. Rejection never enters his mind. If it happens, well, he has not tried hard enough and will have to push some more. He feels capable of dealing with whatever comes up, and life is lived totally in the immediate present. There are no doubts because there is no orientation towards the past or future. Memories and ?old tapes? do not inhibit him. Every morning he is reborn anew.
The creative (fire) initiative (cardinal) of Aries is focused on beginning projects. The intention to do is the creative process for Aries. Following through requires some other sign to carry out the project because Aries is not concerned with completing a task. This sign seeks continual challenge. Whatever is easy is not interesting. He wants the chase, not the catch. The word ?no? does not exist in his vocabulary. He is not concerned with other people's opinions, judgments, needs, or ideas. There is no interest in permanence or security. There is a definite tendency towards ?burn-out.? Aries tends to burn the candle at both ends.
Part of Aries' charm is that he does not bear grudges. He cannot remember anything long enough. He can be as naive as a new baby. He is like a child and can be distracted very easily, so he forgets what he wanted in the first place. It is nearly impossible for Aries to go to anyone for help because he cannot see that anything is wrong. If it is, he can fix it.
There is a desire to be an instant expert, for Aries is impatient and will loose interest. An Aries friend used to be so excited about seeing the latest movie, but if there was a line at the theatre, forget it. He would sooner see anything else or do anything else, rather than wait, idle, in a que. Aries wants to be in a position where he is in complete control. He cannot and will not accept outside limitations or the idea that it cannot be done. He sees the world solely in terms of self. He has a tendency for spontaneous temper tantrums over the slightest frustration or delay in the gratification of his wishes.
To his credit, Aries does not sulk. Satisfaction must be immediate or it is forgotten. If there's been a tantrum and it's directed at you, he simply cannot understand why you're still feeling hurt or angry two hours later. ?It's ancient history ? what's your problem??
Since he is easily distracted and usually has a good sense of humor, joke him out of it when you see him getting red in the face or if you notice a temper tantrum rising.
In common with all fire signs, Aries is a bad listener. Don't waste his time or your breath with subtleties, hints or innuendoes. He just won't get it. He cannot be dishonest. It is too complicated. He is too impulsive, impatient, insensitive to comprehend why anyone would take the time or bother to weave tangled webs of deceit. He also tends to believe anything anybody says. He does not understand other people's motivations and is not interested in finding out.
Aries has a profound sense of idealism, but only on his terms. He is the self-made man as hero. He is acute, but lacks concentration. He makes an excellent sales person. He's bright, enthusiastic and truly believes that whatever he is selling is the greatest, and you will love it too.
The symbol for Aries is the Ram and the Lamb. There is a feeling of a special relationship to God that sounds like, ?I am God,? or ?God speaks to me.? Aries tends to recognize the godlike in himself, but unlike Pisces, he or she may fail to see that other sentient beings are godlike and special as well.
When Aries is tempered by water and air sign placements in a chart, there is a greater sensitivity and objectivity. However, the fresh and spring like sparkle remains. Indeed, it remains throughout the life. Even a 90-year-old Aries will have it. You can see that special look in their eyes: open, alert, eager for life, ready to try new things no one else has ever done before
lol .. sounds like you guys are completely ignorant from this woman's perspective.
Just yourselves .. ignorant of anything or anybody, who they are, thier reasons, their beliefs .. your just completely self-absorbed, utter ignorance of the world around you except for self benefit or self interest.
Well, Aries how far from her percieved tree do you fall?
You know what...I think she's hit the nail on the head here Tongue
Blah blah blah Aries are dirtbags, Aries are stupid, blah blah heard it.
"He has a gun and a horse, both of which he loves more than he could any woman." Speaking of which, here's a joke:
Top Ten Reasons Men Prefer Guns Over Women
#10. You can trade an old 44 for a new 22.
#9. You can keep one gun at home and have another for when you're on the road.
#8. If you admire a friend's gun and tell him so, he will probably let you try it out a few times.
#7. Your primary gun doesn't mind if you keep another gun for a backup.
#6. Your gun will stay with you even if you run out of ammo.
#5. A gun doesn't take up a lot of closet space.
#4. Guns function normally every day of the month.
#3. A gun doesn't ask , "Do these new grips make me look fat?"
#2. A gun doesn't mind if you go to sleep after you use it.
And the number one reason a gun is favored over a woman....
Damn your connection!
"Well, Aries how far from her percieved tree do you fall?"
P-Angel, I have a new Aries colleague whoz recently joined the team and now shez reporting in to me. Initially, I simply abhorred her ways as she seemed overly kiddish at times. In fact I used to feel embarrassed about this as I thought that others would have been viewing me in similar light all along, if thatz what an Aries stereotype would symbolize. But grudually, that perception is giving way to respect and affection. Shez one person who will go out of her way to help others and just to give an example - If U happen to drop an object on the floor by accident, then she would reach out for it before U can even react ( this didn't happen with me btw ). U can't miss that innocence and an eagerness to help others, in her eyes. Shez a bully with her peers ( as I have observed from far ) but that behavior arises out of the fact that shez genuinely concerned, perhaps.
"You know what...I think she's hit the nail on the head here "
U give me a chance...and I will prove U wrong Tongue
"U give me a chance...and I will prove U wrong"
Sounds like a challenge to me...Brrrrrring it on...although with the latest prolonged disappearance acts (typical) and the avoidance tactics..and the new found love for Lionesses...I am starting to doubt your so called loyality Tongue
"although with the latest prolonged disappearance acts (typical) and the avoidance tactics"
Look U are making a fundamental mistake here - U never blame an Aries for anything Tongue
Perhaps itz the real "one" whoz been playing truant ? But don't U worry - American adventurism is already on itz last legs in Iraq and Ur Knight must be busy polishing his armour already Winking
Gaurav..how do you know your not the real one hmm? I mean I could be pining for the real one when in actual fact the virtual one is more real...and G, I am never mistaken...its very rare..
LOL @ American adventurism..whatever it is called..it is going to be a shortlived affair..However the man will NEVER admit he made a prat of himself by going out there in the first place...But I am here to support the great big doofus..whatever mistakes he makes (there is a limit)..LOL..such is the role of the silent partner..He nearly admitted to his mistake last night..I said "well training is for a year and half..then I guess you will get deployed..any idea where"..he replies "well I am more than sure it will be Iraq..but (big silence).........anyways thats not for another year and a half"....
I was telling him last night that Aries is ruled by Mars (god of war) so that explains his love of weapons..and I said, well Scorpio share that planet with you so I know all about the love of guns...he said "stop poaching our planet..get your own, and stop trying to be like me"..LMAO!..bless..
I am glad he did go out there though..I can totally see a desk job is not for him..No way...he needs to be active..whatever that entails he needs to be active always..
I don't think he actually knows the answer to that question himself...He is a proud american..wants to do whats right..(wrong in this case)..I guess in his mind he's doing something worthwhile...god forbid should I bring that up...I get called all sorts and its leads us to an argument so why the hell bother!..He will realise what he's done the minute he has to shoot at a real human being for the first time...I hope he learns his lesson then..cos right about now, he's not right in the head..whatever fantasy bubble he seems to be residing in, in relation to War, its about to burst sometime soon. I hope I am there to see it...
His dad, brother and sister are going to his graduation...I guess they are ok about it..even if they aren't they'd still have to go..guess you need family there..Although when I did ask him before he went out there he didn't give me a satisfactory response..I said "how do your parents feel about you going out there" and he replied "will that impact on how your thinking"...so I said "you already know what I think"....and he didn't expand after that..So I don't think they are too chuffed about it..
I am all for having an active job..and I understand being a lawyer must've been a real bore for him..but there is a million and one things one can do besides fighting this illegal war and practically on his homeland too!!..very difficult to comprehend that one..
"i could have written that description MYSELF!!! (perhaps i did, LOL)"
Haa Haa...trust me , I thought of U and only U ! I love the passion with which U hate us Aries. Though itz important for both to acquire a taste for defeat for the sake of victory.
"i really don't know why you let missy suck you in."
Obviously U know about the lure of the fatal, don't U ? Tongue

"Gaurav..how do you know your not the real one hmm? I mean I could be pining for the real one when in actual fact the virtual one is more real"
LOL...Missy, U love me or hate me, but U unnerve me in any situation. At least in hate I see a sense of finality Tongue
I would never hate you Gaurav..I know how that would make it easy for you..but I am not about making things easy for anyone...Tough love is more real I guess..
In all reality Rox, I don't know for how much longer I can keep up this whole waiting for soldier boy to return...I mean, he's signed away 5 years of his life without a thought in the world..and i am meant to just sit back and accept that?..I have needs..and one of them includes having the man with me from time to time..long distance is bad enough to sustain but when one is in the army..what the hell am I doing..have I even asked myself this question...being blinded by love is for fools...
He might not be in Iraq..he could be deployed anywhere..I just don't know why he went there in the first place..I guess I can't justify his reasons for going..he says "its something i had to do" and he still doesn't regret it..not one bit..its what he wants to do so I am happy for him..but its unfair of him to expect me to wait around for that amount of time..If it was just a matter of him being in the states it wouldn't be that bad..we could visit each other more often..but the army!..how the hell does he propose this works!..it was his decision...I just don't know If I can wait around for that amount of time..
Oh I hate this!..it sucks...it hurts..Why does he need to phone me..just adds fuel to the fire..I think I will see what December unfolds..christmas together for 10 days...its either make or break after that..this is too hard..
I had to let it out...I feel down..
Well, just to reminisce, I was told upfront by my ex that any LDR wont be sustainable from her perspective and she was not the kind who would sacrifice. Plus even I don't agree with this mind-set of making others suffer for Ur personal battles. If U have set out for a personal quest, then live alone and die alone. Once U assume responsibilities outside of Urself, learn to bend.
I just don't understand why you would start sonething on the basis of potential long term relationship and then run off to join the army...how is that fair?..
I don't mind long distance, as long as there is a clear goal at the end of it..i.e. after an x number of years, we'll be together type thing..One person still has to compromise and move countries but its fine if you are happy to do this....but this scenario has turned..I am thinking too far ahead of myself..I shouldn't..but I also want to spare myself from the long term hurt..I don't have time for emotions..Just wnat to get December out of the way..then I will know for sure...maybe I am in love with the idea of this..rather than the actuality..
Well I don't think he will do the full term..this is an aries we are talking about..great at starting projects, not so great seeing them through to completion..and besides, when I said I am not waiting 5 years, he said he could leave early....December will give me a better idea cos I want to see how we get on in 10 days..but I will have to lay down a few home truths...if he wants something then he has to let me know..but I know what his response will be..why can't we see how this goes..yes we can in an ideal bloody world..but this isn't one of them!..When I said I don't see this going anywhere..he said no, we stay in contact and I still come and see you..and we see how we feel about each other then..but he said he cares for me lots and thinks about me a lot..and blah blah..he said i am not great at expressing my emotions..but I promise I will be more emotional in my next letter...
Roxi your right..he had decided beforehand that he wanted to go..He was bored with his mundane job..I could tell cos he was very irritable..he even mentioned it in conversations..so its not like it was news to me or anything..Its just so godamn hard..
Roxi "good grief girl.....you'll be nearly as old as ME when he gets out otherwise, LOL!!!"
Steady on!..lol..I am not that old..just hit the big 30..and if my sister is having her 2nd kid at the age of 37..then all is not lost..lol
And now I feel naked..having expressed my personal life on here...its too deep and meaningful to be paraded around on forums!..
Roxi 9/23/2007 4:08:31 AM | ip: xxx.xxx.xxx.12E
"TDA.....spare the female population and stick to fucking guns then - it's clearly your preference."
Damn, I didn't mean to offend anyone, I just thought it'd be funny to post a joke that's been around for a while since the Aries description says that Aries prefer their horse to their guns, no need to get upset.
*Their horse and their gun to women. I should've included a link to the site I got that joke from.
Roxi 9/23/2007 4:46:38 PM | ip: xxx.xxx.xxx.12E
"and you went right ahead and did the typical aries thing and made me feel really bad with your charm."
Blame my Libra moon?
"And now I feel naked..having expressed my personal life on here...its too deep and meaningful to be paraded around on forums!.."
I used to feel that way, but I don't regret posting my 'private' life on forums. I enjoy the feedback that gives me many perspectives to my own little one. Eventually I believe letting it out helps me solve my own problems (even if they're only within myself). So, bring it on, I say.
I can't solve my problem, hopefully someone on here makes me go "aha!" and "tada!", and the magic is solved.
Spica: "I used to feel that way, but I don't regret posting my 'private' life on forums"
I am a Scorpio remember..privacy means more to me than anything else..I appreciate feedback, but its not like I didn't know the answer already...but getting arien advice and a few Scorps in long term relationships with an Aries helps I guess...
I was just having a mioment...but problems don't disappear unless dealt with head on...so brrring it on December..let me ravish him, then I'll think about what to do next..lol..
And Eldorado...I am quite sensitive about the age thing..lol..I don't like to discuss it as you well know..lol
Roxi, I don't know what to say about their fights, they're pretty weird, really. But I have to say Aries loses.
What they say about water-fire is true, water puts out fire, so the Aries flame must be a huge huge one that water can't put out.
I think they fight often, but they're small fights that usually die. I guess the Aries gives in alot of the time; my mum usually wins. I don't know, I guess the winner is the one with a bigger ego, though Aries seems to have a huge ego, scorpio does not like to lose, and someone's gotta give.. I guess it's usually Aries.
But one thing's for sure they only see eye to eye for certain things. I guess it's normal somehow.
I don't know if you're Aries or Scorpio, Roxi, don't wish to offend anyone unwittingly but that's how I see it. As I said again, I never quite understood what made them attracted to each other. I guess it's something like, so different yet so the same.
My mum is very watery and my dad very fiery!
I guess you're right; it either works out or it doesn't. I think Scorpio-Leo matches really well, too! So different, yet so much affinity.
What's his venus sign, Roxi?
It sounds like venus in aries/taurus..
lol at gaurav
yea, get your own planet scorpio.
Spica..yeah 8th house is Scropio..my moon is in cancer but in house 8 which is scorpio house..I defo relate to scorpio moon description, Cancer moon description does not fit me at all..I have read it so many times but it just doesn't do it...
Anyways..back to Scorpio/Aries coupling..cool your mum and dad are still together..I know a couple at work..Scorpio (female) aries male..and they are still going strong..plenty of arguments but still together..soon to move in...its nice to see success...I miss my man like crazy..I can safely say I haven't felt this type of yearning before....he's very irritating but I do like him..however the distance is proving to be very difficult and some tough decisions have to be made...And your also spot on about the ego clashes and also scorpio not likely to lose!..I am not too watery..am very firey..most planets in house 1, mars in scorpio and mid heaven in Leo..
Your right about fire and water though..my ex was Leo..and we were together for a very long time..I like Leo & Aries men..I know I will end up with a either a Leo or Aries..I wish it is my Aries..but we shall see what he does to rescue this relationship...
Spica did you say your man was a Scorpio? what are you?
"U give me a chance...and I will prove U wrong Tongue"
Gaurav might find it easy to prove the description wrong because he is an intellectual gentleman.
But most of us are more comfortable with warcry and guns.
My guy is a libra with 5 planets in the 8th house.
I'm a libra too, my planets mostly in the 9th house smile
My mum is also a Scorp with Cancer moon!

"can't be arsed now! lol! what's the point?"
Ya, just forget him...
unless you wanna study his chart so you won't make the same mistake in the future.. heh..
"he is an intellectual gentleman."
Far from it Red_Aries...the rigor is absent.
"Far from it Red_Aries...the rigor is absent."
Now he's just fishing for compliments Tongue
A modest aries..lol..thats a first
And Red_Aries I think he meant something else when he made that comment...but you weren't to know..lol
LOL @ Spica
And your dad has a moon sign of?
LOL!..Thought as much!
My dad's a double Aries.
Aries/Aries sun and moon.
Alot of people bear the brunt of his 'Aries' temper, mostly drivers on the road and customer officers.
He has a Dr Jeckyl and Mr Hyde thing going.. when he's nice (and calmed down) he's very caring. If he's angered, he really isn't. But his bark is worse than his bite, and he forgets he's angry and thinks you should forget it was well.
LOL..Sounds like my man..he has an aries sun and aries ascendent..boy I do not like him when he's angry..he gets frustrated soooo quickly..lol..I just give him the look as if to say, "oh stop it with the childish tantrums already"...
MM, I wouldn't be surprised if you have venus ruled children, to balance all that mars energy!
The astro-coincidence here is quite amazing. My mum liked to remind my dad of his childishness and lack of consideration for others as well.
I have a feeling, all things being somewhat equal, that it's a long-term combi.
I hope so Spica..cos I adore him...there are many compatible planets..so we shall see what unfolds...I am not big on grand gestures of love and over dramatising..cos its early days yet..but well if he keeps coming back for more..it can only be good!..
Glad to hear success stories though, cos going on what astrologers say this pair can't last 2 minutes together..yet some of my really good friends are Aries..not so much the female though..I find they compete with me..but we do end up with mutual respect at the end of all the battles...so its all good..I guess we are very much alike..
"for Aries is impatient and will loose interest. An Aries friend used to be so excited about seeing the latest movie, but if there was a line at the theatre, forget it."
they always say aries are impatient and loose interests fast
will im not like this - mybe cuz im from the fixed leo decan they have more patient and determination to the last end of everything they want or do
thats the most thing about aries i dont find on mine x(loose interests fast)x
cheers smile